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Release Date for Towers of Midnight

Guest Jason


Tor Books has announced that October 26, 2010 will be the release date for Towers of Midnight, the penultimate 13th novel in the Wheel of Time series.


In addition, here's the dust jacket description of the book's plot. Spoilers!

The Last Battle has started. The seals on the Dark One’s prison are crumbling. The Pattern itself is unraveling, and the armies of the Shadow have begun to boil out of the Blight.


The sun has begun to set upon the Third Age.


Perrin Aybara is now hunted by specters from his past: Whitecloaks, a slayer of wolves, and the responsibilities of leadership. All the while, an unseen foe is slowly pulling a noose tight around his neck. To prevail, he must seek answers in Tel’aran’rhiod and find a way--at long last--to master the wolf within him or lose himself to it forever.


Meanwhile, Matrim Cauthon prepares for the most difficult challenge of his life. The creatures beyond the stone gateways--the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn--have confused him, taunted him, and left him hanged, his memory stuffed with bits and pieces of other men’s lives. He had hoped that his last confrontation with them would be the end of it, but the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. The time is coming when he will again have to dance with the Snakes and the Foxes, playing a game that cannot be won. The Tower of Ghenjei awaits, and its secrets will reveal the fate of a friend long lost.


This penultimate novel of Robert Jordan’s #1 New York Times bestselling series--the second of three based on materials he left behind when he died in 2007--brings dramatic and compelling developments to many threads in the Pattern. The end draws near.


Dovie’andi se tovya sagain. It’s time to toss the dice.



(Note: The U.S. book cover shown here is a temporary mock-up. It is NOT the final version of the cover.)


So what do you think? Keep checking back to our website for more information.


Thanks to A dribble of Ink for sharing the early peek at the U.S book cover.


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