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JordanCon Progress Report Now Online

Guest Kathana


JordanCon is the only fan run run Wheel of Time convention in the world. 2009 marked the very first one, with appearances by Brandon Sanderson, Harriet McDougal, Wilson Grooms, Tom Doherty and the rest of Team Jordan. Over 250 people attended, and more than $3,000 was raised on behalf of the Mayo Clinic. Programing included here.


We have recently passed our 100-day mark until JordanCon II: “The SeanCon Invasion.†As the staff finalizes the details, we’ve prepared a progress report of what is planned so far. We are really excited about how this year’s Con is pulling together; we’ve arranged a solid weekend of guests, programming, events, and charity fundraising.


This year you’ll hear from some returning guests from our inaugural year -- including Brandon Sanderson, Harriet McDougal, and Wilson Grooms -- as well as some new authors you really need to discover. As we begin expanding JordanCon to encompass the fantasy genre as a whole, we’ve invited our first two non-Wheel of Time authors: David Wong (
John Dies at the End
) and Jana G. Oliver (Time Rovers series). If you haven’t read any of their books yet, do it -- you will be impressed.


We’ve expanded our track set up, and we’re proud to announce an entire track devoted to writers workshops led by our three authors. We’re also introducing a “World of the Wheel†track devoted to all things Wheel of Time, plus bringing back our workshop and forum tracks. Whether you’re interested in costuming, weapons, dance, creative writing, or just discussing books, you’ll find plenty to keep you entertained.


For those of you who attended JordanCon last year, you know how successful our inaugural Con was. We had a great turnout, we sat in awe of Team Jordan, and we had a lot of fun. But one thing that I think stands out is the fact that we raised over $3,000 for amyloidosis research in memory of Robert Jordan. For the size of the crowd and the conditions of the economy, that is a seriously impressive amount. I can’t think of a better way to honor Robert Jordan and his idea of being a “servant of all†than to live out that concept. This year’s JordanCon is bringing back the poker tournament Friday night and the silent auction at Saturday’s ball. I hope you can be a part of these charity events, which will again benefit amyloidosis research at the Mayo Clinic.


We hope you enjoy the progress report -- it not only gives an overview of what you’ll experience at JordanCon, but you’ll find details on the hotel, travel, and registration.


We hope to see you in April!


~Padra, Director of Marketing


P.S. -- Wilson Grooms just gave us a great plug on his latest post on the Robert Jordan blog. Check it out over at
. (Thank you Wilson!)


JordanCon II Progress Report:




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