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Where to get The Gathering Storm

Guest Jason


With less than two weeks to go before The Gathering Storm arrives (on Oct 27th), we'd like to point out a couple of different ways that you could acquire the book.


If you will be attending one of the book signing events...

Please consider buying the book from the bookstore where the event is taking place. Even if the event is later in the tour and you want to get the book beforehand, go ahead and make the purchase whenever you like and keep your receipt. Several stores are using those receipts as your "ticket" to get in line for an autograph. Check with the store to ensure they'll honor that receipt when you return later to get the book signed. Keep in mind that these stores are going to great expense to throw a party like this. We encourage you to support them by getting your books there.


If you want a signed copy but cannot attend a book signing event...

You can order an autographed book (at no extra charge) from Signedpage.com. Supplies are limited. The deadline for ordering one of these is November 17th, but they are likely to be gone well before then.


If you live outside the United States...

Please consider supporting your local bookstore, whether it be a chain or an independent seller. Book sellers are in a tough market worldwide, and your support of your local store can make a difference. If, however, you prefer the convienence of home delivery, we would be humbled if you would consider purchasing your book from Amazon.co.uk. By doing so from one of these links, you help support Dragonmount.


If you plan to order it online...

There are some fantastic deals online right now for the book. Here are some of the places you can find it:


And finally, if you plan to borrow the book from your local library...

You might want to get on the local waiting list ASAP. :)



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