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Posts posted by LedZepMan

  1. My favorite has to be Mat. I love his rogueish personality. As most people have said, he has the most comedic value of the three. What I enjoy most about Mat though is his sense if honor. He will be an irescapable rogue when he gets the chance, but when push comes to shove, he is the man to have around. He has been the rescuer many times over. The two favorite parts of mine concerning Mat is 1. In TSR, after the whole Rhuidean scene, when Mat and Rand are walking back, in Rand's PoV, it says that Mat will whine for the most trifle pains, and since he was silent he must be in real pain. 2. In TDR, after Mat gets done delivering the letter to Morgase and hearing Rhavin tell the one fellow to find and kill the girls. Matt and Thom are gonna head off to Tear to help them. Matt tossed master Gill a purse, and when he asked what the money was for, Matt said ' Gaebril doesn't know it yet, but he and I have a wager, and I never lose" His determination to do the right thing at the right time, combined with his willingness to be a rogue and gambler, make him the best and most likeable character.


    That said, I realize that I relate most to Perrin. I am head over heels for my wife as well. I understand every thing that he has ever done concerning his wifes capture. His willingness to make a deal with the DO to get her free is something I relate with. If that was my wife, I would have knelt to one of the Forsaken if need be. He has always been a well balanced character, and as was mentioned before, the scene with him chilling in the forge and working is breathtaking. I am the same way. The peace and quite, with job to do is far more preferable than a life of chaos.


    All in all, Mat is definately the sort of character that is preferable to me.

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