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Caedn of the Taardad

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News item Comments posted by Caedn of the Taardad

  1. I hereby disband my anti-social tendencies and personality solely on the day of Nov. 2nd and apply for the honor of the Tower Guard. Regardless of whether or not I receive this honor I hope to see tons of other fans at the Provo signing.


    Kiserai ti Wansho, hei.

  2. Burn me, I don't see how I COULD get more excited about the ToM release, but that did it... IF I have a heart attack or something before the book comes out, I would like a signed and numbered copy to be placed in my coffin along with the rest of my collection, and the new ones added when any WoT material comes out...


    And that is true, I have been reading the series since the beginning of concisely conscious thought(some time starting around 6th or 7th grade as far as I can recall...), and it has only now sunk in that this really IS the end. I have devoted my passions and interests almost entirely to the Wheel of Time for years now, and probably won't know what to do with myself after they all end... Probably just keep reading like I always have, though these last three will likely increase the time that takes by at least three to six weeks between them...


    Thank you Jason, for this review and all you have done to keep that thing I call insanity intact. Got to go now, but back in three hours, eh? :wink:

  3. Light burn me, that almost gives me hope that the movie may actually turn out semi-decent... Great job everyone, this will go into my personal WoT collection as a true piece to the series - as soon as I can either find a download-able version or remember where my youtube snatcher is. An epic addition and a truly wonderful portrayal of Moirane Sedai, and perhaps the only way it could have been done.


    Have I ever mentioned that I love WoT fans more then anyone else? We have the best community period, and that is coming from an anti-social who hates consorting with the general crowd...

  4. Actually, I started out as just Hama N'dore, but when I tried making a yahoo account I found out someone already had that one, so I used Jenn as an indication that I, not them, was the TRUE mountain dancer, and it stuck as my online profile for everything. I hope they come out with some sort of extended Old Tongue dictionary, I love using it for names and comments to confuse my clueless peers :biggrin:

  5. Aside from all the wonderful, crazy theories I love so much? My initial joining of the site, without a doubt. After resisting joining any online forums for so long, I finally joined DM and posted in the "introduce yourself" forum, and among the wonderful greetings given to me was one who successfully translated my name. Truly a homecoming of mind and heart for one who grew up with only passively interested WoT readers.

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