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About muddasssir

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. lol I can bet they are not paying you nearly enough for all the hardwork you are putting in. Are they?
  2. Are you sure you are getting paid enough to write this bad an argument?
  3. LOL, I know it will annoy a lot of people me starting post with LOL, but you can either laugh or cry. I have always prefered to laugh. On the whole the entire idea of show is preopsterous to say the least. No one objects to changes. Look at LOTR Trilogy they finshed each book in a movie and did a remarkable job of it. they had 8 episodes to do a season and they did a piss poor job of it. What people support or like about the show. I really don't understand or want to understand. As for stop watching I have tried to watch it on 4-5 different occassions from different parts of series and have given up in disgust each time after 10 minutes. I really don't know where are they finding the audience for this travesty to continue.
  4. lol I guess i can add my 2 cents by saying right out that show is pathetic to say the least. and absolutely waste of time on all counts. Mat's character is shown flawed with a dysfunctional family. Which is complete opposite of the way Mat was brought up in a normal family and had the stabilty at home that allowed him to become what he becomes. Core of his peronality was never corrupt. We hear so much about Mat from Nynaeve's, Egwene's and others POVs. Which is coloured by the biases of the said character and that ws the most beautiful part of the character development of Mat. So people who have just read chapter summaries telling us how the books portrayed Mat is bit hard to take. Please go back and read book before making ill informed guesses
  5. I am sorry but it is people like you and if Jason is still running this website. Him allowing people like you to run amok is the reason people like me do not come back to this site. There is something to be said about moderation, but the way you guys decide everything in a high handed manner is unacceptable. I came here today after years because I was depressed. Now, you have made me suicidal angry thanks mate
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