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Posts posted by Ireond

  1. Yeah, my confusion came from that I didn't remember what you were talking about and so I was looking through fiddles.


    Listened to the actual song, Javier says 'Schoolboys' So I changed it to girls somehow and left it at that. I seem to have more luck doing humorous filks than actual jokes, but I don't want to turn the humor blog into "Look at me try to be Yankovic and Cletus Judd"

  2. From two years ago.. in a different thread. Got it. Wow.




    I believed you were calling someone schoolgirls at the time. Dunno. That or you said you were teaching us something or some such.


    If it bothers you I will change it

  3. Flay you, Flay me; Flay it for always

    That's the way it should be

    Flay you, Flay me; sew it together

    So Unnaturally


    I had a dream I had an awesome dream

    People in the park playing games in the dark

    And what they played was a masquerade

    And from behind the walls of stone a voice was crying out



    Scarily enough, I didn't have to touch the actual first chorus too for it to still sound creepy


    Then again, with how today's humor blog is, I should maybe save up any creativity for next week instead

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