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Posts posted by Ireond

  1. Well, I actually live there, and the insanity of Football season is almost upon us, and I'd prefer not to think about it.


    Specially when the Gators and Clemson come to town. As Sam Beckett Says " hoooboy."

  2. Don't know just yet.    I feel the need to watch clips and listen to the announcers currently.  Not sure if I want to go full on descriptive or if I want it to be more like a radio broadcast describing the action, and letting the readers form their own pictures..   

  3.   Ah? I only saw the replays they did right before the match.  I did enjoy the fact that he was hamming it up a bit, and clearly having fun, but mostly because I knew he'd pay for it.

  4. I pretty much only liked the Undertaker matches so far.  Caught wrestlemania last year and this year.  Other than that I don't go out of my way to watch wrestling, but I can enjoy it for the intricate ballet that it is.  I'm sure I watched some of the older stuff when I was younger, but I don't really fanboy about things if I can help it.

  5. I luck out then..  never really knew how much it costs, I have a tech buddy that buys it and throws a house party for spring.  I'd say come over next year, but it'd cost you more to get to Florida than to buy your own showing.  

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