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Posts posted by ed2funy

  1. I need to get to a computer and quote. :P


    You're just the Consort because I know you don't like the name.



    *whispers Kira*





    So, how are you two? Sitting on the couch with your laptops? :D

  2. whoo! I got the whip on first try. :D




    *bites Limi in the face*



    ahh, no one gets reference. damn, I already miss Basic.




    Limi...it's as cold as....well, I guess as cold as your nipple on a winter day in this bay.

    bahahaha....witch. :P

  3. Without notice, the Church doors slammed open, and a raging wind rushed into main hall. It swirled around, picking up trash and bits of clothing, carrying it closer and closer to the center.

    Everyone stared in shock as the trash -filled wind was sucked into what seemed the floor tile, leaving the Church with a certain shine that hadn't been seen in awhile.


    The Chocolate Fountain began to slowly appear in the center of the room, running with luxurious flows of milk and dark chocolate. And on each of the 5 levels, strawberries lay around, delicately stacked and some were even floating in the river of divine sweetness.


    The Church-goers gathered at the Fountain and partook in this divine treat, looking for their Goddess, wondering what was happening.



    On the second floor, a portal opened. One that hadn't been seen in a long time.

    Out of it stepped a camoflauged pillow, smiling.







    Why hello everyone!

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