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Posts posted by ed2funy

  1. One strange thing I like to - *gets smacked by the PG-13 sign* 



    I *don't* like steak. So there's that. 

    I used to eat cinnamon graham crackers and salsa. And grilled cheese with lemon juice squeezed on it while it was cooking. 

  2. Alright, some late voting for last month due to me being bad. :laugh:


    1. "Barm trying to fit in with the kids these days."

    2. "A real pic of Eddie's attempt to infiltrate the Black Ajah."

    3. "Adella is trying to show that she is still hip since her return to DM."


    You have one week! 

    Don't forget to post your caption for this months picture in your Factions.




  3. Your wish has been granted! You find that everything starts going your way and you have never been more happy. 


    That is, until everything goes wrong. Your dog dies and you get a cat, only to find out you're deathly allergic to them and have to immediately give it up. You stub your toe every time you walk, even if there's no furniture around. On the way to work/school, you see your best friend get hit by a bus full of elderly ladies heading to Vegas. 

    Then, as you chase their body being dragged by the bus, another one hits you. 

  4. *saunters in and shoves his wand in Shad's mouth and shouts "BOMBAROONIO!" but nothing happened*




    *shuffles up close to Elgee where no one can see where he puts his wand and shouts "VIBRATANIO!" but again nothing happened besides a slight whimper from Elgee*


    This thing is useless. 


    *looks down to the key stone and points his wand at it, shouting "Wingardium Leviosa" as loud as he can*


    Ayyyyyy [v]Charis[/v]

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