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Posts posted by Talavin

  1. OOC: Oops, I missed this :P


    IC: It was an ordinary day in the Warders Yards. The sun was shining, the grass was green, and the water was sparking... and poor Arath had no idea what was about to happen to him. He was off duty and he was hoping for some time with Eqwina, and so he was heading over to the Tower. Arath wanted to encounter his sweet goddess, his mistress of Light, and his (hopefully) future Aes' Sedai! The day seemed brighter when he was around Eqwina, and the world a better place.


    Unfortunately, he was thwarted by an Accepted who wanted some sort of assistance. Arath was not acutally promised or bonded to Eqwina, so he couldn't make the excuse that he was going to see her. And so, very sadly he would have to humor this Accepted until she was done with him. He did his best to look neutral and not show any hint of impatience. Light! Why did she have to choose him of all people to bother?


    "Yes, Accepted, how can I help you?" At least he would have a legitimate reason for being inside of the White Tower...

  2. OOC: Look! I'm back!


    IC: Arath gulped as his teacher spoke of Sheithing the Sword. It was more of a concept than a sword form, but nevertheless, it was a valueable lesson to learn. To know the worth of your life... it must be overwhelming. To be in the heat of battle and know that to win you must sacrifice yourself. It hit close to home, because by swearing themselves to the White Tower, Tower Guard were practically sheithing the sword every day. They had to be prepared to sacrifice themself for a cause greater than themselves. Arath shook his head and listened to the rest of Kynwric's words.


    They would rejoin in a week to see how much each of them progressed? It seemed fair enough, and Arath would practice hard every day. After all, if he wanted to even come close to being worth of being Eqwina's Warder, he would have to be an expert at the blade. And keeping to his word, he practiced for hours every day. Arath skipped his normal physical excersizes and practiced only the advanced forms. It was hard, because many times he would find himself naturally doing a form that he learned years ago instead of the advanced forms. He had to replace old muscle memory to incorperate the new techniques. Arath progressed well, but he still had a long way to go before he mastered the forms.


    As per instruction, Arath returned to the same spot after a week, and looked around at his fellow Tower Guard. His glee had worn off in a week, and he couldn't help but feel bemused at the memory of how giddy he had been. He wondered how well Jasine, Perivar, and Melenis had learned the new forms, but not in a compeitive way. Arath wanted all three of his friends to learn the forms well, and he didn't think of their progress as a competition.

  3. lol... and yes Duke, the arrival is a real RP. Just go post your character arriving in the Yards, seeing the sights, and knocking on the door of the Mistress of Trainees. :)


    Oh, and don't insult Eqwina too much... after all, she is the supreme ruler of the Warders Division ;)

  4. OOC: Alright, since I've been slow to post lately I'm going to let you three take over from here :)


    IC: Ze'el supressed a smirk as he quickly realized the implications of Kami's words. Some unfortunate man would find out that he had been dancing the night away with another man! He glanced over at Helina- she was a pretty enough lass, but unfortunately Ze'el did not like any dance but the subtle dance of words and lies. He would not be dancing at all if he could help it.


    "Unfortunately, I have a weapons class tomorrow... very early." Ze'el grimaced to show his opinion on the matter. "It was truely a lovely evening, but I must retire." Ze'el made his way out of the Inn after exchanging pleasentries with all of the people that had been around him. He stayed long enough to see Kami and Helina get paired up with men to dance, and he had to stop himself from laughing at the sight. Yes, perhaps Kami would be interesting...

  5. OOC: Are we current rank or RPing this as Ashie?


    Ze'el found himself growing more and more enamored with the One Power. Although most of the weaves taught were destructive, spectacular weaves that were not at all to his liking, with a little bit of creativity he could weave much more subtle offensive weaves. Another thing that he was growing more curious about was the Shadow and the Dark One. In his entire life he had only heard terrible things about the Dark One, and the Black Tower didn't tale any different tales. However, Ze'el was learning that followers of the Light were getting very predictable, and he was curious to learn more about the other side of the war.


    It was very hard to find information about the shadow. Shadowspawn were easy to learn about, after all they were training to kill shadowspawn. What was impossible to find, however, was the opinions of the dark. Everyone knew that darkfriends served the Dark One, but no one knew why. What rewards could the Dark One offer to his servents? And Ze'el could not afford to inquire about the Shadow openly, for he was under close scruteny by the Attack Leader Arath as it was.


    He was just in the middle of his research when the call was sounded. Making sure to appear as a loyal soldier, Ze'el made his way to the first group of men he could find. Unfortunately, that group was with Attack Leader Arath, who he disliked, but it was too late to change groups now.

  6. OOC: Wooooaaaahhh! I completely missed this thread! Everyone seems to be tied up with someone else, but luckily I can RP with myself :) I have a feeling that we'll never actually get to Amadacia... XD


    IC: The days after the fight in Caemlyn seemed to go by in a whirl of constant motion. All of the sudden they were all forced to be alert and on guard at any given moment. Before Caemlyn, there was always a chance of them ending up in combat, but it never seemed like it would actually happen. Leaving Caemlyn, though, they had all been on high alert, and ever since then they were constantly watching their backs. Night watch went from a boring activity to a practice that made the difference between life and death. This buzz of activity didn't cease after they reached Jasine's farm.


    Jasine and Thera went off to speak with his family, and from what Arath gathered his younger sister had gone missing, supposedly kidnapped by the Children. Melenis and Kynwric were both off somewhere and from the atmosphere around them they weren't exchanging friendly words. Perivar had been a bundle of guilt ever since getting wounded in Caemlyn, and Loraine was attempting once again to relieve his guilt. Arath looked around and spoke to himself: "What's happened to our group? We used to have such good dynamics and now it seems like we're on the verge of falling apart."


    "Yes, it seems like you and I are the only ones who aren't having some sort of drama right now."


    Arath jumped. He had completely forgotten about Anluan, just as the others had likely forgotten about the both of them. He merely nodded in agreement as Melenis went to Loraine and started a new conversation. Luckily, Kynwric and Perivar didn't find it prudent to have a spat, and both of them went in different directions. Arath and Anluan made eye contact, before going to practice the forms with Perivar.

  7. Name: Kaidad Umoru

    Age: 19

    Place of Origin: Shienar

    Hair Colour: Brown, cut short in Shienaran fashion but without the topknot

    Eye Colour: Pale Green

    Height: 6’0

    Weight: 215lbs



    “Burn me. . .”, the shining walls of Tar Valon, even from Daghain, a sight to steal a man’s breath. Kaidad Umoru had walked the streets of Fal Dara, seen the towers of Fal Moran on the horizon but never grandeur on this scale.

    It has been a three week journey, past people and through places since leaving his family home East of Fal Dara. Since leaving his Father and three uncles, leaving the land his Father bled for.

    His Father had been against Kaidad leaving for Tar Valon, he said his dreams of being a Warder were a fools notion and she should continue apprenticing with him and his uncles.  Kaidad’s Father made his living through carpentry and lumber. Kaidad had been born with an axe in his hands and took to felling trees for his Fathers lumber by the time he was 10 years old. At 10 his Kaidad’s Father also began teaching him the sword, most of the evening after there work was done, was spent working forms with his Father and Uncles. All of whom fought at Ankor Dail years before in the Aiel War.

    Kaidad’s lessons went well and he learned the sword quickly but in what spare time he could find, he devoted his idle hours to applying the forms his Father taught him with the long Claymore he wore proudly on his back, to his wood axe. In little time at all the simple tool that kept coin in his pockets became an instrument of death, his skill with the axe soon surpassed the sword and with his Fathers approval and continued training he learned to wield an axe nearly as deft as his mentors there swords.

    Soon after Kaidad’s 15th nameday a group of Lancers from Fal Dara called at his home, they were chasing a routed Trolloc raid and wished to spend the night if they could. His Father agreed without hesitation, his mother made them all a simple meal of hash and hard bread and they were put up in the large wood bard, that lucky was empty after Kaidad’s uncle had taken a large wagon of lumber to Fal Dara. Kaidad was thrilled to have real Soldiers in his barn. His mother apologized frantically when he snuck into the barn to watch them, but the Captain simply said Kaidad reminded him of himself and that he could stay with them a while with her permission, Kaidad was beside himself with glee.

    By the grace of his Father, Kaidad was allowed to stay with the Soldiers long past the time he would usually be sleeping. He marveled at there worn breastplates and razor sharp swords, swords made all the more incredible in that they were nearly identical to his but most of all he marveled at the curses his mother would have tanned his hide for. The night was cool and quiet and Kaidad soon fell asleep.

    Some hours after the sun fell and the moon was high the Troop’s Captain laid a sleeping Kaidad on his saddle and covered him with his cloak. The night worn on, the Lancer’s rotated watch and Kaidad’s Uncle joined them with Brandy. The moon was approaching the horizon, and the first purple glow of sunrise was appearing when Kaidad was woken from a dream of hot bread and cabbage soup by a scream. It was a guttural, inhuman sound from the direction of the forest. He opened his eyes to see Armoured Lancers and some still in there shirt sleeves, all with blades bared, he heard them say Trolloc. Kaidad peeked from the barn, his Father and Uncles we walking half way from the house, they were stopped with swords drawn looking north, at a black broiling mass on the forest edge. Seven Trolloc heads were clearly visible, all snouts and horns, grunting and howling as then trotted towards the men.

    “I was having a bloody good dream.” Muttered one Lancer,

    “Steady up men!” Shouted the Captain, “Best stay here in the barn boy.” He said as he flashed a cool smile at Kaidad

    Kaidad looked at the Trollocs, who had closed the distance to half of what it had been at his last glance, then he looked up to see his Mother at the door to his home, terror washed her face. And rage soon washed his. His axe, his lively hood was propped against a firewood pile across the barn, he moved for it at a trot. It was not a small tool, a haft nearly a two feet in length and a heavy steel head with a slight curve at an edge honed to a gleaming razor. He knew what must be done with it today.

    He rounded the barn door at a run and met the cacophony and the horrible sights that flow from battle. Three Trollocs had fallen already, one with it’s head cloven from it’s shoulders, another with it’s guts emptied and one screaming with a huge clawed hand to it’s side. One of the Shienarans was down as well, a bolt like a spear through his hip. He had been taught well and he reacted quickly. The men’s numbers were uneven now, he looked for it. There! The lone man, his uncle Maru, he ran as fast as he ever had. His uncle grunted and glanced back when Kaidad bumped against his back.

    “You were to stay in the barn boy.”  Maru hissed as he stabbed.

    “Forgive me Uncle.” Kaidad grunted as he swung his axe for the first time at living flesh.

    Not until after the battle would the sensation register in his mind. The way it felt as his axe sunk itself to the haft in Trolloc stomach. He fought hard with his Uncle at his back, screaming and swinging his axe like the warrior his Father had once been.

    For an hour or more the battle raged on and soon wore down. When all was done, 11 Trolloc bodies littered the north yard of Kaidad’s house, along with 7 Lancer dead and two wounded being tended by his Mother.

    Life soon carried on as normal and did so for four more years, with the exception of five more Trolloc raids, two in the last year alone. It all ended in Kaidad’s 19th year when his Mother died of a fever. Two weeks he stayed silent after giving his Mother  to her last embrace, until one he told his Father and Uncles he would be leaving the next morning, for Tar Valon.

    Three weeks he rode, through town and village, sleeping in barns after working for a meal. Three weeks to bring him here, to the Shining walls of Tar Valon.

    “Well burn me for a Light blinded fool, no turning back now.”

    He took his first step past the Daghain Gate, and the first step towards his Fate.





    I figure this would need a SG CC because of the killing of shadowspawn.

  8. seems to me that they're just there to look pretty, but as far as I know we are still allowed to distribute three power wrought weapons as we (the Warders Division Staff) please. *shrug* They don't seem all that valuable to me though- since you don't RP taking care of your sword anyway. It seems like they would only be for status and posible character development purposes.

  9. Arath blinked in surprise as he was grabbed by Thera and dragged out onto the dance floor, but he also had had a little too much to drink. The alchohol in his blood fueled him on as he and Thera staggered around the dance floor. "You know what will make us better? More ale!" The two of them stumbled over to the table and downed another mug. They danced, getting better and better (at least they thought they were getting better), downing more ale every time they messed up. Of course, it was amusing to all of the other patrons to see the completely hammered duo trying to dance.


    Eventually, they both collapsed in the middle of the dance floor, after tripping over eachother. For some reason, this seemed to be the funniest thing in the world to them. They burst out into loud laughter, and then managed to supress it into snickers. Then, they looked at each other's snickering faces and burst out into hilarity once more. This seemed to go on for a while, until Arath did a complete one-eighty and started sobbing. If he was thinking strait, it would be very improper to cry in the middle of the Inn floor, but he was too laden with ale to care.


    "M-m-mistress Th-th-th-th-thera... I miss her s-s-s-s-so m-m-much," Arath sobbed out. He continued on with nonsense that made sense only to him, and was comforted by the equally drunk Thera. "Now, now- here! Have some more ale! That'll make it better!" It seemed like a marvolous suggestion to Arath, who drank until his sorrow was replaced by a happy buzz and then went out to dance some more with the Mistress of Trainees. Unfortunately, collapsed unconscious about half way to the dance floor.

  10. Arath stopped breathing. His pulse picked up; his heart raced! His mind was overwhelmed with images, possible futures. Eqwina's words had foreshadowed a future that Arath could only dream about. Light! To be a Warder! To be Eqwina's Warder! Before he would have called himself a fool, but not now! Time seemed to come to a hault as the words echoed through his head, causing colorful imagry to burst into existance in Arath's conscousness. Every word she spoke seemed to discribe him more and more- Arath would be willing to lay down his own life gladly for her- for she was such a beauty that Arath had never seen nor would be able to imagine. She was so right and just- her life was worth so much more than his own.


    He barely heard Eqwina's last words and completely missed the inuendo in them. Eagerly, Arath lept up and escorted the Aes' Sedai back to their room. Unfortunately that would not help disourage the commoner's theories at all. Arath was not thinking of any of that, however, when he got ready for a trip outside the Inn. He followed Eqwina through the darkened night and stood proudly as a Tower Guard (and perhaps soon to be something more). He had his sword prepared against shadows and creatures skurrying through the darkness, but did not embarise himself by drawing.


    Finally, they reached their destination. Arath wanted to go in with Eqwina and witness her miracles of the Light, but she refused. She explained to him that the disease the woman had was comunicable and only the One Power protected her from being infected. Arath was disapointed that he could not enter, but at the same time happy that Eqwina showed such compassion for him. He could only think of how lucky this woman was to be Healed by such a skilled Aes' Sedai.

  11. OOC: Sorry for the delay :P


    IC: Ze'el watched as the Storm Leader was called away and supressed a sneer, he didn't like the man anyway. Looking towards his new teacher, Ze'el listened to the lesson- the Attack Leader seemed to be suspicious of him, but he was not openly disaproving like Covai was. Nevertheless, Ze'el would have to make sure that he didn't let his mask slip at all. Ze'el didn't really like working with Fire all that much, but he didn't like most of the weaves that the Farm taught anyway. He prefered a much more subtle battle than the brute strength favored by the Black Tower.


    Still, he could see the merits of mastering the weaves, because they truely were versitile. Ze'el got started on the first one, a globe of light. He struggled with the complex (to him) weave of Fire and Air, and didn't get the weave right until his fourth try. After that, he found that the weave was extremely malleable, and he could adjust the intensity of the light and the size of the globe. More fire made it brighter, and more Air made it larger.


    Next, he moved onto the offensive weaves and found that the fireball was actually very easy. It was just a weave of pure Fire, and the only difficult thing to Ze'el was the amount of fire necesary. Eventually fire bursted into existance above his hand, and he began to practice throwing it. His first throw went completely off target, and his next ones weren't much better. After some practice, though, he started getting closer and closer to target. Ze'el wiped some sweat off his brow and frowned- this was harder than he thought it would be.

  12. OOC: Sorry for the wait


    IC: Ze'el hummed as he listened to the beautiful music coming from the two women. He had to say that even though he enjoyed art more than music, he was very impressed. The quality of Kami's voice was pure and the tone perfect. He breifly noted two men sitting down by him and listened into their conversation. It was rather uninteresting until the Asha'man began talking about the Taint and what it would do to a man. The dedicated beside him shivered, Ze'el was only curious- the men here seemed to avoid talking about the Taint. He was curious to meet a man that would speak freely about it.


    The Asha'man told the Dedicated about how he loved phillosophy, and when the women came over, he told them to be careful in this place. It was good advice, but unfortunately for them it was a little bit late. Ze'el really had no desire to harm the woman and pseudo-woman, but he had no fantasies that they meant anything to them. A small smile danced on his face as he realized that he really was the worst sort of man. After all, he would stab you behind your back- it was far better to know the face of your enemy than to think him your friend.


    Interrupting both of the other men, Ze'el addressed Kami directly. "Kami, you truely do have a lovely voice. No wonder you were desparing about not being able to use it." He smiled at the sort-of-man and continued on. "But surely your throat is a bit dry after all of that singing, perhaps you would like some tea?" Ze'el asked benevollently.

  13. Hey, sorry for the delays everyone, I was busy this week and was planning to give replies to all my RPs this weekend, but unfortunately I found that my laptop doesn't work over here :( I'm hoping it just doesn't like California and will function again when I get home, but...


    I'm on my Uncle's computer right now and I'll try to get some posting done :)

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