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Posts posted by Vambram

  1. Well, I've finished and let it set in a little bit. It left me with a smile. It was the ending but I can't help but wonder.

    Sanderson did a commendable job finishing an overwhelming project. I do fill that Jordan would have let some

    things marinate if he could have lived to do so but it was important to have an ending to the series nontheless.


    So, basically we got there to the summit of the mountain but we took the straight line. Jordan would have took

    us around it and let us see all of the trees....and teach us how to properly wash silk. lol. It's not always the destination but

    it's the journey. Jordan was best at the journey part. Sanderson gave us the destination. Which was better is left

    to us to decide. I say thanks to both men. Well done.



  2. I've heard the Malazan books are good. What are peoples thoughts on them??


    The series overall is solid. It's got some amazing high points early on (Deadhouse Gates and Memories of Ice) but, in my opinion, some of the later books aren't as good.



    This thread has several reviews and also a very good discussion about the various novels in The Malazan Books of the Fallen.

  3. Last night, after reading this book for almost two weeks, I finished yet another re-read of Knife of Dreams. I decided to read the last book which was written entirely by James Oliver Rigney in a slow and steady pace so that I could savor each and every paragraph and chapter.

    Today, I have started my re-read of The Gathering Storm.

  4. Well, even though I disagree with some of what you've said in your most recent post here. For the sake of peace and tranquility, and also because stuff like this really ain't worth arguing about, ..

    Aye, Lets call a Truce and lets hope any further interactions you and I have here are more polite and more pleasant than this mess between us about the WOT series as compared to Peake's fantasy trilogy.



    Oh my god.


    I was going to apologize for being an arse: even if my comment was relatively mild, it was still rude. And being a gentleman, I still will:


    I apologize for being an arse.


    But seriously--to equate your imperfect knowledge with perfect sight-unseen critical judgment? How arrogant and ignorant can you get?



    Thank you for the apology. smile.gif

    However, I see that you are twisting around my words with gross exaggerations. Seriously, give me an honest answer. If a person has been reading fantasy books for 30 years as I have, doesn't it make logical sense that said person would have at least have HEARD about Peake's trilogy if that trilogy was a very good and very well known piece of literature?

    I asked you a legitimate question, ... with some attitude behind the question, I'll admit, and in response I get little more than attacks against me by others before you, and then you yourself.

    Now I am being shown again why I dislike coming to the WOT General Discussion forums because of all of the hyper-critical posts that I read here.



  6. Not to mention the fact that bragging about an average of 33 books read each year is rather sad. There were times in my life when I read several a week; I'm still at more than 1 a week, even with a stressful job and a family.


    It ain't bragging if it is the truth. How sad that you think you have the right to judge me. I am not judging you.

  7. Dude, you need a reality check if you think that series is even 1/3 as popular and read by as many people as was the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


    Didn't say anything of the sort. Just thought it was quite odd that you would use when it was published to make a conclusion on the "vast majority" not having read Gormenghast. Or even better questioning the quality of the work because you hadn't heard of it.


    As for me I thought the first two books were quite well done...third not so much. His descriptive style along with dark, surrealist influences really make it unique.


    So, you were one of the small percentage of fantasy readers that are still alive today whom have read Peake's books. Congrats. smile.gif

    As to why I think I am qualified to determine whether or not a series is better than the WOT? Well, because I have been reading fantasy books for 30 years.. and because I have read books from several other genres, then it is safe for me to believe that if I have not heard of a fantasy book series, then the probability is very high that it ain't as good as Robert Jordan's WOT series.


    Yup still alive at grand old 27.


    As for any comparisons between Peake and RJ did I ask if it was better than WoT? Two posters put forth that they "thought" Peake was more talented in some areas. You jumped in with a very peevish sounding response calling Joshua's opinion into question...and then told him to stop being judgmental about someone else's opinion. Somewhat ironic that.


    Also just as a general rule of thumb, unless you are comfortable being a total fanboi you might actually you know READ a book before trying to make some sort of judgement on how it stands in relation to the WoT.


    My response to Joshua was because he insulted another poster. Clearly, you are unable to see that. How sad that you cannot see or understand that.

  8. Dude, you need a reality check if you think that series is even 1/3 as popular and read by as many people as was the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


    Didn't say anything of the sort. Just thought it was quite odd that you would use when it was published to make a conclusion on the "vast majority" not having read Gormenghast. Or even better questioning the quality of the work because you hadn't heard of it.


    As for me I thought the first two books were quite well done...third not so much. His descriptive style along with dark, surrealist influences really make it unique.


    So, you were one of the small percentage of fantasy readers that are still alive today whom have read Peake's books. Congrats. smile.gif

    As to why I think I am qualified to determine whether or not a series is better than the WOT? Well, because I have been reading fantasy books for 30 years.. and because I have read books from several other genres, then it is safe for me to believe that if I have not heard of a fantasy book series, then the probability is very high that it ain't as good as Robert Jordan's WOT series.

  9. If you don't see the differences between asking someone a question and him telling someone that "you need to get out more", then there really is not anything that I can say to you that would explain something as simple those differences to you.

    Rulius was polite and kind enough to briefly explain why I probably have never heard of Peake's work, and since that epic story is more than a few decades old, being published in 1946, 1950, and 1959. Therefore, it is clearly obvious that it is likely the vast majority of fantasy readers have probably never read Gormenghast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormenghast_(series)

  10. Yeah, if you think Robert Jordan overdid the description it's nothing compared to Gormenghast. But the way Peake used language and description was much more effective, and it never felt like padding, at least to me. The incredibly gothic world demanded that level of detail and since the first two books take place almost exclusively within the same castle it really works well.


    But I could gush for hours on why I think Gormenghast is the greatest thing ever and I have no desire to derail the topic so I'll just say that it's worth a try if you enjoyed WoT.


    Ah, Gormenghast! I read Peake's magnificent trilogy when I was 19, at least 7 years before I ever touched WOT. A good reminder that for all of Jordan's qualities, he is far from being the greatest fantasy writer.



    In the last 30 years, I have read over 1000 books, and I have never ever before in my life have even heard of Peake and Gormenghast. So, if he is such an awesome writer, and that is such a great trilogy, then why is it such an unknown piece of work to anyone like myself?


    Let's see:




    Sea folk



    rampant misandry

    lack of screen time for the Borderlanders and Ogier


    All in all, it's still probably the best fantasy series I've ever read.




    I agree about the Seanchan, Sea Folk, and Mat--I thought I was the only one who finds him annoying rather than supercool.


    As for it being the best fantasy series you've read ... you need to get out more.




    You need to stop being an arse and stop being so judgmental of someone else's opinions.



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