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Posts posted by Sylvirci

  1. Michael walked briskly through the Acolytes quarters stopping occasionally to put up flyers announcing a class to teach reading and writing as well as freshen up skills for those who were out of practice. He knew not everyone, and most likely those who wanted the class, wouldn't be able to read it.


    So when he finished the flyers he stood at one end of the hallway for their quarters. Then using a weave of Air to amplify his voice he annouced loudly, " Attention all Acolytes! I, Dreadlord Michael, will be starting a class to teach reading and writing for those who have never learned and those who wish to improve. Everyday after breakfast in the North Library I will hold a two hour lesson for those interested. This will be a month long class with a test at the end." Finished with his annoucement he walked briskly from the hall and back to his own quarters.



    The next morning he waited in the Library for his students to appear. The tables were set up to give him the head of the class with three rows of tables so students could face him. He had set up quills and parchment of cheap quality on the tables and a smooth five by seven hands slab of polished onyx with a long pointer. Then he waited patiently for his students to arrive, he would forgive lateness today but not after that.


    He sat facing the "classroom", his cloak over the back of his chair. He was a tall elderly man, around his fifties or sixties with tufts of grey just above his ears. His face was kind and prone to smiles, while his eyes held great knowledge and wisedom that overlapped a gentleness deep in them. In this pose he could have been anyone's grandfather and his posture suggested he felt like he was.


    Dreadlord Michael, NSW for the Congress of the Shadows


    OOC:Ok, this will be four posts for learning with a fifth for a "test", that means six posts total. The first being your arrival to the Library and impression of your teacher. ;) Feel free to ask whatever questions you may think to, I'll give a week for others to post before posting the first lesson.



  2. Raeyn has asked that I do a class for this, so I am going to be posting a class sometime late tomorrow night. The 8th of June! ;) It will be open to all who wish to participate, but please post here so I have an ideal of how many to expect. Thanks.




  3. Um, just a few friendly pointers mate!? You need to change your last paragraph and make it to where your are taken to the Mistress of Trainees's office. She (Eqwina) enters your name into the Book of Trainees and then escorts you around the Yards.


    Second pointer is that until you meet the MoT, no Trainee will stop you. We could however RP taking you to her office. ;) I am sure Jehaine or I could do that with you.

  4. Multiple threads are fine. I have Gaidan in a Conflict thread at the White Tower and in a City Survival thread in Tar Valen. Just don't over-do it, and make sure you report all threads to get credit for them. Also some reqs require permissions from our DL or other DIVs DL so remember to ask them. Have fun!

  5. Ok so maybe not the place to say this but I am anyways and Eqwina can twap me later! ;) Although I'll enjoy it! :-X


    If you want lightning make a Dreadie! Need help? Questions? PM me! :D Check my siggy and avatar and you'll understand!*Nods evilly*


    Gaidan loves his Mistress! ;) :P

  6. Gaidan's jaw dropped at the beautiful woman who now stood before him. She was ample in all the right areas and she had the most wonderful form that he had ever seen on a woman! He began to wonder what it would be like to serve her as her Warder when he realized his checks were getting hot and the young woman next to him was answering the woman's question.


    Picking up that the beauty before him was someone of importance by the way his companion talked and deferred to her, he bowed deeply as he replied, " Forgive me if I have erred bt being here. Please do not blame Jerinia, I am new in the Warders Yard and asked to be led around. I wished to see the Tower as one day, Creator forbide, I might have to defend it Aes Sedai. I also am very fond of the wonderful pieces of art and stonework that was magnificently done throughout the White Tower Aes Sedai. I might have missed hearing a rule inregards as to whether or not I can be here. Would you care to inform me and teach me Aes Sedai? I will do all that you ask, I swear upon my honor!"


    He risked a glance at the Aes Sedai's face to see if she was upset but as of yet it was unreadable. He got the feeling that he was being weighed and judged in that look and she was the Divine hand of the Creator about to pass such judgement on him! Gulping quickly, and loudly, he ducked his head back down and waited.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee of the Warders

    Feeling like he is about to be spanked! ;)

  7. Cain thought quickly about how best to defend his dummies. If he wove air with threads of all the elements and made the elements react to whatever was channeled at it that should work. It would be like flares that bulged in the weaves to counter any weave.


    Calling upon that sickly sweet life giving flow of Power he called forth his dummies and quickly wove shields made of all the elements together. They were mostly Air with a just as strong thread of Water and really strong threads of Fire, Earth and Spirit. He held on to the weaves to make sure all worked as planned and prepared to defend his "Ashaman".


    The attacks began almost instantly, weaves of Air that would cut and Fire that would burn. He was glad to find some Earth bombs thrown his way as well, his lessons were being used against him! Allowing his weaves to bulge with countering threads of Saidin he managed to counter all of the Soldiers attacks and most of Arath's. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a weave that came from below. Knowing it was a strong Earth weave, he watched as it took out some "Ashaman" even after the thread was severed. Thinking quickly he altered his weaves to include shielding his own "troops" from underneath. They would still get banged and bruised but they would live.


    He had just finished his own weaves alteration whe he felt, and then saw, Arath's weaves being aimed at him directly. He must have seen me weave the alterations and knows I am prepared for anything! There was two weaves, one was the rippling Earth and another was raining Fire! A thread that mixed Water and Fire! The Earth ripple would launch him into the air and then he would be met with that Fire rain!


    Deciding he could handle bruises, he ignored the Earth weave and focused instead on the Fire and Air rain. Feeling himself shooting up into the air he bulged the Fire thread in his shield to absorb the heat and then Water and Earth to smother the fire. The weave just balely sizzled against his shield as he felt the shield bend slightly inwards. Then he and his shield hit the ground and the shock of such a hard landing broke his weave and left him very bruised.


    Geeting up quickly he re-formed his shield and looked around. Two of his dummies were shredded by obvious Air weaves. Other then that all was intact, including himself. Looking for Arath he saw his focus was on the next Dedicated. The attacks were over for now, moving out of the line and with the Soldiers he relaxed but didn't let go of Saidin, it was all that was keeping the pain at bay and mostly himself from passing out.


    Cain Ddraiglyn, Dedicated of the Black Tower!

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