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Posts posted by Jehaine

  1. Melenis looked at the newcomer, detecting no hostile intent in her and thus felt no need to slide her hand closer to the ashandarei on her back. Furthermore, she had also recognised the ageless look for what it was, as all those that had been trained in the Yards for more than a week would be able to tell the difference. The Aes Sedai asked if she was Corwin's student, which took her slightly off guard: She had not expected him to send someone to get her.


    - "That i am, Aes Sedai. One of the lessons was for me to find him."


    Despite still sitting down, she gave her a respectful bow before introducing herself. Tower-trained as she was she was taught to always treat an Aes Sedai respectfully, and even though there was no one else around in the small clearing that of course didn't mean she could ignore that part of her training. Nor did she want to, for that matter.


    - "I am Melenis Stormgate, Aes Sedai, Defender of the Tower. And yes, some blueberry pie would be nice. Care for some tea? I picked the nettles this morning, so even though i haven't quite mastered the recipe yet at least it's fresh."


    She bowed again as if to apologise for the fact that she had little to offer Saline in return. Her face remained smooth as well, what she had been saying was the simple truth, nothing less.




    Following her lessons to the letter

  2. Martyn tested his newly Healed arm, putting some strain on the muscles to see how the limb would hold up. Apparently satisfied with the results, he turned back to Serge again, this time shaking his head.


    - "Yes and no, unfortunately. I know the weaves, but i still have a block. And trust me when i say that after going through what i need to get myself to channel, the only thing leaving my hands are battle weaves."


    He was surprised when a thought struck him, about how casual he had started to talk about channeling. No ten years ago he would have been so filled with revulsion over the very concept of him channeling that he could barely get the words past his lips, but after spending some time among others that could channel he felt the tresholds lowered. It was true what they said about shared pain after all, he had almost forgotten during his solitude following the War.


    - "I'll be going back there now and see if they need help carrying some of the wounded, i can do that much at least."




    Helps one way or the other.

  3. I'm game for keeping Jeh's post there - actually, isn't her daddy in the group? *grins*


    Yep, but she ran off without seeing who came in. I think she saw Arath but she'd be in no position to recognise who he is.

  4. Well, truth be said if you make her promise not to tell anyone she won't, though she tends to be at the center of things going wrong she won't break her word on purpose. The reason she went to the Amyrlin is because Shevara is her Mentor as well.


    As for the Keeper, i'll edit her out. Possibly replace her with the name of one of the Reds i was supposed to call as well, or just a random person. I had that scene in my head for a long time now, and felt i just had to write it out ^^


    Anyhow, as it is she'd likely be at Shevara's office up until the actual messenger arrives, so there's not much chance of the information leaking as Jerinia hasn't told anyone else about it. Will edit accordingly, just wanted to know what to edit it with :)

  5. Martyn sucked in air when the Healing weave began. Though he had prepared for it in advance, that didn't make it any less of an assault on the body when it came down to it. Definitely benificial, of course, but an assault none the less. After a few seconds of getting used to the sudden sensation, he answered Serge's question. He was used to giving casualty reports from his time as a Borderland soldier in active campaigns and patrols, and as such his voice was almost casual as he reported the situation to the Healer.


    - "I wasn't there to see it start, but long story short... Brent lost it. Arath and Covai got him before he could do any real damage, but i've counted at least four dead, possibly more i didn't see. I got this assisting Arath, and i heard Ikkiliad was needed to treat Covai."


    He moved his arm slightly to indicate that he was talking about the burn. Seeing people go mad was something he never really got used to, nor did anyone else for that matter, but it was something the Asha'men would have learned to live with as a necessary evil. He took a deep breath as he felt the coolness seep into his skin, driving away the heat, and felt much more relaxed than he had heading for the infirmary.





  6. The sack yelped when it hit the ground, though more in surprise than in actual pain. Daciana wriggled to get free and see where she was, or at least get the sack off of her, but given the knots that were keeping her wrists in place that was a little harder than she expected. Trying brute strength again, she tried to force the knot loose, but other than a groan from the rope there was little to no effect.


    In her mind, Hunter was tapping her fingernails, clearly starting to get annoyed at the current situation. There were some other thoughts, echoes of others that seemed to drift just outside of hearing as if she was in a room where a number of people were talking to one another, and that in itself served to keep her occupied. Or at least give her something to do as she waited to be released.


    Daciana was now crawling on the ground, attempting to make the sack slide off of her by trying to make the cloth catch on something. She didn't hear most of what Winifred was telling Aislyn for that reason, though she did manage to catch a couple of words she wasn't really listening.




    Doesn't want to be sacked

  7. A small rustle next to her managed to distract her for a second, and she watched what looked like a big dog walk into the room. She was about to turn back to Rhya and Aislyn to continue the conversation when a thought suddenly hit her, making her eyes go wide. Though she had a good mind, and was quite used to thinking, it was another thing entirely when a thought that was not hers managed to pop into her head, even disregarding that said thought seemed to come from the dog that had just walked in.


    Trying to find the correct words, she looked at Shadow, and even though she wasn't quite sure what to say the images she unknowingly sent out would be the same things she had just described as the ones closest to the memory loss she was experiencing. How hard did i hit my head anyway?


    If wolves could roll their eyes, she didn't doubt Shadow would be doing that right now. Which brought up more unease as to how she knew what it was feeling, and more questions as she wondered if she was still sane.




    Wolves... They're kind of like dogs, right?

  8. I know, Rurak needs to post in both first.


    In the Archery one she'd look at him to comment on what Burgundy is doing wrong, and the hand to hand thread needs his input or it's just going to be more arguing :/

  9. Jerinia was walking through the gardens, lost in thought about a weave she had been determined to give a try. It used Spirit mostly, and she figured the weave to be a good way of mastering her control of the element a little better so that -- by extention -- her other weaves would benefit as well. Opening herself up to saidar, she started.


    It was during the third try that she felt something was wrong though. Something appeared to be interfering with her weaving all of a sudden, though there was no channeling that she could detect in place there. She tried adding more power to it, but so did the interference, as if it too was strengthening. Annoyed, she just tried to yank it out of the way, but then her threads were cut by a man-sized disc that appeared hovering in midair. She could only stare, wide-eyed, at the portal as it increased in size, forming a weave she could not detect.


    It was only when the first of the black cloaked men she identified as Asha'men from her lessons stepped through that she broke out of her state of shock long enough to turn around and run for the Amyrlin. Somehow, she had done this, her practising the weave must have pulled them to here, she was sure of that! The Amyrlin needed to know, she would know what to do!


    Ignoring the looks -- and sometimes shouts -- of Aes Sedai as she passed them, yelling back apologies without slowing her pace, she ran up until she reached the door to the Amyrlin's office. It had been quite far, but her penances had built up a good deal of stamina, allowing her to run the distance without stopping even though she was breathing heavily. Tossing open the door until she felt it slam into something, she burst into the room.


    - "Motherthere'sanaccidentthathappenedwithoneofmyweavesandthere'smalechannelersinthegardens

    *breathe* nowandireallyhonestlydidn'tmeantodothat!"


    The silence took her a bit by surprise however, and she followed Shevara's look behind her, to the Red Sister lying on the ground a couple of feet away from the door, clutching a slightly swollen looking side of her face amidst a number of the papers she had been carrying. Having a sudden feeling as if she'd ran from a bear to end up in the lion's den, she tried to be friendly about it, though in her mind she was already picturing being sent to Larindhra... again.


    - "Umm... Gee, that looks like a nasty bruise Remona Sedai, you really should have a Yellow take a look at it... I'll just go and fetch one for you..."


    Edging towards the door, she would be running to fetch said Yellow Sister unless told otherwise. She had managed to calm down some though, which was perhaps for the better as she could now actually be understood with a little less effort.





  10. I'll take that as a yes then :P


    Edit: Posted!


    Because you really couldn't name a thread Deja-Vu Disasters without at least a little Jerinia in them ;D

  11. Though his shield took the brunt of the attack, the fact that his wielding of saidin was still blocked and erratic had taken its toll, and the sheer intensity of the flames had managed to reach him before instinct kicked in, and he dropped to the ground to escape the flames. His arm, used to shield his face from the heat, was red and blistered, he'd have to see someone about that later.


    He saw Arath checking up on him before leaving, and he remained on the ground for a few more seconds to regain his breath. Saidin had fled from him again when the attack hit, he was fortunate his earthen shield had held together as long as it did. Still, he was a soldier, and as a soldier was taught only to rest after the battle, not during it. Ignoring the pain that shot up his singed arm, he pushed himself up, using the pain itself to gather the adrenaline required to spur him on. Getting his bearings, he followed Arath again, watching as Covai... destroyed Brent.


    He was not channeling saidin, something that was perhaps for the better as it also meant he couldn't feel the massive amounts Covai was channeling in his weaves. Even without them, he was wondering what he was going to do if this elemental onslaught would be turned at him, but such questions were mingling with the dull throbbing pain outside of the Void, with only the light of saidin with him. He ignored it.


    After the final blow could be seen high in the air when Brent's severed head was eaten by a dragon of fire, Covai collapsed, and Martyn was with the fallen Storm Leader in a few seconds. A quick overview told him that he would survive his wounds, but he knew his experience to not include channeling fatigue, and especially after a display like this there was bound to be some.


    Other Asha'men started arriving, to Heal, to help rebuild the stables, to see 'Ground Zero' with their own eyes before the landscape would be restored again tomorrow. He saw Geirrin relieve himself on Brent's corpse and shook his head, disapproving of it. Regardless of how he had led the Tower, what had ultimately caused his death was the loss of sanity associated with channeling saidin, a danger all of them still faced. That his former nation carried a great amount of respect for the bodies of fallen warriors added a great deal as well, and he was relieved to see Arath channeling to destroy all traces of Brent's body. The last thing he would have wanted to see is for the Black Tower to lose sight of its objectives while dancing on someone's grave. They still had a job to do, in Shienar, and he hated leaving unfinished business.


    Realising there was little else he could do, he made his way to the Infirmary to get his arm Healed. Arath seemed to be able to walk on his own, Covai was being taken care of and there were others that were far more useful than his blocked old self as well. There was simply no need for him to be around, given that the majority of what was left of command was present on the scene.




    Off to the Healer's!

  12. *Passes special MoN cookies around*


    Made special like - with the "herbs" our dearly beloved Accepted Jerinia picked ...


    ...You know your char is doing great when other people bring her up in OOC ^^


    Daciana too, only she's like the bogeyman for Wolfkin o.O

  13. Melenis made her way through the Mountains of Mist, sighing at the lack of aptitude she had for mountaineering. Fortunately for her she had been on quite a few survival lessons enabling her to compensate for it, but that didn't make it any easier every time she found a ledge she was unable to go around, or a worn path where a small rockslide had created a natural blockade of sorts. Corwin wasn't making this easy on her, nor had she expected him to.


    There were two sets of tracks, strangely enough, one much more visible than the other. When following Corwin's trail, the man seemed to be able to shake off pursuers without even knowing they were there, but the second set of footprints made her task much, much easier. Which was good, as it hadn't been the first time in several weeks that she had been forced to turn back for supplies.


    As she hoisted herself on top of a small rise, brushing the dirt off of her earthen colored robes -- somehow sporting Aiel colors seemed strangely appropriate to her -- and looking around at the scenery to fill out the map of the area she had in her head. That looked passable, better to avoid the ridge to the left... Sighing, she looked up for a second to check the amount of daylight she had left, and made her way down to a small clearing that had remained mostly unseen until she had almost been on top of it. Given that she needed to track down a Warder it was only logical that she would have to act like one, and as she sat down on a small rock to unpack the bread and cheese she had divided into rations earlier that day she couldn't help but wonder just how close to her goal she was...




    Hunting a Warder

  14. Without being aware of what she was doing, she growled softly, as she shook her head. Her anger wasn't aimed at either of the two women in the room with her, but at the rate her temper was climbing again she was rapidly approaching the point where it would take little more than an odd look to get themselves targeted by it.


    - "No, i'd feel a lot better if i could just remember what happened. I recall bringing Lord Maric his evening tea, and the next thing i remember is picking my bleeding self off of the forest floor, my foot caught on a root and NO idea how i got there."


    She bit her lip, visibly trying to calm herself down to keep her anger in check. Balling her hands into fists so tight her arms quivered, she stayed like that for a few seconds, then seemed to relax a bit. Sighing, she looked back at Rhya and Aislyn, before sporting an apologetic smile on her face.


    - "...Yeah, maybe eating something would help."


    Though it didn't occur to her, just about every wolf within 'normal thinking range' had gotten disturbingly quiet as a mental barrage had just been unloaded on them, similar to what had hapened to Erik during her pickup.




    Didn't do anything

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