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Everything posted by Donchadh

  1. You wanna guess next for Red Accepted @HeavyHalfMoonBlade??
  2. Go for it Novice @Andy MacLeod ... make the Guess for RED TEAM AWESOME
  3. F1 and I don't mean the race cars!! ZOOM, ZOOM
  4. My favorite as well....the darker the better... Whistling Dancing with the Jak O'Shadows....
  5. I choose Red Team... Let's go @HeavyHalfMoonBlade!!
  6. Agreed....and maybe...we can share some "Stumbling songs in the Light!"
  7. Welcome aboard @Aarenis, similarly, I'm fresh meat (aka arrived as well). So I probably won't have any answers to any questions; but I'm happy to stumble around in the dark with you!
  8. With a toss of the Dice ... and DO's luck; it's certain that I will. And look what I brought.... I like to call these.... OPTIONS!! Dig in Archer @Jeannaisais and Lancer @dicetosser1!! (Hope I got those titles right, but if not...next round also on me!)
  9. Wow!! I survived by the grace of @Zander? 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Bloody heck!! 💩 I missed the lynch?!?!!? sorry, I went ⛷️ skiing!!
  11. Thank you for sharing @Cross Sedai!! Perhaps a little something to dip the cookie into and help wash down all these delicious treats... Would you like this as a martini?
  12. This seems like the right place to be caught "red-handed" ....
  13. It was amazing...not just the episode but the Season 2 behind the scenes and then the post episode interviews.... I need to go find some maiden's to kiss...that looked fun!
  14. Agreed...it is freaking awesome...and S3E1...WOW...just WOW! Now back to reading the 20,000 posts in this damn MAFIA thread....
  15. She's at it again!! Need to put more frogs into @Andy MacLeod's pillows!
  16. Macaroons!! Well, I have something specially Grayt for my mentor Keeper @Cross .... And I'm told that not a single bit of white chocolate was used in the making!!
  17. I'm still sulking in the corner shaking my head at my complete incompetence at this game. Love the videos though Zander....that at least brightened my 4 page Mafia read catch-up this morning. Alright, I'm going to try to take Turin / Z's / other's advice and read back through a SHIT TON of messages. (PS I hate you all for posting so much... 😂😂). So I guess I'll be lurking and reading today. And to answer Z's video....I'm the confused kid in the corner that's wondering why no one else is eating this delicious glue that the teacher gave us....
  18. Thanks for the kind words Zander. I’m still rattled. I’m going to go through my stuff again…but yeah. Completely lost!!
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