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Everything posted by Donchadh

  1. Agreed...it is freaking awesome...and S3E1...WOW...just WOW! Now back to reading the 20,000 posts in this damn MAFIA thread....
  2. She's at it again!! Need to put more frogs into @Andy MacLeod's pillows!
  3. Macaroons!! Well, I have something specially Grayt for my mentor Keeper @Cross .... And I'm told that not a single bit of white chocolate was used in the making!!
  4. I'm still sulking in the corner shaking my head at my complete incompetence at this game. Love the videos though Zander....that at least brightened my 4 page Mafia read catch-up this morning. Alright, I'm going to try to take Turin / Z's / other's advice and read back through a SHIT TON of messages. (PS I hate you all for posting so much... 😂😂). So I guess I'll be lurking and reading today. And to answer Z's video....I'm the confused kid in the corner that's wondering why no one else is eating this delicious glue that the teacher gave us....
  5. Thanks for the kind words Zander. I’m still rattled. I’m going to go through my stuff again…but yeah. Completely lost!!
  6. Zander…you are right…I do suck at this game.
  7. I’m following…still trusting my gut… Frustrated like Heavy because there doesn’t seem to be anything solid here. But I understand the importance of voting.
  8. Alright, I'm reading all this .... but I'm going with Dice's advice... trust my gut. My first "sus" post was: Townies Andy, Gud, Sooh Sus: Zander, Dice, Mill, Heavy Mafia: Cairos Turin I voted Cairos My second "sus" post was: Least sus: Sooh, Gud, Andy Mid sus: Turin, Dice Sus: Zander Heavy I stated I would roll the dice between Z and Heavy. And the dice suggested vote Heavy...(although, I didn't actually vote). This is my third "sus" post: Least: Sooh, Gud, Andy Mild Sus: Turin, Dice Sus: Zander, Heavy Looking at all the subsequent posts...my gut says.. VOTE ZANDER I'll keep following; but I'm currently hosting a WoT re-watch party with my house guest....but I will follow.
  9. Agreed. This use of unique terminology keeps confusing me. And I kept reading this a "Minority Villain" which would be a wolf? Sigh....
  10. Sigh...I've tried to make this post like 3 times and everytime a new post comes up and I go to read the new post...my draft gets deleted. Anyway, Zander, I have no idea what this means. The game or your unique terminology is lost on me. What is "you two not being W/A all game" mean? What does "a Bussey snokeshow" mean? I don't understand the point you are trying to make. I apologize. Thank you.
  11. Thank you Dice (and also Zander!) ... I appreciate both of your clarifying 'teaching' responses to my post about "how is a Townie suppose to act". It was and is helpful. I do have a hard time following the jargon, the side-bars, and the "off the cuff" speech...it's a bit embarrassing to post a lot of "I don't understand what you mean, can you say that again" so I haven't. Instead, I've simply been trying to do my best to "figure it out." (Still confused about 'red peak' and other Mafia jargon... and as for multi-quoting and posting ... I have no idea; every time I try..I seem to lose my post, so I have quit trying so I can at least post something). I know we are getting to the end of Day 2. I'm going to put together my "named" suspect list and why again.... Finally, Dice, your advice (posted above) seems to be the only thing I really have (my gut); however, I'm not sure I can "stick by" my original reads...some very good arguments are being made....AAARGHHH...this game is frustrating. Alright, I'm working out my suspect list (literally with a pencil and paper 😂) and why separately and will get it posted ASAP.
  12. This is a really good question...and honestly...I'm a bit stumped so I guess "I don't really know(?)" is the best answer I can come up with. But that isn't fair, so I will try. As I try to think through this, I have perhaps, maybe? two observations (but I have never played before...so they probably don't make any sense.). 1) I wouldn't expect a Townie to make accusations or push for "naming wolves" without supporting analysis because if they were a Townie they would have no idea who the other Townies were and might run the risk of killing one of their own. So I guess, Townies would accuse less or decide on wolves less?? 2) I would also expect a Townie to be more reluctant to theorize(?), as again, they are operating with less information. However, these 2 expectation are speculative because I really have no experience or knowledge to base them on. And mostly just reflective of my own personality. (Hopefully, one of the more experienced players can comment on these expectations.). But I have been very quiet, (thanks to RL), so I thought I'd try to at least answer the question. If nothing else, it helps me try to understand how to play this game...which I am still struggling with.
  13. Apologies again for absences...I had no idea how intensive and involved this game would be...AND...ended up with an unexpected visitor that I am now hosting. I HATE MAKING EXCUSES...but I am so sorry. I haven't even had a chance to completely catch up...but I will try to give my thoughts and perspectives. Least sus (FOR ME): Sooh, Gud, Andy (I don't know why, it's just my feelings. Only real insight I can provide is that Andy posts the same here as they do everywhere (lite RP with WoT references and other references); similarly, Gud posts in what I say is a non-wolfy way...and I don't even know what that means...UGH!!). Mild sus (FOR ME): Turin and Dice. For Turin, I'm a bit surprised but I read his posts less like a Wolf trying to cause chaos / confusion now and more like an experienced Townie trying to work through the scenario. I acknowledge this is a significant shift in my perspective. I'm still scratching my own head about this. Dice...I don't know...they haven't given me vibes to make them feel Townie...and so I remain mild Sus. Most sus (FOR ME): Zander and Heavy. I hate this..because these are my two favorite posters!! Like I enjoy all the banter (and more importantly the analysis)...and I'm struggling with myself for "sus'ing" people who are doing the MOST to help the game play...yet.....the repeated and vociferous "Wolfy" denials and / or "Townie" claims are what make me the most suspicious. Alright, I'm rolling a D20 between these 2 to decide on my current MUST LYNCH... Rolled an 8...sorry HEAVY... LYNCH HEAVY NOT LYNCH ANDY I'm not saying definitely, b/c I'm reserving the right to change my mind...UGH!!! (I think I did that right...I will check in again throughout the day as I can...again, sorry, I had no idea how intense this game would be....can I just buy everyone beers and pretzels now?? Sigh).
  14. I'm just scratching my head, saying "oink, oink", and mumbling to myself.... "Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a blue moon...." This is brutal!! I'd rather play against Ted Lasso at darts.
  15. Well, you and Cairos seem the most experienced. And you both throw some shade at each other while also laying out very good reasons for being innocent as well as others not. As both of your strategies seem similar ... it seems like you are working together. As for Sooh being confused ... I just got a sense of random musings from them. Nothing concrete....like as if they were still confused, although, perhaps undecided is a better term here. Given their experience, I weighed that more towards Town than either Sus or Mafia. Honestly, I'm grasping at straws here (hence the comment about using an intuition modified). After catching up by reading "way too many pages" (my own damn fault). This was the best assessment that I could make. And now, I'm getting called to a meeting that will last past the timer. So I will vote. Vote: Cairos
  16. Trying....holy mother of sheep milk's wool headed bloody dice...or some such...so many posts to read and catch up on. Townies: Andy, Gud, Sooh ... I like their logic and the fact that they seem just as confused as me. Sus: Z, Dice, Mil, Heavy ... I keep switching back and forth. I appreciate their logic, but it seems that they are trying to drive particular decisions. Of course, that might just be because they know what they are doing. Mafia: Turin and Cairo. I'm pretty certain one if Mafia and they both seem to be playing in concert while also throwing shade on each other. Can I just roll a D20 and add my "intuition" modifier? Alright, I'm getting called into another work meeting (that will carry me past the official timer) in about an hour. I will hold my voting for another 30 minutes. But currently, I'm voting either Turin (in line with my earlier post) or Cairo. (Again, mucho apologies for my absence).
  17. APOLOGIES to all the Mafia players. RL gobbled me up...but I'm back and catching up. Please accept these small apology gift tokens... Something to drink and Something to snack.... Now, back to the game!!
  18. Yes...but it might have been before the official start...I can't remember... Now where did I put my pants....oh yeah...on my legs!! (Told YOU I was old!!) Fair enough. Seems wise-way to start. Honestly, everyone seems a fairly neutral. I'm inclined to accuse @Turin Turambar but that's probably because it seems like he is the most experienced Mafia player and some the "most-sus"; but even as I type this, the accusation sounds foolish to me.
  19. Well there have been some delicious drinks posted...but I gotta go with one of my favorites... Blueberry mead....try a glass .... For something more substantive...what about ....
  20. Thank you for the reminder and lesson. Like Zander, I'm old and while I'm mostly trainable, I'm mostly a wool-headed stubborn sheepherder...which means, I'll probably screw this title and roles thing up more times than most. In confusion Donchadh tries to imitate Zander's curties...and pokes himself with his wooden Algai sword...as he falls on his 'bottom'.... Sure hope there are some Yellows about, he mutters. Alright, so it seems accusations of "Mafia-hood" have been leveled at Turin, Heavy Halfmoon Blade, Gudrean and Andy....did I miss any?
  21. Alright, I still have no idea what's going on...but I'm gonna say @Zander? (Sedai? Gaidin? - sorry I don't know), I'm loving your posts...they have absolutely kept me in stitches. Not sure if you are Townie or Mafia...but definitely hilarious!
  22. Another newbie (in all sorts of ways - including having just arrived at the Manor) here! Read through threads...and understand what(?) or how(?) the game works...but still no suspicions about anyone. Do I just randomly throw shade and see if it reveals something? Or do I instead plead my innocence? Quietly pours himself a drink and .... thinks, thinks, thinks....
  23. I definitely need this @Ithillian Turambar Sedai...because, I really have no idea what I'm doing!?? And I'm definitely Townie Mafia, err, Townie?
  24. I have no idea what I'm doing....I'm perfect for this game. VOTE ME Did I do that right?
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