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Everything posted by Donchadh

  1. Agreed. And I'm liking how the hunt for BA was set up. That said, I really appreciated the scene of compassion between Nyn and Mat - I thought it brought out that driving motivation for Nyn even better than the books.
  2. Bearing gifts like that??? Blood and Bloody Ashes YES!! Sorry to hear about the reading side tracking...but it seems that it has gotten worked out for the moment. @Ithillian Turambar sucked me into a never-ending rabbit hole of a battleship game...so not much reading done on this end either. But I did get some "couch date night" and re-watched WoT S3/E1 and watched S3/E2 (first time). Hopefully, hitting the couch again this evening for S3/E3....I am super excited about this show and love where it is going and the mish-mash. It is like listening to my favorite album...played differently! And, the light willing...I'll get some LoC re-reading done...I'm falling behind on that. It's really good to hear that your son has connected so well with school friends - those memories with my young school friends are some of my favorite. Our home was at the end of the cul-de-sac; so we always ended up there it seemed.
  3. Good morning?!? What madness...thanks for stepping up Turin - locked clear as a Villager! E1
  4. NO!! By ourselves....we are almost there... Also, I think the Grid for Red is off. It says H3, but recorded on H2?
  5. these are the best kind of days....days to savor! I'm definitely veg'ing on the couch this afternoon...did a nice long run this morning and now in recovery mode.
  6. It would certainly seem to make a natural tie-in to later healing Logain....
  7. H2 I'm feeling good about this Accepted @HeavyHalfMoonBlade and Novice @Andy MacLeod .... Mat's luck is strong!!
  8. Thank you Archer @Jeannaisais , don't mind if I do... Up to any adventures this weekend?
  9. E2 (as Andy says..) We are not doing well...
  10. You wanna guess next for Red Accepted @HeavyHalfMoonBlade??
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