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Posts posted by Barmacral

  1. My character was made as a mary sue type a bit for a RP Mafia game run by Winter Mist, back when she was active at Dragonmount. It didn't work out, and I just edited the Bio a bit for the actual Roleplay, and fleshed it out some. Now I have a character who is a little too good, and I'm attempting to work in some flaws. Being out of shape is a good start, but that won't last long in the band, so I'm figuring out where to go with him from there.

  2. Mehrin Deathwatch, a name Burgandy had heard repeated by several of the other scouts with a little bit of awe in their voices did not look so impressive in person. Sure, he looked tough, and deadly enough, but Burgandy had encountered others who looked as deadly or more so in his time. Some had shared drinks with him, some had died by his arrow or his blade. Some had even defeated him in pitched fights, from time to time, but none had ever managed a killing blow. This fellow did seem to be one to be reckoned with though, perhaps he could learn a thing or two from the man.


    Having been the first to notice the stranger – if you could call him that – Burgandy had been put in charge of keeping track of him while the other scouts assembled themselves against him and sent word back to the main army, which had been an easy task; Deathwatch had made no move to hide, and had long since spotted him, two or three times now, Burgandy was sure. The man also moved slowly appearing deeply in thought while at the same time appearing entirely aware of his surroundings, something even some Warders hadn’t managed to master in Burgandy’s experience.


    Soon Burgandy heard someone approaching him near silently, the occasional soft crunch of something on the ground being the only thing giving the new arrival away. A sergeant appeared beside him, and appeared to study Mehrin for a few moments before turning to Burgandy with a hard look on his face.

    “Has he done anything we should be aware of? Anything unexpected at all?”


    “No Sarge, if he had, he would have been skewered by my arrows by now. He’s been very good so far, and most certainly knows that you and I are here by this point. He’s been aware of my presence for some time now.” The sergeant nodded at Burgandy, and looked around as though he expected to see somebody he raised his hand and whistled a bird call. One that wasn’t as commonly used by the scouts.


    Nodding his head he hissed at Burgandy “Make sure your bow is nocked, but not drawn unless I give the say so. Lets go.” That made sense, having the arrow drawn would do nothing more than tire Burgandy out, and tired people win few fights.


    The two of them headed out from the brush, as several other members of the Band also became visible. Mehrin raised his arms and spoke, “A black wind blows from the north, and the grey geese fly south for winter.” Nobody responded to him, and Burgandy just looked at him a little confused. He must be using an old password, as Burgandy had never heard the phrase before in his life. The old man spoke up once more, "I take it that means they've changed the password?" His suspicion having been confirmed, Burgandy and the rest merely waited, as there was nothing for them to do until someone of higher rank in the band appeared.


  3. Burgandy grumbled, it figures that he tries to show that he means no harm, and ends up with a sword at his throat. The golden eyes though, they were curious. He had heard of people with them before, but had never seen them in his travels; supposedly they could talk to wolves, but Burgandy had his doubts.


    “I’d rather not find that out today, with the way I’m managing to walk, I would be liable to end up fighting a tree, and then losing when I stab myself in the foot with my own sword; though if you press that blade of yours up against my throat any harder, I probably won’t need to cause myself the unnecessary pain.” Burgandy picked a stray leaf that had been tickling his forehead out from his hair, but was careful to keep his hands in plain sight of the woman; she seemed temperamental, and he happened to be in no mood to wake up dead in the morning.


    “I am with an army, and we’re marching west. I am an advance scout, and my loss would be noticed rather quickly. Anything more than that I’m not paid enough to know. You’ll understand, I’m sure, if I don’t divulge which army I’m a part of, for the sake of my own skin. Want an apple? I’ve got a couple in my pocket here.” He made no move towards his pocket, waiting her approval in hopes of not getting himself killed.


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