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Everything posted by Shawlee

  1. THANKS FOR SAYING THIS. @Sand_ Sorry, i wasn't screaming at you, but i have to say, your little paragraph, and the raw emotions in it, gave a visceral picture of Rand Al'Thor. Not all of him, but at least the part that despises the Aes'Sedai. There are reasons, the man has cause, why he acts the way he acts. And you don't get the whole picture until you read to the end. Well up to the starting of "Memory " when he finally becomes the Dragon and pattern is in syncd with him. Edit: the earlier books make the Aes'Sedai to be some amazing and awe-inspiring bunch of women. But as we get to know the other groups of women channelers, i saw the Aes'Sedai fall short. They are bunch of petty women, ignorant and entiltled. I know Power and humility don't go hand in hand. But, the hierarchy of the wise ones is way better and healthier than the tower Aes'Sedai. That shows power and humility, CAN go hand in hand if 'the stuff' you are made of is good. Aeron a wiseone says it so nicely : "Aes'Sedai have no honor!" And honestly I couldn't agree more. The only tower Aes'Sedai (i do not consider or include our girls in it, Nynaeve's Aes'Sedai Test sealed my belief for sure.) I truly admire is Verin Mathwin. And we know what she is. 🀣
  2. "The hypocrisy of Rand & Perrin" someone should write an epic on it. This Fandom has enough poets, as I have seen, in my one whole week of being in it. πŸ₯ΉπŸ€”πŸ™Œ
  3. I AM DYING. 🀣🀣🀣 poor baby myrdralls, I mean Birgitte would be sympathetic, as she loves kids, esp the ugly ones. 🀣 For real tho, what an ethical quandary! πŸ€” But as we, people of "the main continent"(seanchen's dont have them, the only other continent we've got to learn about) are trying to eliminate all shadowspawn so yeah, unpleasant or not that has to be done, and if rand or tam has anything to say, the women will box their ears) SOOOO, Bring in the Aiel, they have no compunction about killing females, or the Wolves. Shhhh, 🀫🀫🀫Rand Al'Thor doesn't need to know.
  4. So I was wondering this today: Ever since I started reading the the books for the first time, way back when, I have been living in this perpetual loop of reading and re-reading and once the whole series is done going back to EoTW and staring all over again. I mean, don't get me wrong, I read other books in between πŸ˜…, but I always have a WoT book going on the background. It feels like home to me. And it kinda soothes me to be in Robert's world. Like at the moment I am reading and re-reading Path . Is there anyone else who is like me or am I just a psycho (as per my best friend who introduced me to RJs world)? I really gotta know!
  5. Also I appreciate you for doing this. ❀️❀️
  6. I know, I was just being a little shit, still kinda hurt by the fact that she of all people was one. I think I kinda feel like Egwene when it comes to the white tower. πŸ€”
  7. We need to take whatever Sheriam says with a grain of salt. She is afterall a black sister. The three oath doesn't apply to her.
  8. United? The forsakens? And you want Tear and Illian to rally together? How are they going to do that, they are ancient enemies, even forgetting that as nothing from the book matters anymore. You think the forsaken will have the foresight and willingness to work together? Especially the rest of them. Only person who had that foresight is Issy. You want Ravin and Sammael to work together or sammael and demandred? I just can't even imagine that. Also it will take away from the most important aspect of the chosens they DON'T WORK TOGETHER.
  9. No, that's the first time Aviendha uses the gateway weave. In Book 5. SHE is the first woman of this age to create a gateway. They better not cut it and give it Egwene. I would be pissed. Egwene figured out the weave for sure in Lord of Chaos. Back to the point, this is when Rand learns to jam a gateway, all by instincts. The first time it's hinted Rand possibly Traveled might have been as early as Eye of the world, at tarwins gap. But he really learns it when he skims after Asmodean, to race back to Rhuidean, at the end of shadow rising, when he creates the lakes there.
  10. Wait wasn't Belal in tear? They can easily expand on him or merge him with another male forsaken.
  11. This is what I am mad about, we understand adaptation (people don't need to harp on that) but to add a whole frigging storyline out of the air about Moiraine and her non-existent πŸ˜‘ family. And then they have the gal to say we didnt have enough time to show the hunt come on. πŸ™„
  12. Very well said. πŸ‘ I generally try to give these people the benefit of the doubt, but after season 2 i would definitely agree with you on this. And I am very salty about it. But I am not the one telling the story, and honestly what can we lowly fans do, other than sighing and speculating. .. and hoping and praying to light.
  13. Completely agree with all your points. The whole idea of my speculation post was to just discuss plot holes and loopholes. So, this is great. 😁😁😁 Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. One thing though, why did you specifically mentioned the Rakens here? What am I missing? Again, I have not been in the community, all my 'knowledge' is my own interpretations of the story. Is there anything that you guys know that connects rakens to shadowspawns? I mean i thought rakens and to'rakens are just animals from the portal world, like the grolms. I always compared it with The Witchers merging of spares (πŸ˜…πŸ˜…), only thing i could compare it with my little knowledge. I thought people might mistake rakens as draghkar. But that was it. Can you expand on that?
  14. You see I didn't have any problems with that, as suroth is a dark friend and the damanes under her control (probably some were her property too), were direct weapons wielded by Issy through her. So I think I can see how "moiraine" (Rafe actually) justifying this: pulling on a loose interpretation of the 3rd oath. Considering the tv Seanchen are more of a weapon for Issy. Hear me out! Unlike the books where he was in the shadows maneuvering, and he is directly involved with them in the show. (Like how Semirhage is later on). And when turak died, suroth becomes the highest authority of Seanchen army on this side of the areth occan, and her master is a forsaken. So by extension the Seanchen army(including the damanes) are fighting for the dark. Also her being exposed like that on the beach and being attacked on, albeit not by the people on the ships, but the foot soliders of the same military body, gives her the "I was trying to defend my life and my warders" excuse. I would further argue Lanfear intentionally dropped her off their, so Moiraine can have that excuse. And have a front row seat to see the dragron rise. That's my two cents, what to you think? @king of nowhere i would love to hear your point on my speculation. 😊
  15. At that distance? Also destroying multiple ships, and she made the Seanchen run? Not Rand Al'Thor ? Or the heroes of the horn? Really?
  16. ❀️❀️ lol this has been my headcanon for years, thanks 😊 for mentioning it, it makes me feel less stupid about it hahah
  17. Yes he did. When you read that rare Aginor, well when he became Osan'ger, POV. I think it's in "Chaos", in that long prologue if I am remembering correctly. Osan'ger thinks back to how he did not anticipate the Myrdralls when he made the Trollocs. They are some rare off shoot; throwbacks that was the word. And they are born from trolloc couplings (gag 🀒), at least he hints at that. He speculated it was the remnants of the human genes in them. Maybe that's why they can see channelling. **entering into complete speculation territory from this point, take this with a grain of salt** Maybe, Aginor experimented with some humans who could channel, and animals of course; to make some of the trollocs, and that might have caused some of them to pop out myrdralls? That has been my headcanon for years. I never looked online for theories, or read the companion book. I should remedy that now that you guys have mentioned.
  18. I don't know what you mean by here, but if you mean in my post(and my opinion); well, simply because he always felt like my near brother (younger than me), also because it is my interpretation... No one else has to like it.
  19. I Laughed so hard at this. πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ I think we as a fandom needed to be scold. Our main character has three "wives". Let's get over it!
  20. You summarized it so well. This is how i felt and still feel. When some people say these characters are not relatable, i understand it isn't relatable to them, which is perfectly reasonable as not everyone has the same experiences. But what i do not like, and have a problem with, is when people try to push it as the only opinion. Those of us who relates can understand and differentiate that honestly this is just a story, we really don't need to get political about it. That's all I will say about RJs "failure" of characters building.
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