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books of Robert Jordan

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Everything posted by books of Robert Jordan

  1. Robert Jordan had a different kind of approach to this topic: “As the Wheel must turn, men must age and then die, but, as the Wheel must turn, they will be born again. In other ages, they may be quite different, but in any given age, though their circumstances may be different, they will be much the same kind of person. Free will means, though, that they may be kind or hard, good or evil. You must guide your behaviour and take responsibility for it; predestination does not work that strongly on individuals.” In other words: the journey is more important than the destination. (I still maintain my opinion that there's no free will: see Min, Eg etc)
  2. [final post; the numbers of the last months/years are very telling, especially the lack of them] Nielsen, April 01 – 07
  3. Again, should I continue? (I don't think so. It's totally meaningless.) Nielsen, March 25 – 31
  4. Just to be sure... Checking the latest data... Nielsen, Feb 12 – Feb 18 Again, no data regarding Amazon's WOT...
  5. Nielsen, Feb 05 – Feb 11 It looks like that Amazon's WOT has irrevocably disappeared from Nielsen's list – something similar happened to Amazon's LOTR ("why"?) –, and while I understand Amazon a little bit (for not allowing Nielsen to disclose the figures), I think publishing low numbers is better than zero publishing... So, I will not post Amazon's numbers anymore. (But who needs real data after all, the marketing department will tell us that Amazon's WOT is the biggest and the best television show ever (I'm a little bit confused: according to the PR team Amazon's LOTR is the biggest and the best television show ever), and everybody (especially the "modern" audience) loves it, so it was such a brilliant idea tossing (you know the drill) the dated and toxic and bad books of Robert Jordan out of the windows.
  6. https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/DEIA_InclusionReport_2023_RF.pdf
  7. What will happen when the AI (ok, LLM) gets a novel instead of a very short promt? https://openai.com/sora#capabilities
  8. It is worth to read his novels even just to compare things: Perrin's eyes etc, there are so many things which surely came from him. Or you will recognise a certain thing from A Rose for Emily etc. His best book is Light in August (he has Soldiers' Pay, The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, LiA, and Pylon – A,A! is on the fence for me, his other books are just bad), read it, if you have the time, and you will see tons of stuff which Jordan used in WOT – in wildly different forms, of course.
  9. along with the (Roman) Catholic Church – and while it's true that Jordan used everything from everything (see FAQ, interviews) he ever read (e. g. if you read Hemingway's books you will see many, many things which Jordan deemed worthy to use in his own books), the biggest motifs (I think) came from Faulkner (as inspirations, naturally). From the character of Rand, through (the development of) the whole story, through 'small' things like the agelessness of Aes Sedai, the cloaks of the Warders, or sometimes Jordan did quite a deed, like condensing As I Lay Dying (the whole novel!) into two chapters in TSR (chapter 25 and 26) with a few twists, and so many things come from Light in August, Soldiers' Pay etc. that I reckon the spine, the basic foundation of WOT is based on Faulkner's works, despite having not seen William Faulkner's name ever mentioned in posts regarding WOT. Thoughts, opinions?
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