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Posts posted by TravellingIsAGatewayDrug

  1. On 10/20/2023 at 3:42 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

    Not exactly the same vein, but I would recommend David Gemmell. His work is a bit cheesy and overly heroic, but it is fantastically good, imo. I recently re-read his first book, Legend, and that has not aged so well, too many heros, too many flippant, self-depreciating wits, but as a first novel it is pretty awesome. His later books become more nuanced, with more variation in the characters. The Rigante series is suitably ambitious, following a celtic-type psuedo-Scottish civilization from its struggles with the Stone (Roman) Empire, through viking invasions, and into Jacobean territories. 


    I really like his writing and he is always guaranteed to have me crying, though not sure that says more about me or his writing 🙂 


    On 10/20/2023 at 7:24 AM, Scarloc99 said:

    The chronicles of Thomas Covenant is a series of 2 trilogies and a final trilogy of 4 books that are just amazing, in my opinion the best fantasy series ever written. The lore and how things tie in to each other are fantastic and the series just improves book to book and trilogy to trilogy. 


    You can read the first 6 books and leave the series there happily as well. 


    Thanks for the recommendations gang, I'll take a gander!

  2. So, after completing the wheel of time series I find myself needing to fill the void it left before my first re-reading.


    Does anyone have any fantasy series recommendations? Is Earthsea worth reading? Any other older series in the same vein?


    My only stipulation is that they cannot be LitRPGs or video-game adjacent. That stuff is just too immersion breaking and cringey for me.

  3. 9 hours ago, Jsbrads2 said:


    a regular gateway isn’t as effective as a deathgate. A deathgate opens to a new location each time it opens and deposits a few body in each random location to prevent clogging up the gate. 

    You almost had me until I remembered that gateways could be opened horizontally somewhere in the air, invalidating the clogging argument.


    How much is Brandon Sanderson paying you? ;P



  4. 6 hours ago, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

    Just did a quick search to see if this had been asked before, and yay, are there some interesting threads out there. A letter to Pam Korda...


    Anyway. back to the point of discussion. 


    Could an Emond Fielder, such as Rand, kill a female trolloc? I am torn on the subject, not least because, ewwwww, but would they see the humanity and helplessness in them and their "all too human eyes"TM or would they be happy to remove the source of the trolloc threat. And why do wolves call Myrddral Neverborn, when they are? Has no one ever taken a wolf aside and explained the birds and the bees and the trollocs? Perhaps it is about time. 

    The authors never actually cover the reproductive habits of the shadowspawn or their relevant anatomy from what I remember.


    It was mentioned that most if not all types of them were created by one of the Forsaken. Perhaps they have no true sex.


    Perhaps they crawl out of pits of mud, blood, muck, and filth after some ritual is done. Maybe even huck a few corpses in for good measure. That is kind of in line with how I picture them.


    That would also cover the wolves' term for them.

  5. I finished my first read-through recently. Obviously, there is a gaping hollowness to finishing a series this large, but I was planning on it and saved the prequel to read as a way to wean off of it. Even accounting for that and giving it a bunch of time to sink in, I found several aspects of the ending left me wanting. Wrapping my thoughts/rant in a spoiler below, but how did you all feel about the end? 



    - The Pacing


    > I know there was a ton to cover and countless threads to wrap up... Not to mention what was going to be a single massive book was actually dumped into 3 separate ones... Even then, then last book felt rushed to me. I think it should've been at least 4 instead of 3.


    - Let Them Be Heroes


    > This one is alright as far as messages go, but I feel Siuan and Brynn's end was unceremonious and abrupt. I get that death is often like that, still felt like a lame end to some rather well-built characters. Same with Rhuarc actually. Egwene and Gawyn's ends were flashier at least. Not a huge fan of any of those deaths honestly, but at leas the latter pair had a spicy exit salvo.


    - Rand


    > Whelp, now all that business is handled better go on vacation and let everyone I care about, including my father, think I'm dead. Bruh.


    Also, I assume since the female-trio had the bond they'll catch up somehow (and he'll step in as a father, uh, maybe?), but I kind of wish it was a bit less open-ended.


    - Nakomi


    > I've read a bunch of nerds complaining about this, so I won't go into length on it, but Nakomi is lame.


    - Loose Ends


    > As I mentioned, within 3 books they tied up quite a few but there were countless little ones I longed to see wrapped up only to be left wanting.


    - The Sharans


    > There culture needed a whole book to expand on. At least there was "River of Souls" to give a bit of a peek into it, but that was not enough to truly appreciate their culture and mindsets.



    - The Land of the Mad Men


    > Oi, there's a whole dang Australia on the map they didn't mess with in the series proper. What the heck?!


    - The Red-Veils


    > I really thought they could've expanded on this more.


    I'm sure there's more that I've already forgotten at this point, but I had to dump this somewhere lol.

  6. On 1/28/2023 at 1:45 AM, Lightfriendsocialmistress said:

    Hi fellow WoT fans! I’m new to the community so I please forgive me if I may have missed this potential discussion in a thread posted previously. Is it just me, or did anyone else interpret the lighting of Rands pipe as almost a nod to the Aiel and one other culture (tremalking perhaps? I am only on first reread so my memory of initial read isn’t the best) who viewed life as a dream, combined with what we know about tel’aran’rhod. If you become a master of the world of dreams, whatever you think becomes so. Could it be that Rand conquered the next level of “the dream”? Seeing the world as the aiel so much so that thought becomes reality?

    I think that is a fair point. I believe they were attempting to forshadow that viewpoint as they were rather heavy handed with Perrin's Wolf Dream experiences impacting how he tried to interact in the real world and then remembering he wasn't in the Dream I.E. Trying to shift, trying to teleport things into his hands, etc.

  7. On 10/15/2023 at 1:19 PM, Jsbrads2 said:

    Deathgates don’t need a sweeper, they slide forward on their own. Open, slide forward, close, reopen, slide forward…



    Yeah, but with gateways killing shadowspawn that pass though already and the edges cutting through everything, isn't the close-reopen cycle pointless?


    I thought of one I was sad that they didn't use as well:

    Got a bunch of shadowspan coming down a canyon, open a wall to wall gateway with ingress and egress only millimeters apart. Functionally useless as a gateway and meaningless to normal folk but 100% death to shadowspan that pass through.


    I did finally finish the series, and I wish they went a little more into the dual-bonding. When Rand and Nynaeve cleansed the taint, it was mentioned that since the two halves can never touch he essentially crafted saidar into a pipe which then could compress saidine and essentially boost the "pressure" of it.


    Nope. None of that. You get semi-telepathy and some shared casting capability while in a circle. I mean, that is cool and all, but there was room for gestalt kind of thing with the power itself.

  8. 7 hours ago, Windigo said:

    Yes historically there is truth to several fruits that were originally poisonous before selective breeding, and still contain poisonous pits/seeds.
    Basically though peaches were poisonous in WoT because Robert Jordan decided they should be. 


    Ah, straight from the man himself. That works for me.


    On 10/15/2023 at 4:22 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

    Reading up on this, as sour and bitter to me are sort of the same thing, I have found out I am wrong. Though much of what you can find on the internet appears to be slightly confused or contradictory.

    My mind is blown. I have never known someone that felt sour and bitter were even close on the flavor spectrum. I learned something today.

  9. While reading through the series the first time, I noticed that characters will sometimes refer to something sour as tasting bitter.


    That seemed like a weird arbitrary choice, but I thought maybe there was some interesting real-world history on that (like the color orange and such), but a quick search didn't seem to turn up anything.


    Gang, I humbly ask: What's up with that?


    (Also, the Peaches being poison is weird. I think people used to think tomatoes were poison so I gave it a pass, but if anyone has more details on that it'd be appreciated)

  10. One thing that amuses me to no end in this series is how the Aes Sedai can twist the truth to essentially render that part of the oaths null and void.


    Give me some more examples of extreme truth twisting for fun! 


    In example:


    "I was fired for gross misconduct."


    On a resume could become:


    "After receiving recognition from the Human Resources department I was promoted to Customer, notably among our most profitable positions."


  11. When a pair of the rebel sisters were killed by a forsaken, I believe they mentioned that it appeared that the forsaken just wove a bubble around their heads and allowed them to suffocate.


    It irked me that something so simple was identified as being used, so they were clearly aware of it, but then in the ensuing battle with the Seanchan they don't use the same trick. I mean, bubbling a Raken or To'Raken's head seems a more efficient use than spraying gouts of flame all over the place.


    Rand had booby-trapped the ways in Shayol Ghul fairly cleverly, allowing trollocs to pass through and then later perish.


    When Rand was defending the manor (I think it was a manor, fighting alongside Logain) and utilized gateways as a weapon against the trollocs, it was clever in a fashion. On the other hand gateways opening and closing like slicing jaws of doom seemes wasted. Yes, they will slice through anything, but with the fact that shadowspawn simply die when passing through a gate it seemed it would be easiers to just weave a standing/stable gateway and sweep it through swathes of shadowspawn like a shop-vac of justice.


    Also, I haven't quite finished the books yet, but I'm kind of surprised that with Ashaman and Sisters bonding eachother, nobody has mentioned trying a dual bond yet. In example, an Ashaman could bond a sister as a warder, and then that sister could bond him as a warder in turn. We don't see any real detriment to bonding warders, it doesn't seem to tax the Aes Sedai in any way, and it seems to boost the warder's physical abilities. I imagine that dual-bonding between opposite sexed OP users would be a net positive and closest you could get to a unification of the halves of the OP. I'm sure it would be weird mentally with bonds and all, but it may have been a fun concept.


    Maybe it is still coming though...

  12. Here's a few I thought up:


    "I wonder exactly where her arms were when she crossed them?"


    "Do you think their skirts wrinkle when they sit and stand?"


    "I wish Nynaeve wasn't so stoic."


    "Do you think Suian is still in touch with her fishing roots?"


    "I wish Mat's character didn't change so much."


    "Verrin is such a boring character."


    "The prologues and epilogues are such a waste of time, just get to the story already!"


    "I wish Robert Jordan would describe how wolves communicate more."

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