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Lethira the second

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Posts posted by Lethira the second

  1. 2 hours ago, dwn said:



    So when Moiraine says she "cannot say" she's technically she's telling the truth. The Oath Rod may not prevent her, but revealing anything about the search would break her promise to Tamra.


    This is the crux of my issue with the writing in that scene.  We already know that Moiraine is unable to lie, so when she says she 'cannot say' there is absolutely no reason for Siuan to fly off the handle.  I realise the show is making alterations to the lore and customs, but it's pretty well understood at least in NS that Aes Sedai don't pry into one another's business.  And Liandrin's behaviour in the hall?  Snapping at the Amyrlin Seat -why on earth was she not instructed to get down on her knees?  -Yes, we know why but it was pretty clumsy.


    It actually would have made more sense for Liandrin to point out that Moiraine is riding around with Tower property in her bag (the Angreal we saw in the opening scene) that would have also given us an insight into how the AS viewed such relics.


    We're almost at the end of season one and we've not seen Thom and Moiraine in the same part of the world, let alone the same room.  While there's still time to establish a relationship it becomes increasingly difficult, the longer it goes. I'd be happy if they dropped the romance between the two.  As yet, they've not covered the fact Moiraine likely knows who was responsible for gentling Owyn, so there at least is a potential reason for Thom to go running off to rescue her.  He still wants the information.


    Gareth Bryne has plenty of reason for joining the rebels.  Regardless of his obsession with Siuan he's dealing with being publicly dumped by Morgase and rolling around wondering what to do with the rest of his life.


    Having shown the two are in a relationship, it would be disappointing if that was indeed their last meeting.  A throwaway scene.  Siuan could quite easily send Moiraine a coded message to "come home" whether that may refer to their love nest and that would allow Moiraine to return to the Tower, given the wording of her oath.

  2. I absolutely loved it! It felt classy.


    I take issue with some of the writing -the conflict in the hall felt forced.  They could have found other catalysts for Siuan publicly tearing Moiraine off a strip.  Even her language 'my world' was off -the performance was top class.  I'm not enamoured with them using a Ter'angreal to meet up -but that is nitpicky.  What really shone above the writing was the performances -they were playful with one another and you could sense what they meant to each other.


    Personally, I didn't like Siuan and Gareth in the books.  It felt more Stockholm syndrome than a proper relationship.  The scene with the two together gave a measure of closure as we never saw them reunite at the Last battle.  I always felt they had a deep close connection and to some degree whether or not sex was a part of it was immaterial to me.  On my reading, they were lovers in a non conforming sense.  -But damn -that kiss! Smoking hot!


    The oath swearing also felt like clumsy writing being in public but also reminiscent of wedding vows.  

  3. Not entirely a returner... I started posting on the forum a couple of years back under the name Lethira (I think 2018) and met some lovely people briefly.  I believe the site had a massive problem and for a few days people couldn't post.  For some reason, I never managed to get my account back and properly working and it faded into the background.


    A big hi from a reader in the UK.  Looking forward to conversing with you.

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