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Raal Gurniss

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Posts posted by Raal Gurniss

  1. 1 hour ago, expat said:



    You stick around and rationally discuss the issues raised in your post and by other posters. Too many others give a one post statement that the show is terrible because it isn't exactly like RJ wrote the books and then disappear. Valid



    Perhaps people are "encouraged" to disappear? I mean it has been mentioned that its not safe for people to critique the show here, perhaps such people get scared off after threats of a sinister death.

  2. 14 hours ago, bombadillio said:

    Anyone know of any other places to find the wheel of time Leather-bound books or Legends? 


    I have just about every single lathered bound book except a few select few. 


    Have a few of the first 3 as well just not signed. Have been watching Ebay for over a decade and want to complete my collection..... 1 day ☺ 


    Member posted his collection in 2013 and wish I bought it. 

    At the prices they go for on Ebay why don't you get them professionally bound in a similar manner? 

    Yes I know many collectors have this thing about matching limited sets etc, but a personalised leather bound matching set of books is sure to be cheaper and more unique...But lets face it, the latter is better.

  3. On 5/13/2022 at 9:40 AM, SadWoTreader said:

    Hi all, 

    I have been reading some of the forum posts here and I know there’s been threads on this topic already so I’m sorry for revisiting this..


    I just finished the last book and I’m actually feeling such profound loss and emotional pain i am overwhelmed…


    I started reading the series many years ago circa 2000 and I only read part of the series that was out and I have re read the first five or six books a few times since…

    with the tv series being made I committed to reading all of the books starting over again and they grabbed ahold of me, at times I would read for five or six hours, late into the night, frequently until the sun rises (and ruining my sleep schedule) 


    I became so deeply engrossed in the story, I identified so strongly with all of the characters for one reason or another. I read all 14 books in just the past four months or so, I really can’t pin down when I began this time…

    but now after finishing the last book I feel completely empty 


    I have such a strong need to know what will happen with rand in his new body, how will mat get by with tuon and the seanchan, so many other peoples stories that will go on but I can never know anything about them now that the last page has been written 


    I feel as if I’ve suffered the loss of death of so many close friends all at once, not just the ones that died but all of the characters. 
    i wasn’t expecting this intense loss, I’ve read other series and been sad at the ending and at not having those stories but this is happening on an entirely different scale.


    maybe reading all the books over again in such an obsessive way in short time has amplified this feeling 


    I just don’t know what to do and who to talk to.  I know many maybe all of you who read this post understand and can relate 


    This is actually such a painful experience I can’t sleep and I made an account here just to post this and reach out to someone who can relate


    If anyone has suggestions on how to move on from this series or cope with this utterly surprising and sharp loss please tell me 

    Start watching the TV show...


    It will be kill or cure.

  4. 3 hours ago, Pandemonium said:


    the fact that WOT is higher than so many shows is amazing, especially the Boys.  Carnival row, I watched 2 episodes and can't motivate myself to watch the rest.  Is it worth it?  Expanse is good but not sure that is a huge audience show.  Also surprised that WoT is higher than the Jack Ryan show

    Yup, I am rather sceptical especially given how few people I know actually are even aware of it and 4/5 of the ones that have shown interest in the show haven't actually watched it.


    You would think such an amazingly popular show would have gotten more accolades than it has or even  just more nominations...Or even just gotten status/recognition in pop culture in some sort of parody form.



  5. On 6/7/2022 at 11:06 AM, DojoToad said:

    Never done an audio book in my life.  Nor an e-book.  Don't mind me, just an old dinosaur passing through...

    Some very good ones read by some great orators out there, very handy if driving, or working...Makes weeding the garden of brambles some what less of a pain, not physically of course....

  6. 2 hours ago, Nik said:


    My point is that we don't know yet how this works in the show. Maybe the Aes Sedai in the show use the oath rod a lot more than they do in the books. Just because we don't know doesn't make it an inconsistency, it just makes it something we don't yet know.


    As for the wording, I said before that I think it's meant to be low enough that the other Aes Sedai don't hear the change, only the parts they expect. Moiraine's volume goes up at the end when she's done with the switch.


    In general, when I see something that doesn't match what I know from the books, instead of assuming it's wrong and an inconsistency, I find it more helpful to take it at face value and say, "Okay, this is what's presented to me. What does it mean for the show? What's the story they're trying to tell?"


    What I see here is a scene where the oath rod is being used to enforce a punishment and the person being punished pretends to mumble in shame in order to subvert the oath to her own ends. It seems perfectly fine and reasonable in its own context.


    You obviously don't have to agree. These are all interpretations, and we will all interpret scenes differently. (We also all interpret the books differently, it's part of the fun). 


    I'm just pointing out that there are different possible ways to see it here. They don't make the scene objectively badly written.

    I really don't think the show will go into much detail on the issue, likely it will gloss over such things and never refer to it again...


    It's just time restraint and poor writing...I could be wrong, we shall see.

  7. 3 hours ago, SilentRoamer said:

    To answer the OP question - Morraine did not have a plan because I highly doubt that the showrunners/writers even considered it...


    Still possible, would be a plot twist they were looking for....Rand could just be a distraction, although I wouldn't rule out the the whole "Dragon within all of us" route either.





  8. 3 hours ago, Andra said:

    Well, let's see ...

    How about killing Whitecloaks?  Once with Elyas and the wolves (while protecting Egwene).  Once after freeing Gaul.

    How about acting as bannerman at Falme when the Heroes needed to follow the Dragon Banner?

    How about defending the camp in the Mountains of Mist from an attack by shadowspawn?

    How about detecting SIX Gray Men - and killing most himself with a chair leg - that not even Lan or Moiraine had noticed?

    And yes, rescuing Faile.


    The point is that Perrin has his own fair share of "hero moments" without taking any away from Rand.


    As far as the show is concerned, you may be right.  Nothing requires Rand to be even a passable swordsman.  But the scene in the book absolutely does.  It took all his skill with the sword to allow him to win, and he still had to take a wound that would never heal in the process.

    As well as to receive the second Heron brand that prophecy required.

    Am sure they will fit in a single sword lesson for 30 seconds, Lan will say something about giving him a lesson that one time, then a flashback to Lan saying, "have taught you nearly everything I know"...And Rand will be an instant blademaster.


    I don't think this show was really made with fighting in mind though, its not going to play a large part, I think they were going for more Walking Dead style but without the Zombies and 1/4 the action scenes and a lot more CGI.

  9. 38 minutes ago, WoTwasThat said:

    People keep saying this. I don’t know why they keep saying this. EOTW was an easy adaptation. They just blew it. 

    Well...Think of all the fantasy books ever written, think of all the fantasy books turned into TV/Film and then think of all the successful ones or even ones that are any good.


    There are not that many that spring to mind for me...GoT, LotR, original Conan..

  10. 10 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:

    Well stop speculating about things you don't know about . If they stick to 2 and 3 they spend no time in Tear apart from getting off a boat and doing a lot of inside shots.

    Fairs fair though, only right if you follow your own advice...


    I go by what they included from book 1 , what they interpreted, what they changed and what they left out..


    They left more out, they changed plenty and they interpreted what remained quite differently to how many others saw things.


    Series 1 was pretty bare bones perhaps 5% of the book? Say 25% allowing for my bias and general error.


    Series 2 is going to have twice the content from the 2 books to draw from but if it has the same runtime its going to be half the amount per book, if they continue as they did initially.


    That will be 2.5-12.5% of content per book.


    Fantasy TV/movie book adaptations are extremely difficult to do(I would say it's the hardest genre to translate to screen), it is EXTREMELY rare that they follow the book much more than a low % and even rarer that they are particularly successful, usually due to people not sticking to the source material enough and putting their own perspective on things...Changing the recipe is fraught with risk.





  11. 3 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:


    Well in the 2 books than are coming there is no Fingers of the Dragon , they get off  2/3 boats , visit a healer ,get locked up , fight a guy in a tavern and take the Stone then move on .  Season 3 they go to 4 other (Two Rivers,Aiel Waste ,Tanchico.Cairhien) places and never go into how Tear is set up

    Well who knows what makes it into the show and what gets changed.



  12. 25 minutes ago, Humbugged2 said:

    In the Two Rivers the actors are 80-85% Brits with the rest having done RP  at stage school where they grew up


    And once again did you expect the whole of TR to be cast from a 3 mile area ?



    ....Point is the verisimilitude I mean what if the whole population of TR each spoke an entirely different language(Never mind accent) for instance?

    I mean it would require some exposition wouldn't it? 

    It's not a big issue anyway, it's a fantasy show after all, it doesn't have to make that much sense.



  13. 26 minutes ago, Humbugged2 said:

    Or Jessica Lange and Lambear were shit at doing a Scots accent ( hello Mel Gibson ) JL is the worst I have even heard Groundskeeper Willie was better


    And everthing you have said is wrong TV and all the local shows has encouraged people to actually  hold onto there accents . People do not want to speak Mid-Atantic ,they do it for parts


    Why would you want to sound like Sheena Easton ?



    You must understand that globally  thousands of regional accents have gone with the advent of faster transport and improved media and communication? 

    The UK is a prime example, give it a Google..


    More will be lost than will be saved.

  14. 6 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:


    Not really people got their accents before TV it would have made no difference .


    Unless you cast from a reaaaly small micro area is was always going to be the case. Like I said 3 miles way from me it's a very different accent.


    And all the NZ/Aus/Indian/Brit/Irish actors speak RP anyway if the were taught in an Acting School so anywhere you go they are all speaking the same to begin with ,as it is how they are trained


    6 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:


    Not really people got their accents before TV it would have made no difference .


    Unless you cast from a reaaaly small micro area is was always going to be the case. Like I said 3 miles way from me it's a very different accent.


    And all the NZ/Aus/Indian/Brit/Irish actors speak RP anyway if the were taught in an Acting School so anywhere you go they are all speaking the same to begin with ,as it is how they are trained

    Not quite sure where you are getting that TV creates or even speeds the process in making such regional accents.


    My point was that widespread communication such as TV or Radio would actually reduce such as gradually either a dominant form would take over or a gradual merging of multiple would occur.


    With no TV or Radio coverage and no trains, planes and automobiles etc regional accents would gradually become stronger and become noticeably different the further away you travel from that region.



    5 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:

    Sometimes it works but mostly it does not . I give you Christophe Lambear (Highlander) and Jessica Lange (Rob Roy) terrible ,most of Outlander where you had Dutch,Irish,English actors trying to do an Inverness accent


    Or Chris Pine /Aaron T-Johnson in Outlaw King where they gave it a good shot

    It doesn't really matter, its just verisimilitude and only becomes an issue if someone then tries to insert a faction that does have regional accents that highlight that all the other regions don't have accents.

  15. 1 hour ago, Humbugged2 said:

    As I said they cast most of them are from England/Scotland/Ireland or the former colonies where actors all learn to do RP like most do in acting schools in the UK


    And hundreds of years ago people developed their accents from 1 place to the next ,where Weegies sound nothing like me but I grew up 8 miles from Tollcross , the English ones grew up in the Midland where Brummies sound nothing like people from Stoke or Stratford-Upon-Avon . All this without TV's

    Which reinforces what I say surely? 

    There should be a massive divide in language and custom in reality, in Jordans books this is toned down but still noticeable, in the show its not really a thing.

  16. 15 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:

    Ghealdan is credited as being Spain .


    Tar Valon has a mixed population same as the Sisters so we have 4 English - 1 who went to school at a posh West Country school,1 from the Midlands,1 who studied at RADA,and 1 from Saath of the river  , 1 Indian at the minute and now 2 Scots from different places in Scotland ,Moraine's Sitter is from Galashields and Katie Lueng but both trained in Edinburgh , notice the difference between Katie and Rose Leslie who she grew up 60 miles away but Rose was sent to a  posh school in France and the deep West Country and Katie went to the private school in my home town (used to be a techer training college and Gianni Capaldi went there too) and grew up 3 miles from me . And Zuki Hoyle was a Weegie like me (sort of ) . Accents can change across a short distance in the UK . 10 miles away from me reaaaaly different accents



    The Tinkers are mainly Irish (and so are New Mat and Avi) and there has been a load of Scandis playing roles


    So unless you were going to hire all the Two Rivers from 1 tiny,tiny area they were never going to sound alike . Rosumund/Clair Perkins come from 10 miles apart but class in a thing in the UK, so the daughter of two opera singer sound different than an actress from south of the river  . But all speak English and in Oz/ NZ they teach the acting pupils to do RP ,and the rest are from England except Eggys dad who is Oz as well  ,Rand who is Dutch where they all speak English and Mat mother who is from the States


    Well...Here is the mixing of reality and fantasy though....The fictional existing nations are several thousands of years distant from the real long dead nations,  accents change within decades and given the multiple extensive turmoil English wouldn't even be a recognisable dialect anymore never mind the multitude variation of accents it has....Given the reduced level in communication such as TV and Radio and limited travel options accents would differ to a degree every days walking distance apart.



    It was a choice the showrunners made, it has many benefits it's certainly cheaper, more inclusive and opens up the casting pool on the other hand it comes at a cost in verisimilitude and makes things a bit cringe worthy when they then factionalise other groups with stereotypes and accents.






    19 hours ago, DojoToad said:

    Accents wouldn't matter to me unless it was super obvious - Welsh, Jamaican, and Russian in the same isolated village.  Otherwise I could probably roll okay.  I'm generally the same with music.

    Well point I was making was that there are little to no regional accents whatsoever anyway...Which isn't a major problem, until the subject is raised and people pretend that the show does have wide scale regional casting or accents..


    Half the shows/movies I have watched have similar things I don't have issue watching a poorly dubbed movie/series or reading the subtitles where I wouldn't notice the variational accents or even understand the spoken language.




  17. 17 hours ago, Humbugged2 said:


     2 Scots in the cast using a Scots accent with another one to come (and that one with a Dundee accent which will be a hoot  eh ). 2 Spaniards playing Ghealdani's


    ....No Scotland though...No Spain...


    And 2 people with shared accent does not a region make...Wouldn't Two Rivers Folk share a distinct different accent to Morraine, Lan, Fain, the Aes Sedai as a whole? Or Tar Valon population?  

    It is what it is...Not saying it's bad, not saying it's good I'm just saying there is little to no regional accent or any real cultural difference...Certainly been no wide eyed wonder from a group of sheltered young adults whose lives have been spent in a small rural village.

  18. On 4/25/2022 at 2:58 PM, Jaccsen said:

    I am not saying the Wheel of Time actors are bad but the show spends no time with them and does not develop the characters of anyone other than Morraine. The cast has very little to do so there was zero investment in them.

    I don't blame the actors, they did the best with what they were given to work with.

  19. 1 hour ago, WhiteVeils said:



    13 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

    One thing they could be doing (I hope so) is start with a clean look because the world is not touched strongly by the Dark One. As the series goes on it becomes more and more gritty, grimy, dark etc. and that can be played with as Rand affects the world and goes downhill/uphill mentally.

    Possibly...Although far more likely is that it simply doesn't have the production values to allow for that level of detail.



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