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Posts posted by Andromedus



    Ishy (assuming they are keeping to the books more here and making audience think it's the DO) was really good.  I wonder, and this is my brain trying to reason out their thinking, if they feel showing three confrontations with Ishamael is overkill for the show (as happens in first 3 books).  Maybe they're saving Rand's big showdown and display of power to later confrontations and decided to mirror Manetheren here.


    That bummed me out, I wanted Rand to suddenly appear at Tarwins Gap and wreck shit.


    I like this show, but this episode was a bit of a disappointment.  I still think this show can be great, but they really need to find more expressions for Perrin than befuddled "I'm about to cry" face or get him off the show, he's useless and more boring than he was in the books.


    Hopefully the writing and editing can improve, I can deal with the story changes (the Seanchan had a nice sense of dread in the last scene) but they need to figure out where some of these characters are going and get them moving.


    LTT - they needed another scene or two with him to make that scene make more sense.  Still cool but could've been more.


    I think this show will be better with the characters splitting up also.


    First Season - B+

    Episode 8 - C





  2. 20 minutes ago, swollymammoth said:

    Brandon has been very clear about this. He wasn't sure about the direction the show was taking, spent a few days doing hard thinking, and eventually decided that his job was to help Rafe make the best version of his story (not RJ's story).


    He has said that his breakthrough came when he decided to stop thinking about the show as WoT


    He has also been clear that he is judging the show based on how well it nails Rafe's vision of WoT


    Brandon likes Rafe's vision, so he likes the show. It's that simple.  

    You're twisting his words but I get it, you're disappointed.


    I see the show as a way to improve and fix so much about WOT that was either unecessary plot/bloat or just not interesting.


    Also I could not care less what Sanderson thinks either way, not a fan of his and just reread AMOL ???

  3. Man I'm so glad they are changing things, I loved this ep.


    I do wish they'd have given us 10 eps, my main qualms with the show still are the rushed parts and some of the editing, but to be fair, the EOTW bit comes out of nowhere in the books as well.  I think RJ was obviously finding his way in this book, show is doing what it can with some of weaker bits and also not trying to look like a fellowship of the ring rip off quest


    - The acting is getting better and better.  Loial's hair bothers me but otherwise love the character, can't wait to see him get angry.


    - Nynaeve is SO MUCH BETTER in the show, thank you for not making her out to be a shrew.


    - One of RJ's greatest weaknesses was how he wrote women, show is rectifying that ??


    - To non-readers I would imagine the Dragon identity should be getting obvious but my wife still thinks it's another character and I don't want to spoil it


    - Excited to see the Ways


    - Wondering if we will get "Balthagnor" at the Eye instead of the gruesome twosome


    - Seanchan hint with the ships was nicely done


    I wish these last two episodes were 2 hours each but pumped to see how they end season 1!









  4. I never expected them to follow the books line by line, it's impossible.  I went in to this hoping they'd nail the characters (and expect some changes - RJ wrote women pretty poorly IMO), the overall themes and important plotlines.


    I think for a first season it's really good, and I'm confident the writing, editing and pacing will improve.  


    I'm bummed for those that hate it, but you're never going to please everyone.  I know asoiaf fans who never watched got after the first season, just despised it from the get go ??‍♂️


    Loial looks good, he can't be 10 feet tall in the show so I think the adaption works.


    I do think it's a hit so it's going to be around at least 4-5 seasons which I'm thrilled for.


    Also agree with others we need 10-12 eps per season moving forward (20 is crazy and too expensive will never happen, shows like walking dead get away with this by low balling actors and being cheap in other areas).


  5. 3 minutes ago, thievingsackofpotatoes said:

    I’d agree that it has the “bones” for being something really special. Right now it’s got some work to do (although as a book fan I love seeing WoT on the screen), speaking from a visual medium perspective.


    I'm someone who feels like the characters from the books are actually on screen.


    with that said, from a known book fan and tv/movie fan perspective the story telling is, so far, solid. It could be tighter in its operation.


    Agree, it's a solid start with moments of awesomeness thus far, I'm overall pleased, it could have been Shannara (shudders).  My brothers partner was so curious about who the DR is he spoiled it for himself lol

  6. 6 minutes ago, thievingsackofpotatoes said:

    I love the Thom, Mat, and Rand travels but there’s no way they were going to fit that all into the show. Could they have used another scene of them bonding? I’d have liked it but currently we have (although briefly) Mat and Thom bonding over the Aiel and Rand and Thom bonding over Mat maybe being a channeler. It’s also during this scene that Thom outright states he’s staying with them to help out as long as he can (because of his nephew).


    flute Rand is cool but doesn’t have any real importance over the full story narrative.


    I do wish that there was a very short scene (and they could have easily done this) that showed Lan training the boys while Mo trained Egwene).


    Rand does try to get the sword back from Dana but she schools his a**. I don’t think running afterwards shows they have no “backbone.”


    Why does Rand fleeing from a superior fighter show that he doesn’t have “backbone?”

    I miss the training with Lan as well wonder if they will use another time skip to cover this or focus on it in season 2 at the beginning.  I do really hope they get the swordsmanship and it's importance correct 


    "When the sun turns green" is one of my fave quotes/moments

  7. 21 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

    I read somewhere else that there were some scenes for Loial that were cut for time. I really want to see them now and do hope we get extended editions later. Also thanks for the suggestion on the read. Never read MbotF I will have to check it out. I think the show overall is hovering just under greatness if that makes sense? With just a little bit more X factor or magic that inexplicably makes something special paired with minor changes moving forward regarding character development I could see it being truly spectacular.

    Also yes give mbotf a try, but it's not for everyone, just like Bakker, another fave of mine ?


    I do want to see Ishy and the wolves talk, those are important elements to me

  8. 14 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

    I read somewhere else that there were some scenes for Loial that were cut for time. I really want to see them now and do hope we get extended editions later. Also thanks for the suggestion on the read. Never read MbotF I will have to check it out. I think the show overall is hovering just under greatness if that makes sense? With just a little bit more X factor or magic that inexplicably makes something special paired with minor changes moving forward regarding character development I could see it being truly spectacular.

    I'd agree it's got the bones for greatness - you can't please everyone and you shouldn't try - a 14 book behemoth is going to have to lose/merge plotlines and change the pace, just common sense to me.


    Interested to see the Forsaken and who is cut/merged in that storyline, they were always frustrating villains I would love to see the show make them less stupid.



  9. This show is way better than I dreamed - I am concerned about the toxicity of fans but opinions are just that, opinions.


    Of the 20-30 non-readers I know watching they all really like it.  It's not perfect but nothing is.  I'm also not the biggest WOT fan (I like it just think MbotF as an example blows it away) admittedly as I feel the series really went downhill after book 7 and wasn't a huge fan of Sanderson's involvement (though I also recognize the impossibly difficult task of finishing another author's work).


    My main quibble with this ep was that the Stepin story was a bit too much of the episode and the editing of Local showing up with Nynaeve - Logain's scene was perfect and Rosamund is killing it - Lan not being a grumbling stone is an improvement for the tv show imo as it works better.


    I'd give it a B plus after last week's A plus





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