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Posts posted by Sebastian

  1. On 5/30/2021 at 8:01 AM, Elgee said:

    Welcome to the White Tower and Warders Social Group!

    Image by our own Cross

    a community beyond the books


    The term "Aes Sedai" means "Servants of All" in the Old Tongue. The White Tower and Warders Social Group has used the philosophy of Servants of All to create a social setting based on the hierarchy, purpose and set-up of the White Tower and Warders in the WoT series. This inspires the way in which we interact and some of the activities which we organize, although we are a social community and not a role playing group.

    We offer people of varying common interests - related to the books or otherwise - a chance to find their niche with like minded people in one of the Ajahs or the Warders guild. Whether you become a Warder or an Aes Sedai (here males can be Aes Sedai and females can be Warders), at the White Tower and Warders Social Group, you can live out that philosophy and have fun doing it!




    General Rules
    Behaviour for ALL members of and visitors to the White Tower and Warders


    This is, without exception, the number one rule at the White Tower Social Group. We are all from different parts of the world and our differences should be celebrated. I will not accept any slander or flaming, ever.

    Respect those of the Warder path as equal ranking members to those of the Aes Sedai path.

    Respect all members of a higher rank and every level of staff, even if they are not in the same path as you. I will not accept abuse of staff. They are volunteers, who mostly have jobs and/or families too. They work here in their spare time.

    Respect the rules for each section of the White Tower/Warders. As stated above, different people have different ideas about relaxing and having fun. What works for one Ajah might not for another Ajah or the Warders. Their boards are their homes, and everyone is expected to respect that and adhere to what they want. One of those places will one day become YOUR home.

    Undecided, Novices, Algai, Accepted & Der'Manshima: please bear in mind that the Aspirant Quarters is YOUR home. That is the place where you can go crazy (within limits). You are encouraged and very welcome to participate and interact at the various Ajah and Warder boards, but always bear in mind that you are a visitor there and behave appropriately.


    Only members of the White Tower can channel. Aes Sedai may channel at their whim as long as they are not abusing another member. No "channeling" from the Undecided and Warder's Guild. Period.


    If you're a Novice, you can channel as long as you have a full ranking babysitter. Without an Aes Sedai giving you permission, channeling is not allowed.


    Accepted may channel in minimal amounts without supervision, but any big weaves will land you in SERIOUS trouble. 

    Algai, Manshima & Der'Manshima, deal with it. This is the White Tower, you can't channel.**

    God-moding induces eye-rolling. And no you do not possess Mat's Ter'Angreal or any other Angreal or Ter'Angreal.


    **What you are at another Club or Group has no bearing at the White Tower & Warders. Here you are ONLY either Aes Sedai, or you are Warders, or in the process of becoming that. Aes Sedai can channel, Warders cannot channel.


    This is a SOCIAL GROUP, we are NOT a Roleplay Club and you are NOT a character in a story. There is a Roleplay Club that is designed for RP, and it is not us. You are most welcome to belong to both the Social side (us) and the Roleplay side (them).

    We are a community that is structured in a similar manner to the Books. While we can not Channel in real life or swing swords at each other through a computer screen, a little imagination is used to create a welcoming, positive atmosphere in what is considered “Lite roleplay”. “Lite” roleplay is indicative of the level of how we play. We use titles, and ranks, but we are not playing a Character. We are ourselves, only with a pseudonym and an avatar. (Think [[SCA]] but Wheel of Time.) 


    While we may joke about cabana boys and making novices scrub dirty pots, we will never ACTUALLY make you scrub pots. We’re not that kind of club. Consent is key.

    Lastly, but not least

    We're the White Tower and Warders. Though this is not the role playing section, we ARE still loosely based on the WT/Warders in the books. Everyone and anyone is welcome to join us, but only if you think you will fit in with our philosophies. We are upfront about what we are about and how we expect everyone here to behave. If what you have read thus far is not to your liking, that is completely understandable and we respect that. Please have a look at the other Social Groups and see if there are any which are more to your liking.  Being an Aes Sedai or Warder is fun, but it's also a Privilege that is worked for and earned, not a Creator Given Right.

    Do we expect you to be perfect? Hell no! We ALL slip up. We ALL cross the line at some stage. What matters is how you handle it when that happens. Made an oopsy? Got a slap on the wrist or a penance? Grin and bear it. You'll probably become a member of staff one day!


    Have I scared you off? No? Excellent! We'll make a Warder or an Aes Sedai out of you yet! If you want us to ?

    I have read and understand the rules ?

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