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Water and shade

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Posts posted by Water and shade

  1. Brandon Sanderson said it best paraphrasing but you think you want a shot for shot remake but you dont its not feasible and if they tried it would feel empty. RJ had a vision for the series and he gave it to us through the books. We will always have the books I am currently listening to the new eotw audiobook. This will probably be the 8th or 9th time I have read or listened to it, not the whole series mind you i have only made it through all the way 3 times. I say this to point out you always have the books the show offers a new take on the material while sticking true to the themes and general feel of the series. If you don't like it though you always have the largest and deepest literary world to dive into. Totally get if some don't enjoy it i have friends who really didn't like the books. I will say some of the harsher responses seem to have had a strong feeling of negativity going in and that's fine but It seems to unfair to say it doesn't remain true in spirit to the books at least so far. I will say I didnt love a few changes I felt like the end of the first episode cut a few important scenes but i understand the majority of them as fleshing out motivations for characters that don't have the screen time to portray. 

  2. I would equate it to LOTR I would watch it with kids but I know some parents who might not. 


    Minor post Post sex scene and some violence. Open wounds dark spawn is pretty creepy faceless is actually horrifying. All in all tho feels like a pg13 not got levels definitely. 


  3. I get it’s partially Amazon’s fault but the constant derivative of GOT reviews are driving me nuts. If anything I think a LOTR comparison is way more apt. Tone and themes seem more aligned with LOTR than GOT. Some of the reviews are like it’s like GOT with themes of friendship instead of political drama and sex. Fine to have complaints but it’s odd to say WOT is derivative when GRRM said RJs friendship was huge in writing WOT.

  4. Question to all of those who went to premier i dont put much stock into the rumors surrounding a different dragon. I dont really even care about saidin and saidar changes that much but from the first few episodes did you get the feel that the choice of dragon would change. I think that would be the only real dealbreaker for me. That character is one of the best characters and arks ever in any medium. I really like the casting i just worry if they change that fact or if the actor cant pull off the more mature version of that character that we get in the later books. Cheers and thanks! 

  5. On 8/11/2021 at 6:36 PM, Pembie said:

    I’m finding the series very slow to be honest 

    I’m on the shadow rising and I find Rands parts with the Ariel painfully slow

    People say it has some shockingly moments but this far it’s pretty predictable I find 

    If you dont like shadow rising then there is a good chance you wont like the series. Some think it gets better as it goes and I agree in some sense I still hold that Shadow rising is the best book outside of MOL and if pacing is your problem it is going to get SIGNIFICLLY slower in about 4 or 5 books.

  6. You have to understand all the circumstances going on. Rand has a voice in his head telling him to kill anything that has the male power, Elayne is trying to take on a new role with several forces out against her. They made mistakes but we also have info they dont and they are flawed thats what is so great about WOT. Sometimes when rand is at his worst you freaking hate him you want him to get over his own ego. You have to put into perspective the trials he has faced the world that hates him the constant betrayal and inner turmoil. Not to give anything away but there is a pay off referred to as the veins of gold DONT LOOK IT UP but it makes it all so worth it. Rands story ark and growth is almost spiritual. You are in the middle of the biggest critique of wheel of time and that is the midbook "slog". On the plus side i still hold even the worst wheel of time book is great there are great scenes in that slog and it goes by fairly fast consider listening to the audiobook for those few it really flies by then. What comes after is so worth it knife of dreams is amazing and Sanderson is the only author I consider on par with RJ. The final three books i cant even express the amazingness just stick through its worth it I promise. 

  7. Thom, and Min, loial. Also a one on one swordfighting scene would be pretty cool it was such a big deal in the books. Also would love some shots of rand/mat in Caemlyn maybe a shot of Elayne. I think the most important aspect in the early seasons will be the acting of the three Ta'veren we all love. From limited glimpses table read, trailer, etc they seem to have hit it on the head but I would like to see a little more of them interacting IE matt cracking a joke. 

  8. Wow I am so pleasantly surprised. Wheel of time was almost a religious text growing up. I learned lessons about life I cried I have never loved a book like it and I have read hundreds of Fantasy series. This trailer got me so excited if they can live up to it if they can make an epic fantasy and it not feel like shannara I will be so freaking happy. I don’t care if they make some changes as long as it stays mostly true and those changes allow it to reach a wider audience. I would rather 15 seasons that still have the feel then one season that is a shot for shot remake of eotw 

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