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Posts posted by Wayward_fool

  1. Camigwen's heart fluttered as Kate walked towards them. It was a small group that welcomed her. Nothing that wasn't traditional. Camigwen looked at Eqwina beside her. The head of the Yellows was quiet. As she always was. For a long time, Camigwen assumed the woman disliked her. But she learnt better. The First Weaver was an Aes Sedai of few words.


    "I ask permission to become a Sister of the Yellow Ajah." The New Sister, one called Kate al'Ker bowed her head slowly. Around the Yellow sisters, the other Aes Sedai prepared to leave, knowing that they would not be welcoming a new member today.


    Camigwen waited for Eqwina to nod before gliding forward to place the Yellow Shawl around Kate.


    "Welcome home, sister." Desandra, one of the Sitters intoned.


    Camigwen embraced Kate. "Welcome home, sister." And then Nynaeve the last Sitter did the same.


    Each of the Sitters then gave Kate a kiss on the left cheek, a tradition from long past.


    "My name is Camigwen. I am one of the current Sitters, or Weaver as we are called. Eqwina here is our First Weaver or Head of the Ajah, while Desandra and Nynaeve are the other two Weavers. As the newest Weaver amongst the three it is my duty to instruct you in the ways of the Yellow Ajah. So attend. Our tradition as Healers makes us duty bound to ensure the health and safety of all within the White Tower and indeed the whole world. As you know our Infirmaries are a priority to our Ajah, and as an Accepted you would have received instruction on them. But for now, you have much to learn yet." Camigwen began, reciting the traditions of the Ajah including some of the secret histories only known to the Ajah itself. Many of those who sat in the Hall knew about them, but even then, there were secrets privvy only to Ajah members. There were weaves as well. Many of them meant to facilitate the Yellow Ajah's work of Healing. These included weaves that calmed the mind or helped patients sleep or weaves that produced momentary stedding effects.


    Their walk took them to the Yellow wing of the White Tower where flamboyant tapestries and beautiful sculptures adorned the quarters. It was another tradition that the Yellows maintained the most extravagant of the Aes Sedai quarters, with each suceeding member's room decorated by the three latest members, resulting in a riot of colours and patterns. Sometimes Camigwen wondered if it was a way of revenge. Her own room had been toned down somewhat from the first design. But it was a necessaity. When faced with death and illness, the bright colours kept them sane and cheerful, Camigwen wondered if there was more than randomness to the colours assigned to each Ajah; the Yellow being a colour of cheer and happiness, necessity for those who Heal. It certainly kept the sister's spirits up in times of dire straits. As Healers, they could not afford an attitude of gloom, for they had a duty to their patients. Positivity was key in any healing.


    The lecture ended as the five Yellows entered the main hall of the Ajah. Yellow sisters lined both sides of the room, many of them with Yellow fringed shawls. One of the newer Sisters, Pelsa Ornominde, Camigwen remembered her name was, held a huge bouquet of Yellow Phoenix Flowers. They were a key ingredient in many concoctions for cough medicine, some what of an expertise for Pelsa. These were presented to Kate, who barely managed to hold them with one arm.


    "Welcome home, sister." Camigwen said again as she moved aside for the other Yellow Aes Sedai to welcome their newest sister.

  2. I love my Ajah. Did I say that enough? I don't think so.


    WELCOME HOME SISTER!!!! *snuggles Matalina till she squeals* I'm so very very very ecstatic to have ya join us. You're gonna be an exciting addition. *lol* I love how my Ajah's attracting so many Blackies. But shhhh we won't tell.


    Btw, if ya hurry ya can join our current Yellow/Black RP. *grins* Discussion's on our board. HAS SHE BEEN GIVEN ACCESS YET???

  3. I love my Ajah. Did I say that enough? I don't think so.


    WELCOME HOME SISTER!!!! *snuggles Matalina till she squeals* I'm so very very very ecstatic to have ya join us. You're gonna be an exciting addition. *lol* I love how my Ajah's attracting so many Blackies. But shhhh we won't tell.


    Btw, if ya hurry ya can join our current Yellow/Black RP. *grins* Discussion's on our board. HAS SHE BEEN GIVEN ACCESS YET???

  4. Well I'm here if ya wanna play. *grins* Civilians sound like a wicked idea. We've had a few before but they tended to disappear into the night randomly and never come back. *shrugs* Wanna start an Inn in the BT? I'm sure that's something we need for the pesky Aes Sedai who tend to pop up now and then.

  5. Welcome back... again. *lol* Things have been going REALLY slow lately. I'm on a bit of a LoA, well not really, but I'm kinda stuck with RL stuff for a bit so I haven't got much time on DM, but I'll see if I can turn up. Maybe kill a few NPCs and what not. *shrugs*



  6. That should be long enough. Camigwen took a deep breath and opened the door to her office with flows of Air.


    "Enter." She called out to the six sisters seated in her antechamber. They rose gracefully and entered her office. Camigwen eyed each of them as they enetered, wishing, not for the first time, there were some way to read a person's mind. This would not be easy. "You must be wondering why you have been summoned each of you. This is not going to be a courtesy visit, I am afraid." Camigwen wove a Ward over the whole room again. "As you know, we have been receiving distressing news about the passing of several of our Eyes and Ears over the past months and this morning, I received word again. We have lost Jecarta Mindwyn." A collective gasp from the sisters. But none commented. "This! Cannot! Continue!" Camigwen snapped. "You will head out to Cairhien, stay at House Teobon and begin investigations. I have set Amadine as leader as she was personally in charge of most of the recruitment for the Eyes and Ears. You will listen to her as you would me." There were looks of discontent over this bit, Camigwen noted. "Leave immediately. I want reports. Constant reports."


    With that, Camigwen dismissed them.

  7. Regalia marvelled at her sister's strength. They had been close friends, often sharing everything about their lives with each other. But something as severe as this seemed quite unreal. Still, being Aes Sedai, there was bound to be danger at every turn. But Regalia had always thought of danger as synonymous with the Blues or the Greens or even the Reds. But the Yellows seemed sedentary. But she sensed the steel in Amadine, and knew that her closest friend in the Tower was no less an Aes Sedai than any Battle Ajah sister.


    "I honestly could not have confirmed it without you. I only said it to my best of knowledge." Regalia sighed. "I don't understand how you could not weep at the loss. I would had been devastated to lose any of my personal contacts and you have lost so many in the past month. I admire you, Amadine, for that and so many other things." She gave her sister a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you for trusting me with this knowledge. I know Camigwen would have requested that noone outside the Ajah know. But I think this has repercussions that are far reaching. Nevermind the fact that even for a fellow Aes Sedai, I would not have known who the contacts of your Ajah were. Which means... only Yellow sisters would have known who they were, and only Yellow sisters would have had the opportunity to initiate these murders, for they are murders." Regalia weeped inwardly looking at the look of horror on her sister's face. Be brave, my love. She did not want to say the words. But she had to. For the sake of the White Tower.


    "Yes Amadine, you have the Black Ajah amongst your Yellow sisters." Even saying the words made Regalia want to spew her breakfast across the floor. It was a wonder her face managed to stay serene at all.

  8. Camigwen glanced up as the knock sounded on her door. She assumed it would be Amadine, since she was only one who had a clue what the summons was about. This was good. Things were going according to plan. She unwove the Ward that protected the room and channeled Air so the door opened by itself. Amadine bowed her head slightly and swept into the room gracefully.


    "Good. You understood the words then." Amadine nodded mutely, her eyes were cool Aes Sedai's gaze. "We have little time. I do not want you to be seen having been here before the others have arrived. So attend." Camigwen opened a drawer and pulled out a missive. She passed it over to Amadine, but gestured for her to read it later. "Inside are the full list of Eyes and Ears the Yellow Ajah has as well as a few other contacts that we have used over the last five years. There are two to three that we have not heard from in a few months so you need to get to those first. I have arranged for you and the other sisters to stay at House Teobon, whose High Seat is Skechid Aran Teobon. They know of your coming and have been given your description as a point of contact. Do not delay your travel there. I would ask you to Travel, but that only invites too many questions." Camigwen took a deep breath. "You are to bear the burden of having to lead this delegation, I am afraid. Believe me when I say to trust noone. Noone! There is another list in there of the sisters who will be going with you. Their back grounds, their various activities and achievements over their time here in the Tower. Read and burn it. It must not leave your sight. For you and you alone."


    Camigwen rose and walked towards a shelf where she removed a pack. From it she drew a small box. She was not pleased about having to do this. But unfortunately, the girl she trusted with the mission probably needed it more than she did. And if Amadine failed... No, she cannot fail. Or there would be a disaster. She walked back to her seat and sat down. UnWeaving the Ward on the box itself, she drew a pendant. She heard a sharp intake of breath from Amadine. The pendant looked ordinary, carved in the shape of a palm, fingers splayed, from age darkened amber. However, it throbbed with the resonance of the Power.


    "This angreal belongs to the Ajah. And I entrust it to you only for this mission. It is not to be used unless in absolute need. It will be your advantage in times of dire straits. I expect it back when you return." Camigwen slid the box across the table and nodded as Amadine took it. "I do not need to explain to you how dangerous this will be. I expect no less from you but absolute caution. You will mention none of this to anyone. Including that Blue friend of yours." Amadinemoved to protest, but Camigwen stalled her with a raised hand. "What she knows, she knows. And there is nothing I can do to stop her from doing what she wishes. For she has ever been an unruly one." Camigwen smiled. Regalia had been one of her hopefuls to enter the Yellow Ajah, for her Talent with Healing had been relatively remarkable. But the Yellows would have bored her to death. Still, she hoped the girl had her heart in the right place. "Go now. Wait for the others in the antechamber. Read the missive. Burn it. There is a fireplace in the antechamber. Ask me questions if you have any, now."


    Camigwen waited.

  9. *sighs* CHAR DEV THREADS! *Pokes*


    Okok, I'll edit. Sorry, I'm still on meds and the ability to look thru the boards looking for posts eludes me, so I was only depending on the character development threads. Which is gonna be a problem, I see. Thanks for the alert.

  10. Camigwen's head throbbed. And the tea in front of her had long since turned cold and was of no use to her. She would channel, but she did not feel like it. She felt like nothing. Nothing at all. A numbing sort of apprehension that threatened to consume her whole. But she closed her eyes and went through the Novice exercise of a rose opening itself to the sun. Saidar touched her not, but she felt slightly better. Barely. And when she opened her eyes and spied the envelopes before her again, her headache returned. This was not going to be an easy day.


    The Head of the Yellow Ajah stood up. And looked at the envelopes before her. Each had a name written on it. All Yellow sisters. All people she wished she could trust explicitly. But it had been a long time since Camigwen trusted anyone. At least with the names she had decided on, she was pretty sure she had made very few mistakes. She had a reason for each and everyone of them. They were random. Neither all young nor old. Neither all new nor long into the Ajah. None of them from similar backgrounds. Some were known pillow friends. Close friends. Mentors to students. Long time friends. Some loners. All unBonded. It was a chore to work with such a group, but she had no choice. Who could she trust? Noone.


    "Mirvaine." Camigwen's voice rang out and immediately an Accepted entered the room and bowed low. "Bring these notes to the respective Sisters." Each envelope had been sealed with a Ward and if anyone but the intended recipient opened it, there would be a nasty surprise. They throbbed with Saidar. It did not go unnoticed with the Accepted as she picked them up gingerly. "With alacrity, child. I will not have them delivered late. Move!" She clapped her hand with a ring, and the Accepted let off a squeak, and ran off.


    Ordinarily, she would not be thus tempered, but it was not going to be an easy day. And she was not looking forward to meeting the group. They would be hunters. Light willed they did not get hunted first.



    1. Member and Character count


    Total members: 7 members, 7 characters


    Active: 7 members, 7 characters

    • Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_Fool) - last RPed 2010 November
    • Amadine al'Varine (Amadine) - last RPed 2010 November
    • Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve) - last RPed 2010 November
    • Eqwina al'Caupthn (Eqwina) - last RPed 2010 November
    • Celestine Erebruz (Jagen Sedai) – last RPed 2010 November
    • Carys Demot (KeyHolder21) - last RPed 2010 November
    • Seharia Mori (Kathleen) - last RPed 2010 December


    Inactive: NONE !


    2. RP's in December/January 2010: (I is sowwie, we've been mostly planning this month, so not much actual RPing, but next month will be EPIC!)


    DM Handle: Kathleen

    Character: Seharia Mori


    1) From Past to Future - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/54741-from-past-to-future-attn-matalina/page__pid__1708825#entry1708825 - Dec. 2010

    Seharia is approached by the Black Ajah.


    DM Handle: keyholder21

    Character: Carys Demot


    1) An Incident in the Tower - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/54401-an-incident-in-the-tower/ - Dec. 2010

    An interdivision RP with a Dedicated from the Black Tower


    3. Ideas:


    Yellow Ajah major RP is on its way. Our Eyes and Ears are being killed and a taskforce has been set up to investigate and crush ALL EVILNESS. Which will turn out to be the Black Ajah. So it'll be fun. Also, two Blues are gonna be with us. Killing many birds with one stone. EPIC!!


    4. Problems:


    A sick First Weaver and lots of holidays. Just so ya know, it's the Chinese New Year here in Asia and there be celebrations and visiting of relatives and such like. So there's been a bit of downtime for me. But I'm back. So watch me. HUrhurhur.

  12. wow. GORGEOUS. Odd that I love the Black Ajah ones most.


    Ummm... what exactly did the Yellow Ajah get? Tumeric? *worries* Could I request it be done with something else? *hangs head* I'll get a picture, don't worry. Something with healing... possibly something with the anatomy involved. Like veins and stuff... all in yellow. Or something. I mean it's beautiful and all. But yellow powder really doesn't say much about our Ajah. More anatomy, less tumeric. Would be nice. I'll have time over the next few days... Let me see if I can come up with something.

  13. The soft shine of evening sun shone in through the windows and illuminated the bedroom of Regalia Frantelle. The Blue sister sat at her bureau, her mind working furiously on the reports before her. She had been up most of the previous night. Mimi had been quite sure that her theory was right. The Yellow Eyes and Ears were being targeted and for some reason the murders were not being reported to the authorities. That only meant that someone in power was keeping it hushed. That part, Regalia had not yet figured out. It was disconcerting. Not many people had the power to do that.


    She rose gracefully and left her room, heading towards a part of the Tower she seldom visited, but wish she did. It was not common for Blue sisters to be seen with the Yellows due to some misunderstanding that happened centuries ago. That was part of the Ajah education that Regalia disliked. The Blue Ajah was a bit at odds with the White and Yellow over something in Altara a hundred years before. An incident so ancient that Regalia had hardly understood the reasoning behind it. For all her years as a Novice and Accepted, she never imagined dissention in the White Tower itself. And part of her cause was to mend the rift. Having a best friend who was a Yellow helped. Even if neither was very high in their respective Ajahs.


    The corridor Regalia approached was decorated with huge tapestries in dizzying colors. Sculptures adorned the niches in the walls and chandeliers ornamented with leaves and flowers hung low. The Yellows were known for being flamboyant and clearly lived up to the name. Sisters dressed mostly in Yellow passed Regalia and either smiled in greeting or nodded. Some ignored her altogether. Enmity was not easily forgotten. And even if most knew only vaguely why the Blues were not allies, they held on to it like a personal identity. Regalia despaired at such foolishness, but it had been ingrained in the Aes Sedai from the moment they gained the shawl and most would not willingly let go.


    She finally reached the room she had been looking for and knocked firmly on the age darkened wooden door.


    "Come in." A voice chimed from within.


    Regalia was relieved Amadine wasn't at the Infirmary again. The Yellows tended to stay for hours at the Infirmary and her friend was wonderful, but no different. It was hard to change the world.


    "Amadine." Regalia said as she opened the door.


    "Ray-ray!" Her friend brightened up when she saw the Blue and rushed forward to embrace her.


    "Good seeing you too." Regalia hugged back every bit as enthusiastically. "But I am not here for a social visit." Amadine's expression of intrigue made Regalia smile even wider. Few things Amadine did wouldn't. They really were very close. But the smile dropped soon enough.


    Regalia took a deep breath. It was not going to be pleasant. "Kisharndra Munir. Pravinda Al'ran. Viday Runkmini. Unita Ragavas. Argand Janis. Mona Crawfer. Tiatana Bodrin. Bokiwa Stang. Do these names mean anything to you?" But Regalia did not need to wait for a reply. Her friend's face became a mask of serenity. Denial was as good a confirmation as any. " All murdered over the last three months. Normally I would not have picked up on it. But the Blue Eyes and Ears and my personal ones as well have started to sound frantic. Four of them had been village Healers, and now their respective villages are suffering from a lack of a Healer. I, myself have had to make trips down there to Heal. Emergencies that no herb or potion could undo. And have had more bump ins with your Ajah sisters in the last three months than I have had over the last year. Unita Ragavas' death was by no means of knife or poison. I Delved her body, since she had been one of most frequent ones. Intrigued? I have more. My Eyes and Ears have reported that nothing from their homes were stolen. Nor ransacked. And the targets were too specific for coincidence. All women. All mothers. All in some way having been seen visited by Yellow Sisters." Regalia looked directly at her friend. "All Eyes and Ears of the Yellow Ajah."


    She paused. Waiting for her friend to respond. But she didn't need a confirmation. She knew Amadine well enough to read her body language. She had been right. Someone was killing the Eyes and Ears of the Yellow. She just wished she knew who and why. Either way, this had to stop. Now.

  14. There be a SEVERE lack of Warders y'all. So much so I'm think of bonding me pet, Frog. Who's a frog. And thus not so good at the sword forms.


    Also, I tend to have occasional cravings for fried frog's legs. Which isn't good when your Warder's a frog.


    I guess all I'm saying is, yes, both my Blue and Yellow are unBonded.

  15. Good stuff Kath. Let's do that!


    Emsy, YOU BETCHA! I'm guessing Camipoo's not gonna be allowed to leave. So I'll just have to live vicariously through Rayray. I'm going to get either Rayray or Em to approach the Yellows after they puzzle out it's the Yellows that's being targetted and the Yellows can be like, "Yeah, we know. It's an Ajah thing. BUTT OUT." And the two of us are like, "Screw THAT. We're in." And runs after them killing the evil people who fall behind.


    Shall we, girls? Nevermind the rest. They'll just have to catch up.

  16. So I'm tired of all this holiday inactivity. And I was thinking of having an Ajah RP. Where our Eyes and Ears are getting killed off. Either by the BA (because we KNOW we've got a few in here, sneaky lil ladies they are) or by general naughtiness.


    And all sortsa places are having yellow bouquets hanging out front.


    I wanna get this started in Feb, so please contribute ideas.


    Basically, we have twofold E&E. One are Ajah ones and the other are personal ones. So Camigwen's like, "OMG! DEAD E&Es EVERYWHERE!! LIght help us all."


    And you'll all be like, "Silly First Weaver." Gurgle gurgle.


    And I'm like, "NO! I SERIOUS! STOP GURGLING."


    And you'll be like, "YAY! WE HUNT!"


    And then we can hunt evilness.


    What do you think?

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