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Status Replies posted by Raeyn

  1. As I try to troubleshoot my mother's photo saving and editing problems, I feel like repeating to her - find a cocky 15 year old. They'll fix everything. ><

    1. Raeyn


      Seriously, it's HARD to do from across an ocean! xD

  2. Nugh, queasy. Might have to bust out the kaolin and morphine. ><

    1. Raeyn


      Funnily enough, that is totally on the books for tonight! Just got to fetch the whiskey from where I hid it outdoors. *grins*

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. rereead some of Mat/Cari's old RPs and now I remember how much I miss her - redoing my journal for her and just gonna write no story in mind

    1. Raeyn


      She's kind of made of awesome, hee hee. We might have to do some side project retro sometime. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Another Dallas death, and there's only one trite song that comes to mind... sigh. More tomorrow. :/

    1. Raeyn


      Trite song being:

  5. Am I really, REALLY going to try to make coffee cake this morning? Probably.

  6. *pokes sinuses* Poke poke, poke poke - get back to draining, already! <3

    1. Raeyn


      *grins* I take it that it's well in your head now.

  7. 24 pounds lost in five months; I declare this diet to be over. Bring on the Cheetos! *laughs*

    1. Raeyn


      I had a few here and there, but I've not made a real dent on the bag. And not -quite- into a Diablo swing again... maybe soon. Got more of a Pharaoh/Caesar hankering building. *grins*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Righto guys, think sleepy thoughts for me. I don't think I could bear another night of insomnia. Don't make me stoop to posing dramatically to express my suffering! *grins*

    1. Raeyn


      I did actually have a fairly good night's sleep, for which I'm grateful. Mondays always feel really rough, since it's just me and Leah... so far, so good!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. 24 pounds lost in five months; I declare this diet to be over. Bring on the Cheetos! *laughs*

    1. Raeyn


      And by that, I mean I can have a few Cheetos without obsessively calorie-counting... not sit here and eat a whole bag. One is reasonable, and the other isn't.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Domino! Victoire! I am done with the damned holiday cards... unless anyone else throws me an address, hee hee. <3

    1. Raeyn


      And desk reclaimed - even better!

  11. Leg lifts - apparently, I am your bitch, not t'other way around. Man, my abs ARE totally out of shape. xD

    1. Raeyn


      Nah, the legs are fine. I just can't do the leg lift exercise 'cause my abs are fragged. *laughs* It'll get better if I keep doing a little bit every day.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Merf, too tired to write - come back later.

    1. Raeyn


      Also, cold. Very cold. Might have to bust out the fingerless gloves!

  13. Blackberry picking = fail. There weren't any berries! There SHOULD have been, but nooo. At least we had a lovely hike. <3

    1. Raeyn


      Ah well... at least it's pretty out there!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Remind me to rebond my Warder or something - she exudes too much awesomeness. *hugs tidied up version of the forums*

    1. Raeyn


      it makes sanity happen! Well, it will once I get used to the sheer awesome. <3

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm bemused by the fact that, apparently, I'm permanently in troubleshooting mode...

    1. Raeyn


      It's a compulsion, I swear! *laughs* I try to use them for good rather than evil, sort of like how Mrs. Whatsit gives Meg her faults in 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Y'know, taking the nominally bad and making it kick-ass! :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Mmm, might think about doing a roleplay post or two this week. It depends on how much I feel like doing it around LotRO...

    1. Raeyn


      Oh, I'm seriously chuffed to share the three of you with each other, heh. I love merging my worlds!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Mmm, might think about doing a roleplay post or two this week. It depends on how much I feel like doing it around LotRO...

    1. Raeyn


      *hugs back* I knew that it would in the scheme of things.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. OMG Profile stalkers on DM!!!! :P

    1. Raeyn


      Of course. It's for the.. erm... fun? *grins*

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Nearly 3,000 private messages... all gloriously deleted. Did NOT want them; feels good to clear out the chaff.

    1. Raeyn


      Hee, they do build up rather quickly in that capacity - I don't envy you! ^___^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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