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Posts posted by Kesiera_Sedai

  1. You gotta remember though that the Creator determined from the beginning of time who could channel and who couldn't... Apparently there are a finite number of souls and everyone is simply reincarnated over and over, so it's not something to given or taken away...It's a part of who you are, not a physical characteristic, although apparently having the spark is genetic... remember the Ayyad women were only allowed to marry the sons of women who could channel, and look at Elayne...her mother and her paternal aunt (Moiraine) could channel.



    Lol, I understand why people wouldn't like BS. I just meant RJ was getting really stale in his writing and dragging on with boring and plots. BS came in an increased the pace of the books and rounded up the books in a quite satisfactory way, maybe better than RJ could have...

    I disagree, simply because he made 3 books out of what RJ had only intended to be 1...RJ definitely had started dragging out the plot, but apparently the last book was supposed to be really action-packed

    Just going by the foreshadowing that was fulfilled in TGS and TOM, I'm not sure how it would all have fit into one book and include the Last Battle. Now, you could definitely make an argument for TGS and TOM being streamlined into one book, but you could say that about several books in the series.



    I remember RJ being quoted as saying it was gonna be 1 book even if Tor Books had to invent a new way of binding the books or if it had to have it's own library cart, lol

  3. Nynaeve got frelingd from ter'angreal, but it was non-specific...In KoD, it's revealed Aviendha can tell you exactly what one should do...Yes we know Elayne will eventually equal Egwene, but that's not useful right now...As for Egwene, several times we see her invent a weave on the spot (most notable is when they meet in TAR in book 13 and she invents a weave to trick someone into trying to eavesdrop, Elayne and Nynaeve look at her in amazement).


    I just meant her best moments didn't involve channeling...she goes into battle with other channelers twice, and is defeated both times by women who are much weaker, and the second time she was using an angreal that made her twice as strong as Nynaeve...


    Nynaeve lacked Egwene's ability to innovate, but she was able to duplicate any weave she sees once. yes, Elayne was talented in Cloud Dancing, but that wasn't unusual in of itself... Moiraine was talented in this area too (remember the fog in TEotW?), and apparently there weren't no living Aes Sedai who could match the Sea Folk...I'm not saying she wasn't talented, it's just that at some points it's shown that even though she was gifted, a more experienced channeler could overcome her in a contest, even if she was much weaker.


    As a side note, according to the Companion, Nynaeve was pretty close to her full strength...(she'd been Channeling for 7-8 years, remember)? But they never tell how close Elayne is.. Even Aviendha, who matches her potential, is listed as 11(+2), so we know exactly how close she was to her potential.



    Yeah, I often reread my favorite books (lol)...I notice something new every time....

  4. Egwene was stronger in the books because she was forced in Falme. Given time Elaynes strength would have matched Egwenes again.

    Yes, that's what I meant by practical application...True, her potential matched Egwene, but Egwene was stronger right now, and hadn't reached her potential...It usually takes until about age 30 to do that, and apparently Egwene was already close to hers and wasn't 20 yet. That implies a big difference in actual strength.


    I guess third wheel wasn't a good way it put it, but its true that other than her unusual OP strength and her ter'angreal-making, most of her notable achievements weren't related to Channeling, and one things that add to that is, whenever the three of them were together, Egwene was the one who did most of the channeling (she was the most skilled) except when involved Healing or needed brute strength, then there was Nynaeve(she was the strongest), so where does that leave Elayne? It just always seemed she wasn't made out to be as amazing as the other girls....Even Aviendha was able to match her and Egwene, was good with weather, could tell what a weave should do just by reading the OP residues, and had the totally unheard of Talent of being able to tell a ter'angreal's purpose just by touching it.


    I feel that RJ only made her powerful because it contrasted with her mother's weakness and it meant that she'd be high-ranking sister ,plus it advanced the plot by giving our spoiled Elaida a reason to have enmity towards her.

  5. Has anyone else noticed that although even though the Tower considered Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve to all be geniuses in things concerning the OP, Elayne seemed to be the least talented of the group? All three were remarkably strong and had different skills and weaknesses​, but somehow she had the short end of the stick when it came to practical application.

    Nynaeve was the strongest, able to match Moghedien in raw strength and trying with a past Amrylin as the strongest woman to call herself Aes Sedai since the AoL, only had to be shown a weave once, and was unmatched as a Healer amongst female channelers. Egwene was an amazingly fast and dexterous weaver and was unmatched in her ability to innovate and create new weaves as needed (her ability in this area even amazed Elayne and Nynaeve), and also , like Nynaeve, was equally strong in all five Powers (something that was almost unheard of), and, due to being forced by the Seanchan, was gaining her strength that had never seen before.


    Where does that leave Elayne? True, her potential matched Egwene's, but in actual strength Egwene haf far surpassed her. She was a quick weaver, but admitted that Moiraine probably could weave faster in her sleep. Egwene was supposedly only average at Healing (although she was good enough to impress the First Weaver of the Yellow Ajah), but Elayne could barely Heal a bruise. Other than her strength, her sole claim to fame was her ability to make ter'angreal, which admittedly​ hadn't been seen since the AoL, but the other girls each had done something that hadn't been since since the AoL. Is just me, or waz she kinda the 3rd wheel? Even Aviendha had some unusual abilities... Does anyone else agree?

  6. Lol, I understand why people wouldn't like BS. I just meant RJ was getting really stale in his writing and dragging on with boring and plots. BS came in an increased the pace of the books and rounded up the books in a quite satisfactory way, maybe better than RJ could have...

    I disagree, simply because he made 3 books out of what RJ had only intended to be 1...RJ definitely had started dragging out the plot, but apparently the last book was supposed to be really action-packed

  7. Oh Creator, this thread is going to be the end of me. There are so many little things I want to change about these books, so I will not mention all of them, just the major ones.

    The Magic System (One Power) of Wheel of Time is arguably the best thing about these books. Saidar is well established, but I wanted to see more of Saiden being used. The Black Tower was set up relatively early and I wish we saw more of it in the earlier books, so the sudden interest in it by BS wouldn't seem so out of place. I also really wanted to see more of men and women channelling together and creating wonders, even if only in the end.

    Something else that I would have loved to see would have been the exploration of Seanchan (the continent) and Shara. The Ayaad and the whole selective breeding and hierarchy system seemed really interesting.

    Lastly, I would have loved to see the effects of the Cleansing of Saiden on different channeling organisations like Damane, Wise Ones and Ayaad...

    I'd be willing to bet money RJ would've explored these things if he hadn't passed...The Outrigger series?

  8. Exactly...TAR and the real world intersect there... Imagine if u and I were in the same home, but standing on opposite sides of a wall... You'd be able to hear me, but not see me..in order for u to see me, we'd both have to be standing in a spot where we were "lined up" with the "doorway", so to speak...Imagine if someone had channelled open a gateway into TAR, which we know Rand, Egwene, and the Forsaken know how to do, except the doorway drilled all the way through into the DO's prison. Creates a problem, right? How do u close the gateway when the DO is trying to hold it open? We know also from the books that holding a gateway open is possible, but is something that only incredibly powerful individuals such as Rand, Demandred, and Semirhage, can weave.

  9. if I remember correctly, the Bore is actually located somewhere in TAR, outside of the Pattern... Shayol Gul is just the place in our world where it's most easily sensed because for some reason there is a "thinness" to the Pattern there.

  10. Am I the only one who thought the OP cane from the Creator? I thought the Creator and the DO exist in a state of Yin and Yang. As for the reason why the Creator never truly interferes with the lives of people, is because he doesn't need to. The DO himself communicates with the world because he is trying to usurp a kingdom ruled by the Creator. All the Creator needs to do is deploy a champion every now and then with some of his own power (OP) to prevent the DO from breaking lose.

    Good point...Never thought of it that way

  11. trollocs; found the scene last night.

    Shadow Rising; at the Stone, after Rind picked up Callandor from his room.



    do not recall it happening to any human character.

    In book 3, when the girls are kidnapped and knocked unconscious, they wake and proceed the kill the Myrdraal that arranged it...Horrible death..He was simultaneously burned from the inside out, crushed to the size of a basketball, and balefired.
  12. I think the effect is because he's only free of the seal for 40 years out of every thousand, meaning he'd only have aged 120 yrs since the Bore was sealed. A channeler of his strength(according to the Companion) would have a maximum lifespan of 900 yrs, which means appearance-wise, he'd probably only look maybe a decade or so older than he did in the Age of Legends.


    • I think Harriet made a statement that the legal wranglments were done for now. And I don't share your vision that the Wheel of Time should become a money making machine. It is what it is. Nowhere in loving a series is a wish that it is raped for someone else to make money. And then the audacity to, the widow. I accept your opinion as an opinion, but you dude have better things to do with your life.


    U agree that the artistic vision should be the important thing, but the reality is a show that doesnt make money can't continue ..Who pays the actors, pays for the location, CGI, etc. The fact that RJ us no longer with us only complicates things. Anne Rice wrote the screenplay for Interview With the Vampire herself and with the exception of one scene, it was almost EXACTLY like the book. Of the other two movies I've seen that were based on books of hers, one flopped simply because it was a horrible movie.. imagine if someone tried to make 50 Shades of Grey into a comedy... sounds terrible, right? The second was hated by fans, but did OK, if only because the biggest star died during production, right before the last scene was filmed. Sometimes I feel like RJ was never interested in WoT being anything but a series of books, but if G.R.R Martin's and Tolkien's books can be adapted the audio-visual format it shod be possible for WoT also.

  14. You're right, the OP is probably just the energy of the universe, but access is limited...Only maybe 1 or 2/100 have the ability, with only 5% of these having the spark, and even ability varies, sometimes to an astonishing degree. (Think Rand vs. Androl, or Lanfear vs. Morgase)

    The channelers themselves describe it as life itself, so I guess makes sense that it extends life, but even between 2 channelers of equal strength, RJ says the amount of channeling one they do has an influence. I guess that would explain in part why the Aes Sedai were shocked every time Cadsuane reappeared (the other part would be because since most Aes Sedai had been in retirement for decades by the time they died, apparently no one had made the connection between OP strength and aging). Oddly enough, it seems that in late starting channelers like Sharina Melloy, the aging process reverses itself, so that eventually they only look as old as they would've if they'd been channeling all along (Sharina's grey went away when she started channeling). I think maybe Cadsuane was the only one who figured it out. She had an angreal that made her as strong as Rand and said she channeled as often as possible, using the weave that required the most strength (remember sometimes there's more than one way to do something, as Egwene learned while with the Aiel). Maybe she even held the power in her sleep, trying to live until Rand grew up. If I remember correctly, for channelers of Rand/ Lanfear's strength, the difference in lifespan could be as much as 125 years, depending on how much channeling they did.


    If I remember correctly, the shorter lifespan was supposed to be a punishment. In the AoL, only channelers who were criminals were required to swear on the Oath Rod. Plus, the couldn't channel as much because they weren't allowed to do certain weaves anymore.


    P.S. -- Yeah, I know I'm long-winded, lol.

  15. Narg says you talk sense, but that doesn't match what Harriet said which the studio approved. So either she was monumentally mislead or something has gone awry.

    Hearing that it may be 2019 or 2020 before even a pilot airs is very discouraging...I agree that sounds like it may be a never. I hope it doesn't end up like Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. It was 10 years between films, and the 2nd film tried to combine the 2nd and 3rd books of the series...It was horrible if you were a fan, but most of people i knew who'd never read the books loved it.

  16. I think people, perhaps including the people in the negotiations, misunderstood what was happening or when or if it might happen.


    It's possible that nothing more was settled than red eagle and the option was then opened for some other production company.


    It's possible another production company did option the rights but either has a long term plan or no plan at all. Things get shelved for years, decades, forever.


    It's possible they had a plan but the plan changed because they developed something else instead.


    Anything is possible but it doesn't seem like anything is happening right now. I've read the original announcement many times and I don't see in it any definite anything. Who knows? They always a reread.


    I read somewhere last week that it may be 2-3 yes b4 the show airs because of difficulties with scripting and location, and the cast will consist of mostly unknowns (fresh faces) because of a astronomical costs of production and the ages of the main characters ( late teens, early 20s, remember). Also there will supposedly be lots of CGI involved to show channeling, the Green Man, etc. I saw a picture of the channelling, it was beautiful...A glowing woman with colored streams of light emanating from her, intertwining themselves. I'll post it when I get the chance.

  17. This is an attempt to sum up the suggestions/desires of the fans (10+ msgboards, forums):


    no book after LOC

    no Perrin

    no Faile

    no Aviendha

    no Min

    no Wondergirls

    no Asmo

    no Siuan

    no battles

    no Fain

    no Gawyn

    no TAR

    no BA

    no SF

    no WC

    no Seanchan

    no Ogiers

    number of AS is limited to <10

    number of Fs is limited to <3

    number of WOs is limited to <3


    This will be so much fun! :sad:


    If they cut all that, what will it be about? It will only loosely based on TWoT...Oh well, they did the same thing with The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith on CW, and it's an excellent show. I guess it all depends on whether the script writers are fans.

  18. All of that is true about child kings being no less competent than adults, but it doesn't apply to Rand because he wasn't raised by noblemen, so he had no leadership training. All of the people you mentioned were destined to become the rulers of their homelands, and they and everyone around then knew it. They'd been in training probably since they were old enough to understand their station in life, and that makes a difference. Moiraine ran from her destiny for those very reasons. She understood, through watching her uncle and hearing her grandmother, exactly being Queen would mean, and she wanted none of it. Can you imagine being trapped in a round of the Game of Houses that lasts 200 or more years? That's at least how long she'd be on the throne unless she abdicated to one of her descendants. Note I didn't say children, because unless some of them can channel, she'll probably outlive even her great-great-great-great grandchildren.


    I think I slipped because they both serve the same purpose...To be a calming influence to help a highly stressed man stay centered. Remember what Min said about the 3 lies that her aunt says that all women tell their partners?


    Plus, RJ himself said that all of the main female characters were based on differing aspects of his wife's personality.


    And of course there is something wrong with Min.. she is SUCH a freak (sexually speaking), but then so we're Elayne and Aviendha, so I guess that's why they were able to accept sharing the same man.

    Not to turn this into an R rated discussion, but how were any of the three freaks when it came time to sex? It's not like they decided to share him at the same time. They basically did the same thing the Aiel do.

    Yeah, the Aiel did do that type of thing, and they were looked at strangely.

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