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Posts posted by tonnalea

  1. OOC: I know that I don't have to add this part, but I thought it would make sense.




    White. Oh, that is not at all good.


    Ariani was suddenly very aware of how dirty she was. The teacup that she had been holding was now brown where it had once had white places. And she was almost

    certain that when she did leave this office, her boots would leave a trail of mud in her wake. In fact, the entire office could do with a good cleaning once she left.

    She wondered how she was to even get near the clothes on the desk without ruining them.


    "Yes," she said in a slightly more relaxed tone, "Can I have a bath before I touch those clothes? And can I come back and clean up the mess that I've made?"

  2. OOC: Is it bad that I completely forgot how old I made this girl and I had to go check my bio. lol




    "A warm bed and no more wondering when you will eat," is what Ariani kept repeating in her mind. These things weren't free, but it was made clear that she 

    would be put to work and that seemed fair. It just seemed too good to be true, but she would be a fool not to take advantage of this situation. She found herself

     wondering what Thomas, her brother, would have thought about this. Would he have brought her here if he had known? You know that he would have. He would 

    have thought that it would be safer and he probably would have tried to become a Warder as well, just so he could keep an eye out for you.



    She spared a final glance at the door. Is this worth the temporary loss of freedom? Her heart began racing in her chest and her palms felt clammy. She took a deep breath and 


    sighed heavily. She could get up and leave and maybe they wouldn't stop her, but what did she have to go back to? Maybe that was why the Aes Sedai in the Foregate wouldn't 


    let her just run away. Maybe she was trying.... Nothing is ever free...but it was better than starvation.



    "Ariani Cairawyn," she said her name again I will know myself better? How could I know myself any better than I do now? "Fifteen, from Andor.....Caemlyn," she finished. 

    Light, what have I stepped in now? 



    She stared at the strange markings in the book, wondering how in the world she was going to learn to decipher anything like that and then blushed as her stomach growled loudly. 

    "When do I start?" she finally asked after a moment, "And when is supper?"



  3. Ariani absentmindedly fidgeted with the cup she still held, as the woman spoke. She felt torn. Who would want her in this place? Those other girls didn't seem overly friendly and despite what Valeri Sedai said, there was still the question of trust. She had had several hard lessons in trust, and accepting the offer of help sent so many warnings echoing through her mind. However, there would always be a place for her to sleep, and there would always be something to eat and she wouldn't have to pickpockets anymore. It would be worth it for those things alone. For the first time in what seemed like forever, there was hope. "And if they show themselves as being like the rest, well I've gotten out of worse..."


    Just then the door closed behind her and she dropped her head and muttered a swear before lifting her eyes back to the woman. "It would be worth it for the room and board. If I become Aes Sedai, then that is even better," she said flatly, her gaze falling onto the enormous book that had been placed on the desk. Her heart sank in her chest, the small sliver of hope was gone.


    "I will tell you what I can, but I....", she bit her bottom lip and stared at the book, "....I want to stay, but.....an Aes Sedai has to know letters, don't they? I never learned them. There was never time."

    She turned back to the door again, maybe she could make it out before the Aes Sedai did something to stop her. "Where would you go, you woolhead? Back to starving in the streets?"

    She returned her gaze to the woman in front of her and then quickly dropped it to the floor. 

  4. I can make one part easy then. I don't want to mess with the timeline and the thought of it didn't even occur to me. So I'll pull out of it. Either someone can teach Ariani later, or maybe it is possible to do it as a solo rp. Preferably with a someone teaching. :) 

  5. It isn't completely necessary that the two are taught together, but I thought it was convenient since apparently they're both illiterate. :)  I had wondered because I've never heard of a warder and a novice being taught in that way. If it can't be, then it can't be. Eventually (years down the road in the timeline) Tywin and Ariani will meet though. They're just so alike it is scary. ;)

  6. And I just read Tywin's bio. That is just scary. And what is really weird, is that Ariani can sing. I thought I added it to her bio and I didn't. I probably thought it wasn't important. But she keeps it a secret that she can do it.

  7. We'll have to do that.  I might have to wait until my entrance post is done though. I'm not entirely sure that I can go play on any other threads until that is done.

    But Ariani is going to need to learn  how to read and write. You can't have illiterate AS either. ;)

  8. Hiya!   I have a foul mouthed (by WoT standards), unladylike, novice who had been posing as a boy before coming to the Tower. I call her antisocial because she has a profound distrust of others, due to past experiences.   I think it would be beneficial for her development if she had a roomie that she could learn a little trust (and etiquette) from. Maybe one that could help her remember how to be a little more girly? I promise lots of mischief and fun!    **Hides from Mommy and the MoNster**


    Her name is Ariani Cairawyn.     Any brave souls willing to take on this challenge? ;)

  9. OOC: lol Sorry, I just kept reading Leala, MoN and it never occurred to me that it was a different character. And I didn't want to be terribly long winded, so I didn't go into a great detail on how she came to the conclusion. But she is thinking that this is a trick to get her here for punishment. She doesn't believe that she passed the test because she couldn't make the stone flash every time, so she doesn't believe that she did it the first time.



    IC: Ariani stared at the empty hallway behind her. "Just run," she thought to herself, "You know that's what you want to do. You probably can't even channel. That was a trick just to get you here. Light knows what these women will do to you for what you tried to pull in the Foregate."


    The sound of the door opening pulled her back out of her thoughts and she turned around in time to meet the gaze of the woman sitting behind a large desk. "Too late now," she thought as she cautiously entered the room, making sure that she left the door open....just in case. She sat slowly, but only making use of the very edge of the chair and keeping herself positioned to dart out the doorway if the need did arise. She accepted the tea, but studied both the cup and contents carefully before taking a sip. She glanced back at the open door and the deserted hall before dropping her gaze back to the cup. "Do not offer anymore information than you absolutely have to."


    "Ariani Cairawyn. There was an Aes Sedai in the Foregate," she said almost inaudibly, "she said that I could channel and brought me here." 


    When she lifted her eyes to the Aes Sedai, she was met with a look of disbelief. "Or maybe its the guilt that made you see that."


    "Light blind you, Ariani," she cursed herself in frustration, "lying to a bloody Aes Sedai! Blood and bloody ashes!" She pulled at her hair a little bit and then growled, "Fine! I stole the Warder's coin purse. I wouldn't have, but I hadn't been able to find work in days and I was starving. I would have only taken a couple coins and left the rest alone, but it is all or nothing when you do that. No one helps, not for free. Not out of kindness. They always want something in return, terrible things. He caught me. Then she comes along. She makes me hold this little trinket, a gem, and then tells me that I made it flash. She wants me to come here. I would have ran, but I thought that that man would have dragged me here whether I wanted to or not. So I agreed. I thought I might slip away on the way here, but no one had said a word about the other two! Two more Warders, and they caught me before I got too far away from them. Now I'm here." 


    She was amazed at how quickly the words poured out of her mouth, and she almost wanted to cry right there. Instead she clenched her jaw and met the Aes Sedai's stare. "I'm sorry. I only take from people who look like they can spare something, and ONLY so I don't starve. If I have to be punished, then punish me, but please don't lock me up. I'll die. I'm not afraid to work. I can work off the punishment," she glanced at the door, it seemed to have gotten further away. "You'd never make it before she caught you," she thought. Instead, Ariani sank into the chair, wishing a hole in the floor would open up and swallow her.

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