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Posts posted by szilard

  1. On the bright side, the text is the same. (Newer editions have lesser typos.)


    I know, I'm savage, but ... look, I have a few copies of the books around me, it does not really matter which edition you possess. From an emotionally pov, well, you maybe right.


    Reading is more important than collecting. That story meant to be read.

  2. On 2017. október 23. at 5:24 PM, jack of shadows said:

    I believe that sabio wrote this one a few years ago,rand is still touching the portal stone,attempting to reach toman head,everything that happens between the great hunt chapter 37 and the last book is part of rand's visions...flicker...

    My post here is also part of rand's visions...flicker...


    Sabio, I kiss the ground before you.

  3. 7 years later, hmmmmmmmm:wink: Better late than never.


    If you got appraisable references then contact the administrators of this site, and they will make the contact between you and Harriet.


    JordanCon 2018 will be held April 20-22, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia.


    There's no way that you cannot contact with Harriet.

  4. Welcome aboard!



    But this is not the medieval period, not a fantasy with knights in shining armor. If you want to imagine what the period is, imagine it as the late 17th century without gunpowder. RJ


    It is really mismatched, Jordan took a little bit from everything.


    Min's clothing - I've been searching this pic for minutes before dinner without succes, but my wife came to my help (literally 8 seconds)




    There was a really gorgeus pic about Tremalking (not available anymore online, there is somewhere on the hdd)


    just bing/google it: jeremy saliba aiel, wot wallpaper (andrea's wot wallpapers on pinterest)


    check out the comic books etc.

  5. On 2018. január 22. at 4:54 PM, solarz said:

    Actually, it's an interesting topic.



    On 2018. január 22. at 4:54 PM, solarz said:

    The Seanchan are modeled after Imperial China, albeit a much more stylized version of it. Although constant rebellion would be an exaggeration, it is true that some Chinese dynasties experienced frequent rebellion. Most Chinese dynasties were far more concerned about internal security than external threats.


    The Seanchan empire encompassing an entire continent and having lasted over 1000 years could very well explain the constant rebellions. No Chinese dynasties has ever lasted more than a few hundred years. Of course, Imperial China didn't have damanes and a Crystal Throne. :)



    Another models are Persia and Japan, plus a little Mediterranen sprinkling. I have friend from Iran, who always says that Persia is 2500 years old without a break. And lasting/ruling for 250-300 years long is not an underachievement.


    On 2018. január 22. at 4:54 PM, solarz said:

    We don't really know how big Marendalar was, or what size its population was.


    Then we should use our imagination, we should use cross-references etc



    They don't make the same mistake twice, so they are not useless against anything, even the armies of DO.

  6. Finally someone brings back the 'who is the stronger'-type of posts. I missed them so much... :wink:  I'm evil, I know.


    I will get on the soft side of this duel.



     I want one thing straight in your mind before I kill you, though. The wench was hale the last I saw her, and if she’s dead now, I’ll regret it.” That smile deepened, both in humor and disdain.

    “She was the best ride I ever had, and I hope to ride her again one day.”

    Red-hot, searing fury fountained inside Galad, but with an effort he managed to turn his back on Valda and walk away, already feeding his rage into an imagined flame as his two teachers had taught him.



    Valda gives immense power to Galad with these words.

    But this is not my problem. In fact, I had always thought that Morgase's case/thread was an insult not just to her, but to us too. Her totally irrelevant storyline (ok, RJ wanted to show us a fall of a monarch - parallel with daughter's ascent; not to mention the she was raped so many times - true, we formulated theories that these 'men' are impotent, so maybe she was 'just' touched inappropiately, and Valda just did 'a little' rubbing off nothing else, I almost wrote nothing serious, while even standing next to a disgusting person is a very bad experience) culminates in giving power to Galad, and rescuing Faile


    Much ado about nothing.


    I really feel for her, becuse her role should have been something else. Early death, laying low far away, anything


    Back to Galad: the bigger the rage, the bigger the flame.


  7. On 2018. január 12. at 8:54 PM, Werthead said:

    Because they can't stop the actors ageing? That's going to be a problem for WoT. In fact, even moreso. It's possible to very likely that the show will have 18 month gaps between seasons assuming a high production quality. Assuming 7 seasons, it'll possibly take 10-11 years to get the show done. So any actors they start with in their late teens or early twenties will be in the late twenties or early thirties by the time it's done. There's no realistic way around that.


    No, you misunderstood. The concept is that: inexperienced kids (GOT), teens (WOT) are getting in serious trouble, and they have to survive deadly dangers. That's why RJ severed Tam into Tam and Rand, becuse his story does not work with older (traveled) people, does not work with drawn-out storylines. Randland is near its 'end': hey, son, you are our saviour now, you've got 2 years, no more.


    7 seasons are too much: it looks like fans only want to know 'the ending' and going forward another horizons.


    On 2018. január 12. at 8:54 PM, Werthead said:

    . I think it's his way of showing he's been a WoT fan for twenty plus years and is old-skool (i.e. he didn't hear about the books five minutes before he was asked to helm he project).


    Look, Sanderson played the same: I'm such a huge fan but I did not touch the books for decades. I will re-read them,ah, they are too long, will not do it, I will read Jordan's notes, ah, they too complex, too cryptic, I will not read them. It did not matter at all in the end because Sanderson's is not an author (not even a writer), he's just a printing machine. Of course, nobody should have write any fan fiction, but we all know, it's all about the benjamins.


    Back to guy (what's his name? nevermind): we don't need this kind of emotional statement, because we are talking about an adaptation. A faithful adaptation, I hope. Cuaron still does not know that Harry Potter is a person or a name of a food, and, despite being such an ignoramus, he gave us the best HP adaptation, because he had artistic vision. He (like P. Jackson) had interesting works behind his back before POA. (Azkaban is still his best film so far.)


    And we haven't heard anything positive about this guy.


    And without hard numbers,


    40 million, 8 episodes, 42 min.?

    40 million, 20 episodes, 42 min.?

    70 million, 8 episodes, 50 min ? etc


    is really hard planning anything, because every little modification brings another modification in the screenplay, in the production design, in the schedule, in the locations etc


    They think that all the fans of WOT will watch anything but that is not true. Who will be there at the premiere from the original fans? Will we be divided, like fans of GOT?


    (And a few words on GOT: it is astonishing (?) to see that (hardcore) readers hate the show with a passion. I assume that you've read all the posts in Game of Thrones: The HBO TV Series (Westeros - I use this site as an example despite being now one of the lesser sites, because that was  t h e  ASOIAF site many, many, many years ago), so you know as well that many of them gave upon the series during even in S1-S2-S3 (not to mention the last two seasons), and now only the newcomers love the show. This is just a little hyperbole. Of course, who cares about a handful of old dinousaurs, when HBO is bathing in money?
    And now the fans are totally divided between the book series (the so-called snobs, I will not use the stronger word) and the tv series (the so-called idiots). And many of the newcomers will never read the books. )


  8. Great topic with great comments. I agree with everyone. :smile: (Mostly with jack of shadows - seeing what happened before, this is inevitable - and BFG, they are the different sides of the same coin)


    We don't know what really took place (especially in their mind!) except that "The first nine Aes Sedai swore fealty to the Dragon Reborn, and the world was changed forever." :laugh:


    At first reading the most disturbing thing was that Taimdread said the famous "Kneel or you will be knelt." lines - these henchmen do not know their place!, but/and after that Jordan cuts to black, so RJ lets our fantasy to run away with frenzy... but from later chapters/novels we know that basically nothing harmful happened to them. (How do you define harmful?)


    And while I agree with solarz that their society is like that, based on homage, based on belonging to a 'team', to an 'idea', to a 'group of people' etc, I think most inhabitants of Randland do not take their oaths seriously, it seems to me that they see in them an another form/way of chance, an another path which ends of course in winning, a sort of 'When Rand closes one door, He opens a window', I know, I'm really stretching things now.


    Returning back to AS, they just let (and they do not see themselves as inferior being compared to him) Rand sweeping over them, they are opening themselves to him, just like they open themselves to saidar ('submission', patience, 'submission', patience - if you are in control for real, you can play the 'victim' role; as for their own point of view, they do not see themselves in lower position than before, just shifting on the bench a little to left/right) 


    As Visari says this event is a tipping point, or is just another dot in the long line of tipping points? - this is the real the Breaking of the World: Rand transforms the world (his dream) to 'his own image' in these two years - because WOT is just a big dream, ofc, not as big as Bobby Ewing's dream; I will start a thread about it, if I will not forget about it - this whole mixing people, cultures, customs, power, everything together, making a melting pot. Now, the circle is whole again.


    On 2018. január 9. at 11:22 PM, BFG said:

    For all the reasons it's wrong of elaida and egwene to demand fealty of Aes Sedai, it's wrong of Rand, it's effectively a form of compulsion if a very weak version of it and it's enforced by Taim 


    I understand them, I understand why they do things like this, but I do not like these things at all. But they say that that's the main point of reading: experiencing another points of view, questioning things, questioning ourselves through others. Or not.

  9. Quote


    Two years fighting on Marendalar, thirty thousand dead, and fifty times that shipped back to the mainland as property.

    Assid Bakuun's PoV, TPoD, Ch. 22


    I didn't know where to put this quote: into the eco thread, or into the pop thread? But, maybe, it deserves its own topic. Why not? We rarely talk about it.

    So, 1.5 million people as property. Jordan just drops this number with a shrug, but I think it is very interesting. (Maybe Jordan wanted to create a pre-“The Amayar were all dead or dying. Men, women“ —her voice broke — ” children.” -situation, just without further elaboration? The zero reaction to the death of the Amayar was Jordan's biggest disappointment..., KOD, Ch. 22) I accept AB's 1.5 million, because why would he lie about it to himself? Or is he exaggerating it to calm himself?


    No wonder that rebellions are strictly occasionally free-time activities, if their consequences are that harsh. But it looks like that sometimes (?) the people are not satisfied with current conditions of their society.


    "De loin, c'était un diamant;
    De pres, ce n'est plus qu'une larme."


    From above, from a distance, the One Nation surely looks one nation, but observing it at close quarters indicates that under the quiescent surface there is desire, will to change the existing structure.

    "vagy vedd példának a piciny füszálat:
    miért nő a fű, hogyha majd leszárad?
    miért szárad le, hogyha újra nő?"



    This must have been a guerilla warfare (ironically, Rand used similar tactic against them), because the number of the deads is pretty low for a two years fighting. Sure, a rebellion is a rebellion, not a total war.

    And where to accommodate so many people? How to feed, guard etc. them? For how long? Moreover, how do you ship them back? How do you integrate them? Is there any integration at all? What is happening on Marendalar now; is it absolutely depopulated?

    And now, there's chaos.



    Any thoughts?

  10. 1 hour ago, solarz said:


    Rather than saying TSR was the first slow book, I think it's more accurate to say that the first 3 books were very frantically paced. TSR wasn't really slow for a book that is part of a 14-book series, but the first 3 books were much more stand-alone paced.


    To the readers who bought the first trilogy (because WOT is a series of trilogies) in the beginning of the nineties it was extremely slow. We talked about many times in the old Usenet newsgroup. Of course, now we all look at TSR with a different eye.


    Now I don't remember saying that, though I could have in certain contexts.



    I wrote "I'm twisting your words" so we'd have a context, but it does not matter at all.



    Personally, I feel that even the weaker books are enjoyable if taken in context with the rest of the series.


    That's the point! Jordan should have separated the main series/happenings from the rest, thus the readers are not forced to do mental gymnatics to keep WOT in shape. At least we did not go to the route à la HP, where many extremely long fanfictions have basically rewritten the whole story keeping the names only.


    As József Attila says: "I am angry for and not against you" - because it is heartbreaking to see what could have achieved Jordan with WOT, despite being the uncrowned king of epic fantasy.

  11. Quote

    who were both 23, playing 14-year-olds who'd been canonically aged up to around 18 in the show. Of course, the show has been on the air for 7 years so Harington is 30 now, but they explain that in the show by having the series cover a lot longer period of time than the books.


    In other words: it's a joke-adaptation.



    On the plus side, WoT showrunner Rafe Judkins has tweeted that he is working on the books for the adaptation, which may be a sign that something is going on behind the scenes.


    I hope that he will not pull a Carmen http://news.trust.org/item/20180103181731-3nm1m/


    But I really don't understand this new 'development'. Without a studio/network, how can he do anything? He cannot plan anything without knowing the finacial backgrounds etc. And why now? What's he done so far? Is he working totally alone? Or there's a team? Judging by the condition of the books he went to a bookstore and bought a stripped book a few days ago and that's it...


    Sony truly does take things seriously... 

  12. On 2018. január 10. at 6:00 PM, jack of shadows said:


    "jordan fell in love with a certain heroine and a certain hero.."



    would you care to elaborate who are the hero and heroine robert jordan

    fell in love with?


    No, :laugh: I have to stay calm. *deep breaths after deep breaths* 


    In short the plotlines of El and PerrinFaile (or rather FAILEperrin) are tiresome and unnecessary.


    20 hours ago, OlwenaSedai said:

    I am on book 12 now, and I have to say, I don't really see what everyone hates about book 7-11. A lot of important things happen in those books: Egwene becoming Amyrlin, the battles against the Seanchan really kicking off, the cleanse of the taint, the weather thing... I didn't really find them slowpaced. The prologue to 12 was maybe the worst this far for me :P (also because transitioning to Sanderson's writing did take some time). 


    Sure, there were parts that could've been cut in all those books, but that's true of all the books. 


    TSR was the first slow book, if you compare it with the later books...   (Many) people come for action, and not for endless lists of names, or plots which go into nowhere. Or meaningful interaction between the characters.


    Not to mention the urging feeling in the first books: the seals, the seals!!! How many are them still stand??? Wait a minute, wait a minute... the seals DO NOT matter at all, so this whole pressing sense of 'the world will end in a minute!' evaporates into nothing


    Or "the weather thing": this plotline is just terrible. Jordan tries to reach into so many directions that everything slips through his fingers; you could cut 90% of it. The ultimate goal was to keep El in a different place. That's it. And he gives us a very interseting character, Talaan, but does he use her? No. I do not expect Tuon level high quality plotlines, but please, Mr Jordan, do not give us terrible written sections.


    See Ch 32 in ACOS: the first part is very good, the second good, the third one is terrible, because RJ does not find their voices. It is so badly written that sometimes I don't think that was written by Jordan. And he needs almost three books to get this plotline to its feet. Things like that never happened in earlier books! 


    Look, the more you read the series, the more you see its faults. And as solarz says in another thread (I'm twisting their words a little bit), readers want to follow the original characters, the heroes, not to bog down with actor n732. Of course, he had no other choice because he ran out of plotlines. But, but, if you run out of plotlines, maybe you should end your story. Jordan had deadlines, and maybe he was too proud, or too smart pushing deadlines away, because he knew that his writing will not get better, and readers buy his books constantly (he was 'the' epic fantasy at certain point), so it really hard to stop. I had similar experience in a very small scale, one day maybe I will share it.


    And if you look at other writers, you can see that now everybody builds megaworlds with 20-30-40 books. And they do not write what they want to write, they write what the market wants. If you try something new and the readers do not want it, they have to return their original series, expanding it with more volumes. And, as we know it, there is no ending, you could continue anything.


    I do not care about Erikson (or his book), but his honest post is worth to quote (and his sales were always low):



    I've made a point of never dissembling to my readers so why start now? The reasons for this decision (delaying Walk in Shadow) are varied: the basic situation is as follows. For reasons unknown to me, my agent or my publishers, DoD and FoL have tanked in terms of sales. I wasn't even aware of that until we started marketing the First Contact novel, RKH, but when the details came out it took the wind out of my sails (putting it mildly). Now, if it was a matter of the style I employed for the Kharkanas trilogy turning readers off, then the sales of FoD should have been decent, only to then fall off for FoL. But that wasn't the case. Strangely, the Book of the Fallen series remains strong in terms of sales. Was it because it was a prequel? Possibly. Did FoD come too soon after TCG? Maybe. Or is there some kind of reader-fatigue going on? Could be. One theory I've been considering is a more general wariness among fantasy fans regarding trilogies and series -- having been burned by other authors waiting for books, are readers just holding back until the trilogy is done, before buying in? But then, Dancer's Lament sold brilliantly (and it too is a prequel). Anyway, the upshot is, given what we perceive as considerable enthusiasm for the Karsa trilogy, we decided to jump right in. The story picks up four or five years after the ten book series, so there'll be plenty of room to explore the fall-out, and room for favourite characters to make an appearance beyond Karsa himself. I do remain committed to writing Walk in Shadow and humbly apologize for you (few?) readers eagerly awaiting that novel.


    Now the whole market is totally different from what it was 10-15-20 yeras ago.


    One more thing to close this post: it is so easy to say that books after LOC are subpar. I say it so easily too. But nobody mention that writing even one, ONE good epic fantasy book is almost impossible task.  And Jordan wrote 5 consecutive books on excellent quality. FIVE excellent books. Not a good one, five excellent ones. And we should be thankful for that but we are greedy, we want more.





    1+ new reply    Go to first new post


    This should be in the form of +1, don't you think? And where is my wink emoticon?



  13. OP, I did not read your post (not to mention the thread) just did a quick scan but the 'no spoiler' stood out, so I will be spoiler-free). No offence, also very typical of me that after posting something I do not go back to a thread, so in the past I used to get very angry Theresa Mays in my box. I hope you got the typical, standard answers, but I'm offering my thoughts too.

    I've been pondering your question for a long time, but you will get a weak ramble now. :laugh: (I will not touch upon the estate authorized fanfictions, because I'm still too young to die in a heart attack.)

    I do not want to waste your time, therefore this is my short answer: Jordan set the bar too high. Way too high.

    The longer version:


    So, I've said that Jordan set the bar too high. Way too high. What does that mean? The worldbuilding, the plot, the characters etc, if you look WOT as one thing is still the best epic fantasy series. Martin came very close with the

    first book of ASOIAF, but the filler he put into it (starting with book 2) became unbearable by book 3-4. Only skimmed book 5 for a few minutes, then I had to accept that for me ASOIAF is a trilogy for me, nothing more.


    And while there were/are talented writers who possessed talent for a particular bit (worldbuilding, or characters, or plot etc) no one was able to knead all of their ingredients into such a high quality series as ours.


    People often say that the quality dropped after the amazing first sixth book (of course, in our club there are at least 6-8 persons, who do not read beyond TDR, because they only believe in trilogies.) About the changes in quality after LOC: while there are filler chapters in the first six books, they never reach the almost undigestable mass until ACOS. I mean, many times we meet 4-6 consecutive filler chapters, filler plotlines..Everybody can see that sometimes RJ had no idea what to do with certain characters, or he has to stall certain arcs to reach certain goals etc. But you know what is the most interesting/saddest thing? If you put together ACOS and TPOD, then cut the filler (min. 100 000 words, but I'd cut rather 140-150 000 words), you will get the strongest book in the series. The strongest one.

    I think that after his sickness, Jordan did not really care about WOT, he wanted to explore a new world (and thinking about two series at the same time is not an easy task), and who can blame him? Many things diverted/swayed the series: his sickness, the BWB, the prequel,and the lack of proper criticism (he was a big lurker, but the online communities came way too late to change the course). He only saw his mindbending success, his sales just growing and growing, so he thought that he's on the right path. And when he realized what happened, it was too late to turn back, he had to follow the path we call now Book 7-11. (Similar thing happened wit JKR, just mention a common place.)


    On the other hand, if you accept that LOC is the real ending, then most of (your/our/my) problems will cease immediately.


    Another points: putting the most popular heroes into the shadows, and putting hated ones into the limelight is a very bad idea; when the reader cares more about bad characters than good ones then you do something wrong; characters are getting to strong - I get it why it is a must to do this (see the whole concept of the series), but reading about (demi)gods is boring, Jordan fell in love with a certain heroine and a certain hero - again, this was a very bad idea; maybe writing a little more romance could have been useful; too many characters to keep up with (casual readers, who make 99.999% of the whole readership usually have no idea about anybody except the main heroes, despite being spoonfeed many times by Jordan's repetitive sentences) etcetcetc

    And last but not least:  disrespecting Jordan's wishes was not cool. At least Harriet could hold writing more than 3 estate authorized fanfictions (TOR wanted way more books) - the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) about these

    fanfictions will expire in a few years, so will know what happened between 2007 and 2013. If anyone will care about these things then...

    One more thing: what really breaks my heart is the fate (or rather the state) of the WOT online communities. They collapsed so fast...



    Hey, and you could share with us your opinion many months later! :smile:

  14. I said women are strange, Perrin Aybara. Chiad told me she would not lay a bridal wreath at my feet; she actually told me.” The Aielman sounded scandalized. “She said she would take me for a lover, her and Bain, but no more.” Another time that would have shocked Perrin, though he had heard it before; Aiel were incredibly . . . free . . . about such things. “As if I am not good enough for a husband.” Gaul snorted angrily. “I do not like Bain, but I would marry her to make Chiad happy. If Chiad will not make a bridal wreath, she should stop trying to entice me. If I cannot catch her interest well enough for her to marry me, she should let me go.


    Gaul, I know that you are reading this, so I will be gentle. They were Friends of the Dark, but they also had a little conscience in contrast with their DF boss Faile, I mean, you are not a DF, and they did not want to hurt you at all. Therefore, casual sex was ok, marriage was not. (Faule was qualmless, her given task was luring forcing Perrin to the Dark Side, and she did that flawlessly.)



    Er, can I be honest with you? This whole thing has nothing to do with 'conscience', you are a good for nothing, even Darkfriends cannot use you for anything, no offence, men are pretty useless at anything in general, but sometimes they can add a little spice during sex. That's it. You can ask any woman about it, they will say the same thing. Some women need husband for money, status, power - see my next thread called 'The parallel lives of Sevanna and Morgase', but that's not typical.


    Sleep well, and eat a 'a baked food, usually in loaf or layer form, typically made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs' and this way there's no need for the mods to do anything, because this is a family-friendly messageboard, and everything we post is family-friendly.


    When I am sitting at the window,

    Through the panes, which the snow blurs,

    I see the lovely images, hers, as

    She passes… passes… passes by…


    Over me grief has thrown its veil:-

    Less a creature in this world

    And one more angel in the sky.


    When I am sitting at the window,

    Through the panes, which the snow blurs,

    I think I see the image, hers,

    That's not now passing… not passing by…



    Oh, remember this line from Egwene's favorite song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbU3zdAgiX8) "I'm dreaming my life away"? Gaul, do not dream your life away. I almost forgot to mention that Egwene's school in Rhuidean is a very cool  :wink:  place, anybody can join them. Maybe you should go to her, and relax a little bit.



    @realEgweneal'Vere:  I did not mentioned to Gaul that Chiad is alive. What should we do? Send a word to Liah.




    If anybody is wondering, I'm still sane.



    Outside where the trees

    Are rustling to a standstill

    The only thing I see

    Beyond them is the ocean.


    It is intensely blue,

    Flashing here and there,

    And in its lazy wave

    There is a sleepy sighing.


    But neither I nor the ocean

    Sleeps on this gentle day,

    And it calms while it advances,

    And I don't think and I'm thinking.


  15. It was Verin's doing.

    Having been on WOT IRC/boards for over 21 years, my opinion has changed a lot regarding books, plots, characters, events etc. But regarding this "theory" (Verin being the culprit - such a naughty girl :wink: ) my mind has not changed at all.

    I think Jordan comes at us with a hammer (LoC, 46, Demira's second pov): Verin, the real spider (Moggy is nothing compared to her), always starts invisible threads, constantly  p r o d s :wink:   (or rather commands) many people toward 'her' goals, that's makes her a/the most fascinating character.

    I often feel that Verin and Taimdred are characters from the hands of Dürrenmatt. (This reminds me that Randmas is only seven weeks away, so if you have a book lover in your mind, you should buy them as a present this book: Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Selected Writings, Volume I, Plays (Hardcover) - an elegant, beautiful book, and the translation is quite good. Do not bother with the other volumes, they are worth nothing.) They are grotesque, caring, violent at the same time, toward Rand they really don't know what to do, they do this, they do that: what to do with him? love him? hate him? Someone should start a thread about Verin and Rand.

  16. If you have any, please, share it with us!



    1. WOT is a reality show - that's why Shara is so mystic, because the production company takes up the most of the region
    2. Tel'aran'rhiod is the real reality - Randland is just a projection
    3. Tel'aran'rhiod is where the souls live  (RJ on one occasion used the term "the supply of souls awaiting rebirth")
    4. Tel'aran'rhiod is the inside of Rand's head (his brain), the dreams are the neurons




  17. "I am lews therin telamon,the dragon. I ruled these lands,unified,during the age of legends.i was the leader of all the armies of light,i wore the ring of tamyrlin.i stood first among the servants,

    Highest of the aes sedai,and i could summon the nine rods of dominion.i held the loyalty and fealty of all seventeen generals of dawn gates".


    Jack, for the love of Rand, do not pollute DM with Sanderson's pathetic prose. :madmyrddraal:  Please.


    So he wrote things like this... :flamingsword: But even this little passage really shows that Sanderson does not understand anything about the world of WOT. He just does not get its societal structures, the characters, nothing. This is not even fan fiction quality. I even question that he was a fan after reading these sentences, because he is not aware of basic things at all. :mad:

  18. RJ judged her correctly, simply she was the warning of what happened when one was never satisifed.  She was never going to have enough power or be content.


    In other words, she's a human. She always wanted to become a BA, but later she saw that her "bosses" are just simple human beings, nothing specials, just like her, so, I think she was right aiming higher.


    it's incredibly lonely at the top lol.



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