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Posts posted by Nikonis

  1. Welcome! As everyone else has said, check out the Social Groups and join any and as many as you feel comfortable joining!


    There are parts to them you won't see unless you join so ask away if you have any questions on them!

  2. *heads east toward the U shaped island*


    I've always been a better long distance runner...rolled a 1

    Lessa makes for the island to the east but tires out soon after entering the water, -1 to your next roll



    Shad rolls a 5, which doubles to a 10, and keeps on swimming.  Why waste time exiting the water?

    Shad continues to swim a short distance but soon sees the issues one of the other racers has encountered and swims for land.  He makes it about 3/4 of the way to the edge of the island before tiring and taking a quick break.  Add -1 to your next roll.



    I got an 8 but with the mod, that's a 7


    After removing the banana peel, Chaelca dashes down the coast and soon catches up to Shad who seems a bit tired from his last sprint.  (Double next roll)

  3. S


    Actually, since you have probably gone to sleep... I'm going to take a wild guess and say


    It was a dark and stormy night


    Just saw it fits the blanks and since I'm heading to bed soon I figured I'd give it a shot and check in the morning.

  4. I am feeling good in water for now. *keeps her pace steady*


    Ah dang rolled a 1.


    *treads water waiting to see what happens next*

    Feeling really good about her first leg of the race, Killa swims alongside the island, keeping the shore in sight just in case.  Suddenly, a giant tentacle slushes from the deep water nearby and drags her further away from the shore and towards the deeper water.  She must spend her next turn making it back to where she left off OR can choose to HALF her next two rolls.

  5. *watches everyone speed off as I lightly jog up the beach*


    I rolled a 7 so doubled is 14 *grins*



    Tessa's conserved energy is released in a blast of speed which propels her up to the beach where Killa is standing.  Not wasting a minute to decide she runs up the beach and, making sure not to trip on any seaweed, makes it safely to the other side of the first island.


    - To the North, not too far away she sees another short island.

    - To the East, a longer U shaped island will get her closer to the final goal if she decides to remain on land.

    - In between the two, a long stretch of deeper water she could swim through

  6. For those who are interested... I roll a six sided die for your outcome...


    1 = Critical Fail, loose a turn

    2/4 = Pass

    3/5 = Small Fail, -1 or -2 (toss a coin) to your next roll

    6 = Critical Win (Double next roll)


    There are a few other surprises depending on the circumstance or what path you choose though those will be revealed as we get to them.

  7. Shad sets off at a swift but sustainable pace of 6 from the starting point, wildly tossing banana peels in the tracks behind him.


    You run out into the water, tossing your banana peels as you go.  They float in the shallow water and the fish don't seem interested in them.  You suddenly drop into deep water and begin swimming out, when you stop to take a quick breather you can see a nearby island and notice Killa and Chaelca have passed you and are just up ahead.  You may swim towards the island and continue on foot or swim up the lake, within view of the shoreline.

  8. ** As the sun began to rise that morning, Nikon looked out over the lake and waited as the members of the band who were ready for the summer training made their way to the shoreline.  It was a great day for a race and once everyone was ready to go he shot an illuminators "firework" into the air and signaled the start of the race. **


    Best of luck to each of you!  Roll and I'll let you know what is around, land or just water, as well as any bonus/impediment you receive at that point.  If near land, you may decide to continue swimming, run along the shore or enter the forest for the "shortest" path... a straight line.  You may also RP the choice or just post it... your choice.


    Have fun and may the odd's be ever in your favor!

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