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  1. Are we ready to ruuuuuuuuuumble?



    Welcome back to Cuen Gameshow Week!








    Anyways welcome to my game Ghost Letter game!


    I'm not sure if we have ever had anything like this in the White Tower before and the original game has been adapted for forum playing, so I'll explain the rules, give an example and give me a shout if you have any questions. 




    So how you play is the players take turns in adding a letter to a growing word fragment trying not to be the one to complete the word. 


    Each fragment must be the beginning of an actual word. 


    Minimum length of words is 3 letters. 


    The person who wins the round is the person who puts the last letter down making it impossible for someone else not to finish the word. They earn a letter and become supreme champion when they've earned all letters of the word "ghost". If we do not have a supreme champion, each letter will be worth 10 points and we can calculate a winner 


    Player who wins each round can either play the first letter of the next round or can wait for game host to do so (that'd be me!)




    Player 1: U

    Player 2: N

    Player 1: A

    Player 2: B

    Player 3: L


    Player 3 would win because the only available letter that could follow it would be E and that would complete a word.


    This might be a little different than usual but I reckon it could be really fun!




    JB - GHOS

    Ithi - G

  2. One book that has remained in my memory since reading it as a prescribed book in school, was actually quite risque for its time and place (South Africa was incredibly conservative back then). It's about a couple who live in Greece (though I don't think they're native to the country). A male friend from the Netherlands comes to visit them, and a love triangle ensues. The story is very cleverly written so that one doesn't realise right up to the end that the person whom the male visitor is in love with is actually male, not female. For a book written probably 40 years ago, this was quite daring. It was definitely an eye-opener.

    That sounds great! That would never be prescribed reading now in the UK nevermind 40 years ago!




    One of my favourite books is The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I still think of it often.


    The main character is a woman named Clare and her husband travels through different times roughly within his life span, always without intent and he always arrives sans clothes.


    The book mainly deals how difficult and dangerous it is for him and how painful it is to know your spouse has gone missing. It deals with painful real life things at the same time and it manages to make time travel seem like another ordinary, difficult thing to deal with.

    :-/ I did not like that book. Lol. The going back and forth gave me a headache. Plenty of my book club members liked it.


    That's ok  :laugh:


    To be fair, time travel is a trope I absolutely adore. The amount of trashy books I've read just because it said time travel on the front would be scary if I didn't love them so much  :tongue:


    Still I adored the book.


    There are some very emotional shattering parts of the Robin Hobb books, especially containing the characters of Fitz and the Fool. They are over three different trilogies and honestly, it's the most beautifully painful stuff I've ever read. However I cannot expand because I refuse to give spoilers. They're wonderful books. 

  3. One of my favourite books is The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I still think of it often.


    The main character is a woman named Clare and her husband travels through different times roughly within his life span, always without intent and he always arrives sans clothes.


    The book mainly deals how difficult and dangerous it is for him and how painful it is to know your spouse has gone missing. It deals with painful real life things at the same time and it manages to make time travel seem like another ordinary, difficult thing to deal with. 

  4. Welcome!


    I loved the Drenai series when I was in my teens. It was the first proper gritty fantasy that I ever read and I have not looked back.


    Rereading Legend always makes me tear up because it's the start of something awesome. Also the funeral scene (being deliberately vague so other people don't get spoilers) means so much more after reading the other books in the series!


    But Wheel of Time is awesome too!  :laugh:

  5. Aside from that, the other thing that springs to mind is from the book series/Starz adaptation for Outlander. There's a significant portion of the fandom that thinks the two main stars' on-screen chemistry is so great that they insist on shipping the actors off-screen, and some have gone overboard with it.


    As I recall there was a bit of a controversy over it last year, and William Shatner got involved.




    That is crazy!


    I've been a fan of the books for years and I'm actually watching season 1 of Outlander just now. I mean the characters do have good chemistry but that's so creepy. Such a violation for the actors and for the fanbase to start doxxing each other over "shipping"? That's definitely went too far.

  6. Hmmm, I love a lot of books and tv series but I'm going to list the ones that I've spent hours researching and reading blogs and listening to podcasts etc


    Song of Ice and Fire - I was into this before the tv show was announced and was one of those people eagerly "dreamcasting" actors for the hoped for tv show. My interest in this has waned slightly but I used to be super into it. 


    Harry Potter - loved this. Fanfic and blogs and the Leaky Cauldron site. Still am super into it.


    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere - a lot of you guys seem to be into this as well, it's awesome and I spend a lot of my free time reading theories on his own fan website


    Divergent - I was quite into this book series for a while and even though the characters were not the best it really left parts of the world unexplored that was very interesting to my brain as I could set my own story there.

  7. Hey welcome to Dragonmount Eclipse!


    Nice to meet you, it sounds like this might be the perfect melding of interests for you!


    It will be awesome to see you and get to know you more around the White Tower. If you've signed up using the form make sure to post in the thread so the correct people can request access for you to the hidden boards!


    See you soon :)

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