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Posts posted by wheeloftime13

  1. Theseus's father died when he failed to change the colour of sails.

    That's the closest thing I could think of

    Most versions of the myth say that was just because Theseus was thoughtless and forgetful. Some versions of Theseus' story is confusing in the father element.

  2. The secret fathering being all powerful comes from mythology too I believe. Although some people would argue that women did that to protect those they secretly loved or their infidelity. Mythology has a lot of cliché stuff, but maybe they became cliché because people were so enamored of the supernatural and mysterious tales.

  3. 5th Pirates of the Caribbean was awesome in my opinion! Much better than the 4th. The credit scene has me curious as to where they could take the series, but I think the 4th one had no point even if it contributed to some of the 5th. Uggg, twilight. Hobbit was good, I do think that the split of Harry Potter 7 was good mostly. I got sick of all the Hunger Games fans after the 1st movie because I had just been over it. I'd been wearing my hair in a braid and people were like Katniss!! And I was like "Nynaeve!"

  4. Alright, so in books and movies there are types of storylines and characters that are so common that they become a cliché or trope. First let us talk about cliché that


    A) We love

    B) Annoy us

    C) we like in certain situations (give examples where you do or don't like it)


    Common clichés:

    1. orphan/chosen one

    2. prophecy/destiny

    3. wise old advisor

    4 love at first sight

    5. class jumping

    6. raised poor but is really an aristocrat in disguise.


    I will give examples once I get on my computer, but for now, what are your thoughts?

  5. We love a movie series, but depending on the franchise, how many is too many sequels? Which series have yet to reach too many and which sequel became an unnecessary one? Favorite series? What should they stop at eventually or should have in the first place.

  6. Part of the reason I eat unhealthy most of the time is because the healthy stuff I am willing to eat takes too long to make. Not that it is healthy, but I won't even make myself Mac and cheese because it takes too long.

  7. I cannot do schoolwork while listening to music because it distracts me. I can do chores such as cleaning while listening. I listen to upbeat music. Disney, country, pop, rock, classical, anything but jazz really.

    Yesterday I committed to learning to play the bagpipes.

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