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Posts posted by Rhea

  1. You are all the best. There were 5 kids in our family. Four girls and 1 boy. I am the youngest. We have lost our parents, our two oldest sisters and now our brother. Its just me and my sister now. Getting older, losing people, its part of life but its not easy.


    @Cross When I was talking with my brother before he died he had been working on a big family genealogy project, a projects that he mostly finished. His son is working on it now, but he never got to go to Ireland to see where our family came from. I promised him I would go and would help my nephew finish the project. Sounds a lot like what you did too.  My love, my grief, to pour into something new in the name of my brother, it is healing. 

  2. On 1/6/2024 at 9:11 PM, Cross said:

    ... 'grief is love with nowhere to go' 


    Grief has its grips on me again. You see, my brother passed away a few weeks ago.  I have not felt like talking about it until now. Until I saw this post and was reading through. Cross, you got me! I have never heard that phrase before. But now I know what I am feeling, and it isn't grief, it is love that has no where to go. Love for my brother. He was there for me when I was little. He was my protector. My big brother. Then we grew up and he was still there, just not every day like when we were young, but still there. No matter how much time passed, he was there. Now, as the days, and weeks are passing, he isn't there. I don't know what to do with this love for him. 

  3. Does anyone remember the nasty Spit Balls?


    Oh yes, paper napkin and a straw was all that was needed. The best part was my German teacher in the 7th grade. When her back was turned. Spit balls would launch and stick in her hair. Which was BIG and she didn’t feel them! I can only imagine what she thought when she got home and washed that hair! Lol

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