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Aiel Heart

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Posts posted by Aiel Heart

  1. It seems that my compy has some problems loading the page for the armour and the weapon, so i'll try again in a bit.


    It is just a white box at first until you choose one of the options, at least for the weapons. Also make sure it's scrolled down all the way because for some reason my computer was having trouble doing that at first on that site.




    Something I found amusing for the female armor on the site is that it had the option for whether or not the chest was flat :P 



    I wish there had been some sort of coloring in option. Wouldn't have probably been the best work, but it's too white this way :P 

  2. Random side question Cindy. As cute as "Bonded, Bound, Betrothed" is, hasn't the status of that last one been upgraded slightly? :P 



    I hate how options were somewhat black and white. You either go to the doctor OR call the priest. Rub the cross necklace and pray OR wear the herb mask <.< I tended to choose on the doctor side just because that would get me the good result :P 

  3. GRAH forgot that photo bucket is dumb now. Get mine up in a bit!


    Ah, but we have galleries here on DM!



    Might have put one rose in the center rather than the four things around, but whatevs




    My weapons:  (I let there be a little bit of embellishment on the bow, and I picked the hammer because it looked like an owl :P )




    My staff for when I'm deciding to feel wizardy and cool, or just need a walking stick :P also let there be embellishment here--this is a dazzle staff, not necessarily a fighting staff (or is it...)




    Finally, armor. Actual, functional, female armor


  4. It was my great grandparents or great-great grandparents that came over. Don't know the story of why for any of them, unfortunately. Certainly can't trace back to the middle ages. Perhaps if I search this history and etymology of the last names that I know of for my family and the countries they came from...

  5. My wheel of time books came with me no matter how small my living space was. I actually somehow managed to be most active on DM through my freshmen year of college. Probably because I was being so shy and still finding my groupies in the real world :P 


    Congrats, have fun, know we're all here supporting you, remember that a way to study is to teach/explain it to someone else so feel free to have a thread here to do so :P 


    I like Nikon's and Lessa's and I'm going to also add the chosen ones usually being teenagers. 



    Normally works. Still want a story where the hero is a granny who spent most of her life baking cookies for the village kids. 


    There's certainly a number of ways to do that. Probably need to add something like the granny discovering she can use magic and then have the magic extend her age though, effectively making her longer (like Sharina (?) in WoT). Otherwise you can't exactly have fighting scenes or anything.


    Then again, if it isn't fantasy it already becomes easier because maybe the hero isn't a hero in the "beating up bad guys" sense.



    If her magic is strong why would she need to physically beat up people. Or her grandson can do that

  7. I like Nikon's and Lessa's and I'm going to also add the chosen ones usually being teenagers. 



    Normally works. Still want a story where the hero is a granny who spent most of her life baking cookies for the village kids. 

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