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Aiel Heart

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Posts posted by Aiel Heart

  1. When it seems like every free moment of your day seems to be seems to be something WoT related--reading the books, being on dragonmount, on a WoT-related fb group, or checking BS's page for the millionth time to see if AMoL is any more done


    Also, if you freak out on your stats on fb every time that the % of AMoL goes up and you constantly check to see if it's done so :P

  2. When you say "Light" and "Blood and bloody ashes" without even thinking about it


    Ok so I had a dream the other night that me and a friend of mine were hanging with Aviendha and Egwene. Aviendha was partway through reading the WoT series and was doing so to learn more about Min. Egwene was almost done with the series and we were having a pleasant time talking to her while Aviendha was reading (and according to my dream, she is a slow reader) but she had to keep going off to do Amyrlin stuff because Aes Sedai were trying to do stuff behind her back

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