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Posts posted by Corlock

  1. "Alright newcomers, listen up. You have ten minutes to get something to eat, and then we're going to the Keep. Once we get you all recorded in the books, the fun part starts. Ten minutes. If you're not done by then, tough luck. If you don't have anything right now, you better move quickly."


    A quick frown came to Nandiel's face as he realized that with all the people in the inn that wouldn't be nearly enough time to place an order, have it brought out and eat it by any means. In fact, he'd be lucky if it took ten minutes for food to be brought out at any inn, even the least crowded one he'd ever been in. He let out a sigh and resigned himself to more of the bread, hard cheese, and cured meat he'd been eating for weeks. He'd pull out a small chuck of cheese and pop it into his mouth. He soon heard a soft whimper after he had done that and saw the puppy that had adopted him looking up at him with those eyes they were famous for. He'd chuckle and kneal down, offering the pup a small bit of cheese and meat. It greedily ate what was offered and started that tail wagging again. It seemed Nandiel had made a friend for life.


    He'd get back to his feet and rip off a small piece of meat for himself. He'd continue to look about the inn, still put off by the sheer number of men who could channel that were in it. That pup still close on his heels looking up at him with ever hope filled eyes that it might get more to eat. Just as Nandiel was about to sit at a table in the corner he'd hear above the crowd, "You, boy! Over here!"


    He quickly spun on his heel to see who was talking to him, earning a few snickers from some of the other men for responding so readily to that form of address. His brown eyes would scan the inn quickly until he saw a short man waving him over. He'd never seen the man before in his life, so was a bit unsure if he was really trying to get Nandiel's attention at first. But as there seemed to be no one else that was responding to the man, and the way his eyes seemed fixed upon Nandiel, the boy had to assume he was attempting to get his attention. He'd put the food he'd been nibbling at away in his pockets and begin to make his way across the crowded inn.


    Not being used to navigating crowds, Nandiel's progress was slow, filled with a vast amount of excuse me's and pardon me's and waiting for people to get out of his way. He did make his way over to the man that had been waving him over without too much of a delay, that pup still fast on his heels, little stump of a tail wagging a mile a minute at it looked up at all the male channellers. Stopping in front of the man, Nandiel would look him over for a minute, noticing the state of his hands. That pup would simply sit as Nandiel came to a stop. "Is there something I can do for you, sir?"

  2. At the Travelling grounds, a slit in the air appeared. This then rotated into a hole in space and time, aka a Gateway. The view on the other side of the Gateway was snow free, the Asha'man coming through must be coming from somewhere to the south. Perhaps Tear, it was about time for the recruits brought in from the Black Tower's false headquarters to arrive. A small group of men and boys in the black suits of Soldiers made their way through the Gateway, followed by an Asha'man. As the Asha'man stepped through the Gateway, he allowed it to snap shut. Today nobody lost any limbs or bootheels, so it seemed this group had listened to the instructions to get clear of the Gateway once they were through. The assortment of recruits was diverse, though much smaller than the group that Dashiva had brought back, somewhat of a pitiful haul really, five in total.


    The Asha'man was informed by a Dedicated that the recruits were being assembled in the Inn. He looked over his haul and shook his head, they didn't look very promising. There were two men old enough to be grandfathers, they'd probably go mad before being of any use to the Tower, but they weren't supposed to turn anyone away, they needed all the Weapons they could get. Another that looked like a dandy of a Tarien lord, he was going to be troublesome. The fourth looked like he was from Far Madding and had the look of a travelling scoundrel about him, there were probably plenty of local lords looking for that one to pay for one crime or another, just what the Tower needed more of. The final recruit was an Andoran, must be nice for him to be home, though he might not realize it yet, and a young one at that. The child was rubbing his arms for warmth already, seemed he was soft, perfect. The Asha'man would roll his eyes and barked for the newcomers to head to the inn.


    Four of them complied immediately, the boy though, well those brown eyes of his were opened as wide as they could go as he stared about the farm, his mouth hanging open. The Asha'man would put a hand to his face and let out a sigh before clapping a hand down on the boy's shoulder to get his attention and barking into his ear, "I said head to the inn, recruit!"


    The clap on his shoulder and shout in his ear certainly got Nandiel's attention, the boy nearly jumped out of his boots. He'd look over his shoulder at the Asha'man who just shouted at him, before hurrying to catch up with the rest of the recruits from Tear. A small white and orange puppy would take note of the running boy and chase after him to the Inn, following on his heels. Nandiel stepped into the Inn and stamp his feet at the doorway, shedding the snow from his boots. The puppy at his heels barked at the loud noise. Nandiel looked down to the dog with its floppy spaniel like ears and grinned. There wasn't all that much special about Nandiel in terms of looks, he'd be more likely to blend into a crowd than stand out in it, but when he gave a genuine smile, well then he could almost be called handsome. He'd reach down and scratch the pup behind the ears. He heard someone clear his throat behind him and looked over his shoulder. It was the Asha'man that had brought him to the Farm from Tear. Nandiel was still standing in the doorway, and blocking the other man's path. He gave the Asha'man a penitent look and knuckled his forehead, stepping further into the inn, the pup still following close on his heels. The Asha'man would simply roll his eyes at the boy and the dog, before making his way to Dashiva to make his report on the status of things in Tear.


    Nandiel would glance about the Inn with those wide brown eyes of his, amazed by the number of men in black uniforms like his. Were there really this many men in the world that could channel? An involuntary shudder travelled down his spine at the thought, some fears were hard to shed. Just then a knife would go whizzing by his face as it stuck into a pillar. Nandiel would jump back quickly, well after the knife had already passed by his face, to his credit, at least itt was still quivering in the pillar. This sudden movement backwards on his part caused him to trip over the pup that was so close on his heels. The yelp of the pup, and the thud of Nandiel landing on his rump shattered the silence that had settled over the Inn after Dashiva's display with the Power. As everyone turned to look at him, snickering slightly, a bright red flush came to his cheeks. He'd quickly get back to his feet and dust himself off. Head down, he'd make his way to a table in the corner, trying to hide. That pup happily trotting after him, tongue hanging out the side of its mouth, with what looked like a grin on its face. The pup's stump of a tail wagging as it followed Nandiel to his chosen table.

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