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Posts posted by Corlock

  1. Blaze thrust the entirety of his head into the hole in the snow the snowball had made. He moved his head from side to side searching for it, before pulling his head out of the now expanded hole with a mouthful of snow. Nandiel would simply shake his head, chuckling slightly. The flame and the void and saidin as well suddenly gone. That was a loss, truly. Nandiel suddenly felt empty and lifeless without saidin flowing through his veins. That fight for life was what it meant to live.


    Nandiel turned his attention to Ful as he asked his question, "I see. Nandiel, is that your pup?"


    Nandiel scratched his chin for a moment as he thought about his answer, "I suppose you could say he's mine. Though I think it's more I'm his. He adopted me the moment I stepped foot on the farm. Hasn't really given me a moments peace since."


    Just then Blaze came trotting up to Nandiel's feet. Panting the dog would lay down in the snow. At that moment Storm Leader Skechid would give them their next set of instructions. Nandiel let out a sigh, just throwing that snowball had been difficult enough, now that he thought about it. How was he going to pick up a log?


    Nandiel would grimace and then set himself to seizing saidin once more. It was difficult to find it again, but he was going to be an Asha'man. He'd grab saidin by the neck again whatever it took and move those blasted logs. Just see if he didn't.

  2. Tandis watched the Aes Sedai who was leading him to the recruitment office leaping through the gaps in the path. He tried to keep a straight face and not raise an eyebrow at her antics. There had been a few Aes Sedai visitors to the Tower's Keep over the years, and this Aes Sedai was certainly not acting like any Aes Sedai he had ever seen in the Keep or the streets of Tar Valon. It was rather strange in fact.


    But Tandis had little time to worry about her. Once more he would straighten his coat, and attempt to comb his hair into a presentable fashion with his hands.


    "When you speak with Thera, make sure you tell her your name, age and where you are from. And don't look so stiff, she's the mistress of trainees so she's here to help you."


    Tandis would nod in response to the Aes Sedai's instructions as she knocked on the door.


    "Who is it?" Came from behind the door.


    The Aes Sedai with him answered in turn, "Lillian." She walked in, gesturing to Tandis, "Thera, a new recruit."


    Tandis would walk in after Lillian Sedai, still keeping himself straight and tall as he did so, straightening his coat slightly. He would salute Thera, fist to chest, "I am Tandis Daitan. I am sixteen years old, and I was born and raised in Tar Valon. I wish to join the Tower Guard and perhaps one day be worthy of being a Warder."

  3. Tandis was making his way to the Yard, too engrossed by the sights and sounds of the Tower to truly watch where he was going. Then he bumped into someone, or they bumped into him he wasn't quite sure. "My apologies, young man," she said smilingly. Then, prying, "if you are not busy, what is your business in the yard? Are you ok?"


    Tandis took a step back from the woman and looked her over. Recognizing her ageless face, as almost any native of Tar Valon would, Tandis gave a slight bow, and knuckled his forehead. There was a faint red flush to his cheeks as he spoke, "No, please Aes Sedai, my apologies. I should have been more aware. I am just fine, thank you Aes Sedai. I am on my way to join the Tower Guard, Aes Sedai. I wish to become a Warder. I was just looking for the recruitment area. Again, my apologies, Aes Sedai." He straightened slightly, after speaking, trying to stand straight and tall, straining for his full height of five and a half feet.

  4. Blaze came trotting up to Nandiel, pawing at his leg as he attempted to form the Flame and the Void, shattering what progress he had made. The Soldier would look down at the white and orange puppy and frown. Blaze just looked up at Nandiel with his green eyes and tongue lolling out of his mouth, something like a grin plaster on his face. Nandiel would roll his eyes, "Blood and bloody ashes, would you get out of here, Blaze, I'm trying to learn something. I don't have time to play right now." This harshly whispered at the dog through clenched teeth.


    The pup would continue to look up at Nandiel, comprehension not dawning in its eyes. It pawed at his leg yet again. Nandiel let out a sigh, and formed an image of a flame in his mind once more. He began feeding everything into that flame again, just tossing it all on the fire to watch it burn, especially that incessant pawing at his leg. He was freezing, he fed that to the flame as well, then he began to feel something warm.


    Nandiel smiled, basking in that warmth for a moment, reaching out for it. All of a sudden his stomach was turning as he felt something rancid, next thing he knew he was fighting for his life as a flood of burning hot ice raged through his veins. He was terrified and yet he had never felt more alive. He opened his eyes and looked around, he could make out the individual fibers on Ful's coat, and the individual hairs on Blaze's coat. He'd never been able to see this well before, every color seemed more vibrant, even the black all the men were wearing seemed more vivid somehow. This felt incredible. Was this the One Power, was this Saidin? Why had he ever been afraid of this? It was wonderful.


    Nandiel simply stood in the snow, fighting Saidin for control every minute as it felt like it would wash away everything he was, and relishing every second of that fight for survival. Blaze continue to paw at Nandiel's leg, looking up at him with even more affection now, if that were possible. Nandiel would kneel down and pet the pup. Before getting an idea, they were supposed to do everything with teh power now, right? He reached out with that power, not sure how he was doing it, and scooped up some snow. He compacted it into a ball, waved it in front of Blaze's face and then sent the snowball flying. Blaze went running after it.

  5. Tandis ran a had through his short cropped dirty blond hair, then lifted his other hand trying to arrange it into some semblance of order through his reflection in a glass tankard. It wasn't easy, the reflection was small, but he didn't have a mirror of his own, and the guest rooms were full, as they always were this close to the Tower. Finally, he gave up on his hair, hoping it was presentable enough. He was old enough now, and his parents had given their reluctant blessing for him to join the Tower Guard. He'd dreamed of this day for years. He had considered bringing the practice sword one of the Tower Guard had given him years ago, but thought he might look foolish carrying it with him. It hurt to leave behind what he considered his most important possession, but then he meant to leave this life behind and become a Warder or at least a member of the Tower Guard.


    His blue eyes took one last look around the common room of his parents's inn, giving a friendly nod and smile to the guest within it. They gave their respects back. One of the Tower Guard got up and sauntered over to him, moving in that way of a trained warrior. Somehow managing to look relaxed yet dangerous all at once, Tandis wanted to be able to walk like that. Perhaps one day he would. The Guard stood in front of him and looked him over. In response Tandis stood up straighter, doing his best to stand at attention.


    The Guard nodded in approval, and then clapped the boy on the shoulder, "I've heard today's the big day. Your mother can't stop talking about it. She's sad to see you go, but I'd say she's proud of you. And what native of Tar Valon, wouldn't be proud to have a son in the Guard, hmm? Your father hasn't said a word about it, but there's a bit of a spring in his step, and he's walking a little taller today than usual. He's proud of you too." The Guard would smile and shrug, "Well, I know they aren't going to say it, but I thought you ought to know it. I'd want my boy to know I was proud of him, even if I couldn't bring myself to say it. Good luck to you Tandis. I think you'll go far, just keep at it. It won't be easy."


    Tandis would nod in response to the Guard's words, "Thank you." He'd look out the window and judge the time from the position of the sun, or rather the direction and quality of the shadows in the street. It was early yet, but the recruiting station ought to be open by now. Tandis took a deep breath, straightened his shirt and coat, and let out a sight, taking his final look around the inn. He'd make his way into the kitchen to find his mother and father. His mother was busy kneading dough, her arms covered up to her elbows in flower. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Well, mom, I'm going to be heading off now."


    His mother looked up from her work, she was an attractive woman, if a little heavy set, she had tears in her clear blue eyes as she looked at her youngest son. She swallowed some air, then said in a broken voice, "I'll miss you, Tandis. Don't forget to visit often as you can. You'll still be in the city, so you'll have no excuse, you hear me?" She wiped the flour off her arms on her apron and shuffled over to him, wrapping him in a heartfelt hug.


    He returned that hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He whispered into her ear, "I promise."


    His mother would wipe the tears from her eyes and then step back, holding him at arms length and looking him over. Licking her thumb, she'd wipe an imaginary bit of dirt from his face, then nod in a satisfied mannner. "You look presentable now. Well, be off with you then, shoo! I've work to be doing."


    Tandis would just smile at his mother and nodded. He stepped out into the back where the stable was. There his older brothers and father were cleaning the stalls. He stood for a moment watching them, his father was far from thin and his two brothers who had plans to go into the innkeeping business themselves were well on their way to the same state as well. Tandis would just chuckle, they always did make fun of him for his scrawny frame, saying it was good he planned to join the Tower Guard as no one could ever trust a skinny inn keeper. He cleared his throat and walked up to his father, "Well, da, I'm going to be heading off now."


    His father turned and leaned on his shovel looking Tandis over. Tandis was dressed in his feast day best, the innkeeper simply nodded in approval at the boy's appearance then turned back to his work, "Well, be off with you then boy. And good riddance, I've enough mouths to feed as it is." Tandis's father then shot a look at his two older brothers, "And if they don't get back to work, they might just find themselves out on their ears."


    The older boys, quickly wiped the grins off their faces and got back to work. Tandis would stiffle a laugh and turn on his heel and make his way out of the stable, walking to the street down the side path of the inn that led to the stables. He took a final look at the sign that hung above the door, it had a picture of the Tower on it, with emphasis on the large gate leading into the Tower. Finally, after years of waiting Tandis said goodbye to the Tower's Keep.


    He made his way through the streets of Tar Valon, taking the quickest path to the Tower proper. His blue eyed gaze ignoring the marvels of oiger architecture he passed. It was easy to ignore wonders if you'd grown up seeing them every day as Tandis had. Sure as a child he had been overawed by the beauty of the city, and every now and again it still struck him, but for the most part he could ignore it as it was simply a fact of life within Tar Valon that the buildings could take one's breath away.


    Finally he came to the main gate to the Tower. He'd never been inside before, but he knew how to get to the Warder's Yard, he'd asked the Guards and Warders that frequented the Tower's Keep plenty of times over the years how to get there. He had the path memorized in fact. He stepped through the gate, and even the breath of a native Tar Valoner was taken away as he looked upon the White Tower up close. It truly was a marvel. His head craned up to see the top. He shook himself out of his daze, embarassed to be acting like a country bumpkin.


    He quickly took a survey of his surroundings orienting himself within the courtyard and pulling up the directions he had memorized. He then began to quickly make his way to the Warder's Yard to sign up for the Tower Guard. There was an eager spring in his step as he made his way through the Tower's grounds. He was finally achieving the first step in his dream to become a Warder.

  6. ”Aaaaaah, I'm Ful,” the younger boy replied. Nandiel would nod and shake Ful's hand.


    “Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ful.”


    Ful then deftly changed the subject, ”Um...You know him, Nandiel? That person was staring at you for a bit back there. And sighing.”


    Nandiel followed Ful's gaze and then chuckled, mostly to himself, “Oh, that. That's Baran. He's a friend, though he does like to keep to himself every now and then. Judging by the look of him at the moment, I'd say he'd rather not be distracted. I think he wants to pay attention to the class.”


    Just then Skechid began speaking again, teaching them the Flame and the Void. Nandiel directed his attention to the Storm Leader as he spoke and wore a puzzled look on his face after words. Feed all his thoughts and emotions into the Flame, achieve this thing known as the Void where there was no thought? That sounded difficult. But he wanted to be an Asha'man, so he'd learn it, or he'd die it seemed, as one of the recruits proved by bursting into flames. Nandiel was visibly shaken by that.


    He attempted to picture a flame in his mind, but images of the recruit that had burst into flames kept replacing it. He grunted to himself and grimaced every time the flame in his head changed to that gruesome scene. This was proving more difficult than he thought if he couldn't even form the Flame. He thought that would be the easy part. He sighed and tried once more to form an image of a flame inside his mind and keep it as just a flame.


    Finally, he succeeded at that task. He then began to try to feed all his thoughts and feelings and worries and everything else into that flame, to burn them away until he felt nothing. It wasn't easy, thoughts kept popping up inside his head, disrupting his concentration, shattering the Void that he was beginning to form rather tentatively. After each failure, he would sigh and begin again, fighting to keep the Flame a simple flame. Then he attempted to feed everything he felt, even the cold, into the Flame.

  7. Nandiel stood in the snow, toes beginning to freeze through his boots as he waited for their instructor to arrive. His eyes widened as he saw the lightning bolts upon the man's sleeves. He hadn't been at the Tower long, but he'd been instructed quickly by the other recruits as to the ranks of the Asha'man and how such things were designated. They were to be taught by a Storm Leader? He wasn't sure whether to be honored or frightened. Then the man spoke, "Welcome to the Black Tower. I am Storm Leader Skechid, member of the Guardian Council. And today, by all luck that you have, you are to learn how to channel. Which many of you might already have figured, you can. Saidin is not a toy. Nor is it a friend. It is a raging flow of power that destroys and burns. It will not be something you appreciate. But while you are here, it will be your daily companion. You will do nothing without it. Every chore, lesson, task will be performed with the Power until it becomes second nature for you."


    Nandiel had been mistaken, they weren't to be taught by a Storm Leader, but a member of the Guardian Council, now Nandiel was terrified. He shifted uneasily on his feet as he watched the man create a fireball. "This weapon will be your only weapon from now on. But first..." The fireball vanished, "You run. Around the Yard thirty times. And for every round, the person who finishes last gets an extra round. The absolute last will answer to me. Understood?" Nandiel sighed, what was it with these Asha'man and running. He was fairly certain in his short time at the Tower he'd done more running than he'd ever done in his entire life. In imitation of a few of the recruits that had been there longer, Nandiel gave a salute, fist to chest. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't the worst of the lot, he'd had some practice saluting to the Lord of Kore Springs before his life in the Tower. "You may begin."


    With that said, Nandiel began to trudge around the Yard for the full thirty times. Ten times he had been last, so he ran an extra ten rounds around the Yard. He never was the first to finish a round though. When he was finally finished he came to a stop next to a brown haired young man a few years younger than Nandiel by the looks of him. Panting slightly as he rested his hands on his knees for a moment, recovering from his run through the snow, Nandiel would straighten and turn to the brown haired young man (ie Ful), he extended his right hand. He then spoke between gasping breaths, "Hello, I am called Nandiel. I've seen you around the Tower, but I've never caught your name."

  8. Personally, I see the introduction to Saidin as a little more bare bones than the White Tower's introduction to Saidar. Part of this has to do with the fact that the Black Tower, I think leaves you alone to figure stuff out on your own. They expect you to learn by doing, as in you have to figure out how to light the fire to cook your food with the power, whether that's by using a weave of fire, or by using weaves of air to manipulate the flint and tinder they don't care, so long as you use the power to do it. So I think they'd teach the flame and the void, and how to seize saidin, after that the class would be over. I don't think they'd teach you combat effective weaves until you can reliably seize saidin whenever you want. I also think they'd expect you to learn the differences between the elements on your own.


    My own idea was for Nandiel to have learned how to seize saidin, but having difficultly lighting the fire with weaves of fire. Or he's with a group and they're all having problems with the fire. So Nandiel gets the idea to manipulate the flint and tinder with weaves of air. Granted this would probably make more sense for female channellers and they're not supposed to be strong with fire, and stronger with air, but it's just an idea of trying to attack the problem in a manner other than the obvious.

  9. OOC: Horrible mean Asha'man, trying to get a puppy to run 4 miles. ;)


    Nandiel had just stuffed another bit of chicken into his mouth when Daevis announced it was time to move on. He finished was he was eating and then made his way outside, Blaze following behind him, eyeing the chicken left behind every now and again. Once then lined up, Blaze went over and sat down next to Daevis, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, with a semblance of a grin on his face as he looked back at the recruits. They were then led to the Black "Tower" and Nandiel would give his name, age, and place of birth to the Asha'man there, "Nandiel Rankin, 18, Kore Springs, Andor."


    Then they were back outside again and now they were going to run four miles. Nandiel just groaned, he didn't think he'd ever run for four miles straight in his life. Blaze took off after Daevis as soon as the Asha'man began running, trailing behind him for a time, before easily passing him. Nandiel on the other hand ran at a rather plodding pace, managing to keep up with Baran at least. Eventually, Blaze grew tired of the pointless running, and wandered off to explore the grounds of the Tower on his own. Nandiel however, kept running with the group, despite how much he didn't enjoy it.

  10. So, I just submitted a bio for a Warder character. The bio-checker approved it, and it is now waiting in limbo to be posted on the biographies board for cross checking. So, as long as that goes as planned, I'll be joining your ranks shortly. Figured I drop in and say hello. Hi!

  11. Nandiel would chuckle nervously at Baran's suggestion of uncooked meat for breakfast, "I'm sure we'll figure something out. Or rather, I suppose we'd better. I think they're actually serious about that."


    Nandiel would shudder at the thought of channelling up a warm breakfast. Was it strange that he was still so put off by the idea of a man channelling when he was going to be doing it himself? He grabbed another small piece of chicken, offering a small portion to the pup at his feet once again. He'd look around the inn once more, still amazed by the number of men in it, all of whom could channel or else they wouldn't have been there. When he had been recruited in Tear, given that his group only consisted of five men, he had expected there to be a total number of men at the Farm who could channel equal to the number of men in the inn at the moment. But seeing as how they were all new recruits, that threw his ideas about how many men were actually at the Farm all out of whack.


    He'd look back down to the pup at his feet, looking up at him expectantly with its green eyes. He'd scratch it behind the ears, before muttering mostly to himself, "I think I'll call you Blaze."


    He'd then look back to Baran, "I suppose I ought to learn to get over my fear of male channellers, huh? Can you believe that there are more men in the world that can channel then there are in this room? I mean think about it, all of us are just recruits. Well, except for the two in charge, and the one who brought me here. How many more men are there at this place that can channel? Is it enough to break the world again?" Nandiel would shudder involuntarily once more.

  12. Nandiel would bow his head to Baran at the offer of food and a seat, the pup looking frantically between the three men with its green eyes. "Thank you very much for the food. If there's anything I can do to repay you, just let me know."


    Nandiel would sit down next to Jholan and take a rather small portion of the food offered. He was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of taking someone else's food, but it would have been rude to turn down the offer. In addition, warm chicken was a great improvement over the dried meat, and a welcomed change as well. The pup would follow Nandiel to that seat, sitting down between Nandiel and Jholan, his eyes fixed on Nandiel, and the food in the boy's hands. Nandiel would look down at the pup and just laugh. He'd tear off a very small bit of chicken and offer it to the pup, who gobbled it down, "Now, what am I going to call you. Since it seems like I'm stuck with you, huh?"


    Nandiel would reach down and scratch the pup under the chin as he ate some of the chicken and assorted vegetables himself. He'd focus his attention on the dog for a bit, making note of it's sparce bit of rust like coloring, contrasting with the majority of it's white fur. He'd look back to Baran as he considered this question and he blinked his eyes quickly in frustration, standing once more, and wiping his hand on his pants leg, before offering it to Baran, "I'm Nandiel Rankin, by the way. A pleasure to meet you, and again, thank you for the food."

  13. I'm a little confused as to how the whole RP in retro thing works. For example, lets say that while you're a novice/accepted you have your character RP with someone else's character, and establish a friendship of some kind. Then when the two of you become AS one of you decides to be a newly raised AS and the other decides to be 200 or so. How could the two of you have been novices/accepted together?

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