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Posts posted by water_seeker

  1. lol, I just read Magician's Gambit, I'm currently reading Castle of Wizardry, and next I'll be reading Enchanters' End Game.


    After that I'll read The Mallorean, Belgarath the Sorcerer, Polgara the Sorceress, The Elenium, The Tamuli...I now have a burning desire to read The Count of Monte Cristo...and does anyone know how I can find a copy of The Iliad and the Oddysey in the original Greek?

  2. Hello everyone


    Just something that I have been wondering for a while now but didnt know where to post the question.


    Nicola had a foretelling abt the dragon reborn doing 9 impossible things.


    What could be these 9 things?


    Cleansing saidin and eradicating Shadar Logoth are the only one I can think of.




    Is this MB in disguise?  Cause he asked the same thing and that page went on far too long.  I wouldn't take the "9" seriously.  Rand calls himself 9 kinds of idiot and I wouldn't speculate on there really being 9 kinds of idiot.  The person is just saying that she's fortold quite a few things about Rand.

  3. People have been talking about another sa'angreal attuned for a man that is more powerful than callandor but I don't think it exists.  Lanfear's words were:


    Two great sa'angreal were made just before the end, one that you can use, one that I can.  Far greater than that sword.


    So it seems that there was only one sa'angreal more powerful than callandor that Rand could use, but he broke it.  The second more powerful sa'angreal was for women...Ironically Rand broke that one too.

  4. block-and-slash could be "Loading the Dishwasher"


    A low to high slash could be "Starting the Lawnmower"


    The sauntering walk could be "Too Sexy For Your Shirt"


    LMAO..those 3 just made my day...lol

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