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Posts posted by Ghaul

  1. Ok Aiel, listen up. For once I decided to act like a Division Leader and decided to win some weapon score increcement for the Division. However it did not turn out to be as simple as I thought it would be. It turned out the the Aiel Division had a list of Talents allocated to us. And here is the said list


    Aligning the Matrix - not allowed for the Aiel

    Cloud Dancing - not allowed for the Aiel

    Compulsion - not allowed for the Aiel

    Create Ter'Angreal - not allowed for the Aiel

    Delving (Earth) - allowed, 1 slot availabe

    Dreaming - allowed, 1 slot available

    Dreamwalking - allowed, 5 slots available

    Earth Singing - allowed, 1 slot available

    Foretelling - allowed, 1 slot available

    Healing (Age of Legends) - allowed, 1 slot available

    Healing (Major) - allowed, 1 slot available

    Know Ter'angreal - allowed, 1 slot available

    Listening to the Wind - not allowed for the Aiel

    Milking Tears - allowed, 1 slot available

    Read Auras - not allowed for the Aiel

    See Ta'veren - allowed, 1 slot available

    Shielding - allowed, 1 slot available

    Sniffing - not allowed for the Aiel

    Uncommon Luck - not allowed for the Aiel

    Weave Resurrection - allowed, 1 slot available


    So a total of 16 talent slots. Now perhaps the most of you think of the Aiel as warriors than as channelers, though some of the talents given to the Aiel Div, Dreamwalking for example, are not related to the One Power. And now to the problem. WS increcement was not allowed because the Aiel have talents. I talked with the incarns and they said that a WS increace might be allowed if we change the situation with the Talents. So thus I present you with this pole, I want to hear your thoughts on this matter. Oh and one more thing. If you choose the third option, please tell me which talents you think should stay and how many slots should we have.Once the results from the poll are clear, I will take this to the Incarns and negotiate with the further, to get all of this officially approved.


    Thank you in advance



  2. As the Car'a'carn gave the order for the Aiel to assemble, runners went our to all the societies. Aiel all arround the palace were in motion. The call for the dance went out and no one wanted to be left behind. Thriteen Aiel however were not in a hurry. In fact, that group of Aiel was literally draging their feet compared to the others. Those thriteen Aiel, were the society leaders and the clan chief. The thirteen were talking of something, though no one bothered to listen to what they had to say. Warriors were in a hurry to get to the meeting ground, and wetlander Gai'shan, or servants as they called them, decided that they had urgent business elsewhere as soon as they laid eyes on the group.


    "Is still do not like it" - said Hamadar, the leader of the Hama N'dore - "Jumping in like this, not knowing how deep it is."


    "No one likes it, Hamadar" - replyed Bruyere. - "But we do not have a choise. How many more envoys like this will there be if we let this one go unpunished? How many Shadowsouled will dare attack the Car'a'carn? It is just something that we have to do."


    "It is something we have to do indeed" - said Rhuarc, the leader of the Far Aldazar Din, and all thirteen noded in agreement. - "But a lot will wake from the dream today."


    "Yes, indeed." - the usually silent leader of the Rahien Sorei continued. - "Remember Dumai Wells?"


    There were a few second of eery silence before Ghaul spoke


    "How can we forget Dumai Wells, Tanerad. A lot of spears were lost that day. And it proved that there is not much we can do against the One Power. But it also proved that channelers can be defeated by a foe who is not affraid to face death. And who better to fit that description than the Aiel?"


    Smiles apearred on the faces of all. Yes, those men and women have faced Death thousands of times, and they'll face it again, with a smile.


    "Now let's hurry we would not want to miss the dance, would we?"



    That last one caused open laughter and some jokes, as the group of thirteen hurried towards the Gardens, where already there was a huge number of Aiel warriors. Each society leader joined his society, and Ghaul joined the Hama N'dore, his old society. He took a stand next to Hamadar, presenting his spears, knives and buckled to the Society Leader to see. It was a tradition in the Hama N'dore ever since the birth of the Hama N'dore their weapons to be expected before going into battle. No one who was careless about maintaining their weapons was allowed into the battle.


    "You're weapons prove to be up to standart, Ghaul. Take your place in the ranks"


    As Hamadar spoke, the Car'a'carn entered the gardens.With out speaking he ripped a hole into the air, opening a gate to a place of darkness. The chief of chiefs stepped through the portal to a huge platform



    "Get everyone on to the platform, and make sure no one is to fall off. I don't know what is beyond, perhaps nothing, and living in nothingness is something no person ever wants to experience."


    His ordered passed down the ranks, the Aiel moved onto the platform. Arrows notched, spears, bucklers and shoufas up, they were ready. They knew that the Car'a'carn will get them to the dance, though it was to be done in an unusual fashion. When the platform suddenly stopped the Aiel prepared mentaly. As the Car'a'carn tore another hole they lept out, to a place compleatly different from where they left. Yes it was still a garden, in a palace, but it was a compleatly different garden in completly different palace. But there where where they had to be as shadow twisted greeted them with roar and weapons ready to strike. The Aiel response was deadly - spears and arrows filled the air, desolating the first wave of Shadowrunners,Shadowtwisted and men in uniform and armor who were caught in between. However the Shadow had more surprises installed for them. Columns of fire errupted among the Aiel, lightning tore through their ranks, sending bodies flying to the side. Chaod broke out and battle began


    Ghaul found himself tossed asside by the after effects of a lightning bolt. By some strange twist of fate, it was a trolloc who saved him - the body of a dead trolloc still impaled on his spear. Or what was left of it, as it was broken from the flight. Taking another spear, Ghaul joined the dance again. There was not anytime to look arround, as men and Shadowtwsited were everywhere. The clash of weapons filled the air, death cries echoed bodies clashed one into another - it was chaos. Just like it was supposed to be. Slashing, thrusting, parrying avoiding, blocking Ghaul was compleatly into the dance. The clan chief's sprear had just cut the throat of a goat horned trolloc open, when the Car'a'carn opened another one of his holes in the air, Portals he called them, and disappeared. For the briefest moment, both humans and Shadowtwisted froze. That moment of piece was not to last. Knocking down a man in armor, and his spear puncturing the visor of the man's helmet, ending his life, the clan chief called out.


    "Into the Palace quickly!!! Follow the Car'a'carn!!!!"



    Clan Chief


    ooc: I know, Myth, I know. I took too long and it sucked. But hey, this is the best I can come up with for now

  3. It is time again for the nominal Empy awards. And here are the categories:


    Most impressive, overall, RPer

    Most impressive Male

    Most impressive Female

    Most impressive RP Thread

    Most impressive Div

    Most Improved Div

    Most impressiveRP Organiser/Ideas Person

    Funniest Rper/RP


    Now let's hear your nominees

  4. "Careful Old Man. It is not kind to call a Blademaster a Trainee."


    "Careful, My dearest. I've seen her work her blade, and it does rival your own."


    With Arie backing up Cairma, Daemon had to change his initial tactics. Instead of replying that he still had a thing or two he can teach Cairma about swordsmanship, he just looked first at Cairma, then at Arie, shook his head and sighed heavily.


    "What can a man do when his own wife joins the ranks stacked against him. Since I have no chance of succeding I better cut my loses short and surrender."


    That one put very big grins on both Arie's and Cairma's faces, as Daemon took a seat at the table. There was a cup of tea already waiting for him, and some cookies too. After a moment of silence, Cairma spoke.


    "You two were once bonded as Aes Sedai and Warder. What was it like? To have someone in your head like that? Is it purely emotional, or physical?"


    Memories of when he was bonded to Arie were the best of his life, so the first reply Daemon gave, came out on it's own.


    "It's wonderfull!"


    Being given a puzzling look from Cairma, and a sweet smile from Arie, Daemon thought a bit before answering.


    "Being bonded to an Aes Sedai is quite the expirience. The benefits from such a bond for a warder are clear - better endurance, something quite usefull, especially for us Ren'Shai. But that you already know, don't you Cairma?" - the woman nods in agreement. - "On the emotional level, the bond goes both ways, you will be able to feel your bondholder emotions, and she'll be able to feel yours, unless the bond is fuzzed. It will be like a small beackon, just outside of your vision, or in the back of your head, and the closer you are to your bondholder distance wise, the stronger the feeling would be. For most bonds the feeling of the bond is just emotional, for some though, it is also physical. For example, if the bondholders have strong feelings for eachother, like Arie and I did, they not only share emotions through the bond, but also physical expiriences. And from what I have talked about this with other warders, when both bondee and bondholder are females, the sharing of physical contact is there even without any feelings between the two of them involved. My guess is that that is due to the same physiology and the same way their mind works. In short, be prepared to have another person in your mind, Cairma, that is how it would feel to be bonded." - he smiled - "And that can lead to some quite amusing situations sometimes."


    Daemon Ronshor

  5. Most people knew Daemon from what he showed into the Yards, and most believed that the Grandmaster of the Path of the Blade has indeed become a weapon, as the Path suggested. In the Yards, Daemon was cold, emotionless and to the point, just like a weapon. Very few remembered seeing him smile and most believed he has forgotten how to. Sometimes, he wondered how would people from the Warder Yards react if they could see him here, in the Gardens of the Green Advocate.


    As always, a light snickering could be hear in the Gardens. Everytime he thought of this, Daemon snickered. If only the Blademaster circle could see him here, oh they will be shocked!!! Still with a smile on his face, Daemon walked slowly arround the gardens. His absolute favourite place was the pond, much like the one in Sursa Mahdi, but smaller. This place had such an unimaginable sentimental value for Daemon. After he stood for a while at the banks of the pond, letting a little flower flow on it's surface, Daemon headed back for the Green Advocate. And just in time. Arie's voice came ringing from the half opened door.


    "Daemon, come and calm Kastor and Kolin before one of them gets their hands slapped! "


    Daemon walked into the room, to see Kastor and Kolin holding their wooden swords he carved for them, tip pointed at Arie, and mischivious smile on their faces. On the other hand, Arie held a wooden spoon, stopping the boys as they tried to make their way to a plate of freshly baked cookies. And there was another witness - Cairma. Cairma has becomed a frequent, and very welcomed visitor to the Green Advocate. Waving hello to her as he entered the room, Daemon stood with hands on his hips.




    That made the boys turn towards their father


    "Now what have I told you about trying to steal your mother's freshly baked cookies?"


    The boys gave eacho ther a look and decided to make a run for it. Unfortunatly for them their father was quite fast. In a few seonds time, their were both picked up by Daemon, and laughing as their father was tickling them.


    "Yes, that is right" - he turned to Arie and winked. - "Only I can do that"


    Arie giggled and shook her spoon threatingly at Daemon, which only gave Daemon an idea. Holding the boys with one hand, he walked towards Arie, his eyes running from her to the plate of cookies. And just when it seemed that he would try and steal a cookie, his arm wrapped arround Arie's waist and pulled her in for a kiss


    "I will be right back, my love, I'm going to leave the boys in their room"


    With that Daemon ran up the stairs. A few minutes later he was back. Cairma, already seated by Arie, greated him with a smile.


    "Good day, Cairma, I'm always glad to see my favourite trainee."


    Daemon Ronshor

  6. --Character Name – Adeline Naroqua


    --Email address – Sertorius@gmail.com


    --Division - Aiel


    --Physical Description – Adeline is about as short as the Aiel can possibly be at five foot six, though her red curls that she keeps short mark her as Aiel true. Toned, muscled and tanned from her training and her life as a Maiden, she is still rather light for her height. A heart shaped face with deceptively soft cheeks, her light blue eyes tend to be rather sharp, though they can take on a tinge of green in softer moments.


    --Age - 17


    --Place of Birth/Raising: Shaarad territory, New Crescent Sept Holdings, Three fold land


    --Character History: Born into the Shaarad and the New Crescent sept, Adeline’s childhood was much like that of other children in her sept. She did her chores from fetching water to assisting the gaishain with the roof gardens and helping tend to the goat herds. Her education was likewise the same, and she played the games that were designed to help her wield a spear if that was the path she chose for herself.


    As much as the way of the maiden appealed to her, it wasn’t until her fourteenth birthday that she truly dedicated herself to it. When she had turned thirteen, she simply stopped growing, and a year later her peers had far outstripped her in height. Possessed of a temper to begin with, taunts that she must be part treekiller incensed her to the point where her anger led to several incidents and punishments that followed. It was at that point she developed a burning need to show everyone that she was just as worthy, just as capable despite her diminutive stature.


    Three years of solid training, fighting and discipline have done a lot for Adeline. While she still possesses a temper and her moods are often described as mercurial, she matured somewhat during her years. She also became a bit overly proud perhaps when she was accepted into the Far Dareis Mai, but she is loyal and steadfast to her fellow Maidens who have accepted her as one of their own in a way that her own sept never seemed to entirely.

  7. --Character Name - Lev Costin


    --Email address – Hingstman@gmail.com


    --Division - Aiel


    --Physical Description – Lev is about as tall, or perhaps a little taller as the average Aiel male, meaning that he's taller than some, and shorter than a few at 6 foot and 10 inches. He has broad shoulders and is well muscled. He moves rather gracefully for someone as big as he. Lev has grayish blue eyes, heavy eyebrows and a strong jaw, which gives him a masculine face


    --Age - 23



    --Place of Birth/Raising : Three fold land


    --Character History : Lev grew up as many boys in the three fold land did. He grew up to fight the shadow, and other clans, and wetlanders and… well, just about everyone who raised a spear against his clan or his family. His father was a blacksmith, working hard to keep the spears of the warriors sharp. His mother, Imre, was a far more important factor in Lev's life. She was a wise one, though more commonly known as 'the shrew' amongst Lev and his friends. She had a strong hold on the sept and her husband, and also her son. Many plans she had for him, and as Lev grew stronger and taller, he started to realise that he definitely had to get out of her clutches, or he'd find himself dead at the pointy end of someone's spear. Probably someone with more serious ambitions than he had.




    At the age of fifteen, with a series of bloody battles behind him and with Imre spurring him on, and being a constant pressure on him, Lev decided to flee. He went to a clan that had long been tied to his own, the Dragonmount clan. There he was accepted into the house of an old one eyed leather worker, who had not always been a craftsman. Night after night Lev listened to the storied of the old Thatcher, of when he had still been a proud Shae'en M'Taal. These stories inspired the generally peaceful Lev. Years of conditioning by Imre had made him unsuitable for any other task in a clan, and besides, someone of his size had to put that to good use, right? Or so the leather worker claimed when he filled Lev's heads with tales of honour and glory, far more efficiently than Imre ever could.




    When Lev turned 17, he turned to the Shae'en M'Taal, going through their initiation ceremony. He chose a spear for his weapon, which he held onto for one year. At the end of that time, Lev had finally stopped growing, standing a little taller than most now. People joked from time to time that he had a trolloc for a mother, to which he merely smile. Remembering Imre, he could only agree with them.

  8. Dance? Well swordfighting was indeed a form of dancing, or so did Arie told him in order for Daemon to agree to her teaching him to dance. Well since it was a dance Cairma wanted a dance she would get. Daemon usually fought in a stance where he was facing his opponent, this time though, he tired something different. He turned his left shoulder towards Cairma, thus hiding his sword behind his body. Now this caused Cairma to freeze for a moment, an opportunity Daemon did not take. He was waiting for her to attack, and the attack came.


    Well, he had to admit, Cairma was right when she thought that he would not try and block her attacks. Her heavy weapon made blocking a rather risky affair. Plus, Daemon was fast enough to avoid her blows and launch counter strikes of his own. In one such exchange Cairma's arm was nicked by Daemon's blade. Still both Cairma and Daemon were having fun with this, or at least Daemon was. And the fun was just getting better and better. As expected, Cairma saw the opening he left, and attacked. And it was indeed a masterfull strike. After being pushed back by another of Cairma's slashes, Daemon jumped back, almost to the edges of the ring. Daemon's feet had not yet tuched the ground when Cairma launched another attack. She threw herself forward, her sword raised over her head for a strike. If Daemon was slower, he would have been split in two. However, he was not a grandmaster of speed for nothing. When he touched the ground Cairma was already flying towards him. With practiced speed and movements, Daemon launched himself forward too, only that he was 'flying' lower than Cairma. When their paths crossed, Beast was still up high, while Daemon's blade was low. What followed was a glistening arch, and a few crimson drops flew through the air. Daemon had made a slash, and though he held it back, it nicked on Cairma's stomach, cutting through clothing and skin, causing her to bleed. It was not deep enough to get to her intestines, but still it was not an easily ignorable one, as the cut on her arm. Cairma however, payed it no mind. She was Ren'Shai after all. She swung arround to face Daemon.


    "As expected of you, Cairma" - said Daemon before lunging into an attack again.


    Daemon raised his sword above his head, and stood like that for a moment, resembling a statue, then suddenly brough the blade down, aiming for her head. With a simple move of Beast, Daemon's sword bounced off. And while that Mountain Cutter as Aran called it made it's way up in a counter attack Daemon was moving again. Daemon pushed forward, slash after slash raining down upon Cairma in rapid succession ( think kirikaeshi ), taking the initiative from her. Cairma stood her ground as she was nearing the edges of the circle, Daemon got too close to do anything. A brief contact betweeing their fists was all Daemon needed to push himself back. First though, before pushing himself back from her, he pushed her hands downwards. The natural reaction was for her to pull her hands back up and that was exactly what happened. He imidiatly took his chance and made a strike towards Cairma's waist. Cairma though was not going to let herself get stuck again. She was quite smart and skilled. She sidesteped his attack and as Daemon opened himself up with his attack, she took her chance. She attacked Daemon, expecting him to avoid again, and to push him back. She was in for a surprise though.


    Instead of her blade slicing the air were Daemon was just a few seconds ago, the clang of metal in metal was heard. Daemon has pivoted so he would face Cairma, and rushed, of all things to do. His blade slid down the lenght of the zweihander, and when it was near it's base, Daemon pushed it aside. The leverage worked perfectly, and Cairma's blade swished pass him. Daemon's sword however, continued it's path upwards, and with a graceful motion came down to stop milimeterd from Cairma's head. Had this been a real fight, Cairma would have been dead right now. But then again, have this been a real fight, Daemon would be bleeding right about now.


    They both stood like that for a few moments, than both pulled away.


    "Well done, Cairma, just like what I expected from you" - said Daemon, his pride of her achievements clearly visible in his eyes



    Daemon Ronshor

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