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Posts posted by Demiandre

  1. I have a question :


    The Oath of the Black Ajah "I swear not to betray my secrets until the hour of my death". We see it is possible to go around that Oath. So it is technically possible to betray the Dark One if the sister is believing herself on the brink of death? That sound a bit loose for me.


    We see Sheriam was able to speak of every plot she kew, as did Verin. So if a sister is shielded and is threatened of being executed, would she be able to reveal everything? And if she doesn't die an hour after, is there a conflicting Oath as we see with Seaine and Pevara?

  2. hmmm I'm sure this thread was reaching 198pages on DM7 :P


    No questions atm but just started SR re-read so will see. Maybe I can find the BUT :)


    Yeah, what is a hundred pages compared to the combination of all Asmo-thread? There is more in two thread than in the entire serie :D


    Good luck for the BUT. If you could take a pen and a paper to write down every detail of little relevance, and every sentence that seems incongruous or not really logical, that would be helpful to find it. We only have 7 weeks remaining before the release of ToM


    Time is short. The Storm is Coming, Foamy The Master! (But for now, I am Here :D)

  3. Mashadared, then Balefired.


    Rand killed her to save her from Mashadar.


    @FainsLeftFoot : I also forgot to mention that there are twice as much books in french. Each english book has been split into two. So instead of A Memory of Light being the 14th it will be the 28th in french. 20€/book. Make some maths....


    (I bought the books in english in Orbit edition in Ireland, for 7.99£, some 13€ - 14€ at the time.)


    So yeah buy him the english ones.


    If someone know of the german version, how is the book? They split it differently too, and how is the translation? Thanks...

  4. For your own sake, FainsLeftFoot, don't do that. It is being poorly translated. We have several mentions of Aiel carrying swords, or switches between Elayne and Elaida's name, a mention of "Green Ajah Logic", and other stupidities. Another translator undertook the task after the former one passed away, and she is making a poor job of it. You would thini she never read the book. We have two words that can translate "you" in french. And now and then it can swtch from "tu" to "vous". The first is singular the second plural, and used for respect mark. Names with an additional "-e" in the end : Verine, Alviarine, Baine, Suline, and so forth. Chiad became Khiad and then Chiade.


    And of course, translation errors. "Weave" and "Flows" have not been translated following the context of knitting, but refer to the sea. And phrase have been poorly translated and sometimes doesn't mean anything. Lot of french fans are reading the serie in english. As we are not all well versed in foreign language, it often is a challenge. But we keep going, because the french version is a shame to the universe of Robert Jordan.

  5. Some of her Viewing's varry depending on the probability of it arriving. So she tells Rand when meeting him that she say two person marrying and it comes true. Maybe she spoke of them...


    If I understood correctly, she see how a thread ends up woven in the future of the Pattern. So some are flickering, some stable, some clear, some cryptic. It's his way of saying probable/unprobable. But CAN happen. The exact Aura she saw could have been one like there will be something strong between you two, it's not ending married, but the attempt that will be made is quite an expressive and strong way to prove your attachment to somebody.


    And maybe some events or discussion between the two of them and Min not seeing Thom or Moiraine at the same time didn't updated the Viewing according to changes made. But I don't think it works that precisely. I think it easier to look at it as probability of her rescue alongside with the survival of Thom far better than all of them dying, or just Moiraine, or Thom. So it's the Third person who is most likely to die.


    I went faaaaar awayyyyyy....

  6. Mordeth would almost certainly know the language in which the Ways direction was written. He lived in a time (Ten nations) when the Ways were in common use before they became dark and tainted.

    The Ways were constructed by men (saidin channelers) and not only used by Ogiers though they were a gift to help Ogiers avoid habitations while going from stedding to stedding.

    So, the directional symbols would have been somewhat universal.


    Moiraine's remarks in TSR seems to suggest she does know the face of her husband.

    How? We don't know.

    She makes this statement before she goes to the Finns for her questions and before she runs the rings at Rhuidean. It's not in her test for the shawl.

    IIRC, her Accepted test is not described (it happens 2-3 years before NS).

    Maybe she saw his face there?





    Min could easily have told her in the first book. Moiraine seemed particularly adamant that Thom was still alive despite his apparent death at the hands of the fade.


    Very good point...

  7. Love auditions !


    1. He followed them, kept out of sight, saw the Waygate open. (Lan mentions someone following them.)


    2. She used physical examination, a technique Doctors use till this day!


    3. Moirane is just awesome. Or she has a diluted Dreaming talent. Or she has a lot of pigeons. Someone should ask Brandon about this.


    4. Moirane is just awesome. Or she eavesdropped on Sammael, Be'lal, and Rahvin having a pool party.


    5. Moirane is just awesome.


    How Fain could follow someone while beeing ahead of people, and also not travelling through the Ways?? We are talking of the Cairhien - Toman head trip, not the Caemlyn - Fal Dara one.


    so those are my personal answers :


    1 - He had some Trolloc with him who guided him (or Myrrdraal)


    2 - already answered, I agree with them


    3 - One of the Blue secret Weave we don't know about, which enables the weaver to make people look for them.


    4 - Sammael is recognizeable. Be'lal I don't know, though...


    5 - Something in Adeleas and Vandene's notes makes her think there is something important in those notes. Maybe Balefire... Why only the supergirls would rediscover lost Weaves/Talents/others?

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