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Posts posted by Panchi

  1. Pankhuri watched the pen Valeri Sedai's hand. Her lips trembled slightly as she started to speak. She could feel a knot of worry in her throat. The Mistress of Novice's smile reassured her somewhat but she was too nervous. Hopefully, all would go well. Her words were but a murmur.


    "Name," she whispered softly. She was too nervous to speak loudly. "Pankhuri Xena"


    "Age," another whisper just loud enough to be heard "14". She felt so little among the Aes Sedai but then she thought that she was a kid here. Among the old and wise Aes Sedai, she would stay a kid for years.


    "Place of birth," she tried to increase her voice but failed "Ritalr in Andor". She wondered if anyone would know of the name. The village was a small place.


    After having given all entries, she kept staring at the pen in Valeri Sedai's hand.


    She was filled with a new excitement, the beginning of something new. She wondered how much her life would change. She wondered how much she would change. She hoped the change would be for better. She prepared herself, mentally leaving her old life behind. She was now a novice of the White Tower. The thought filled her with pride. She was determined to be Aes Sedai. She hoped she would be able to help others, after all it was the motivation behind her wanting to be Aes Sedai.


    She had given her entries. She would now become an initiate of the White Tower. The beginning of a new life at the Tower and the end of her old.

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