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Posts posted by Yellowbeard

  1. I could envision the message about arrogant men destroying the world in the past being put that way to tell the audience the point of view of the current in-world regular, everyday people in show-Randland. It's not the truth, but it's what people believe. Their giving the audience a starting point. 


    I suspect they start with "male AS broke the world, saidin is now tainted, male channelers go mad and are extremely dangerous" to convey to the audience why show-RL ppl hate and fear make channelers so much. then we go right to confronting Logain to drive the point home.


    The audience then finds out show-RL people are misinformed about how saidin was tainted and why, and misinformed about why LTT and the companions did what they did as the show progesses and new reveals come out.


    it's also a good way to build tension for the audience, non-readers especially. start with conveying how scary male channelers are but then build up to the reveal that one of your main characters you are connecting with is not only a male channeler but likely TDR.


    then progress thru more new reveals as the show continues, trickle new info to the audience bit by bit so they start to figure out more puzzle pieces of what's truth and what's not. 


    it's actually pretty smart. the show will have viewers new to the story theorizing as hard as we did when RJ was writing the books. and they've got it looking to be different enough for book readers to be intrigued by changes and have some excitement and anticipation as well. i know I'm looking forward to seeing my wife (non reader) theorizing, re-watching to look for clues, and know sort of what's coming but also be guessing some myself. 


    As for "woke" in the story - its a world where everyone was literally mixed up scattered randomly around the globe during the breaking. it makes sense there'd be lots of diversity. People landed where they after the breaking, and random others with different skin color and culture would all be just jumbled together. They're descendants would maintain that diversity. 


    As for a societal message to viewers that "men are bad" if given too much power, basically the books start with that too. The message and themes for the audience change on the way to the story end, but I'd just urge those viewers who feel attacked by the message to just give it a chance. Their gonna quickly show the right examples of masculinity too - Tam, Thom, Lan, and Rand and Perrin in particular in EoTW, they all will demonstrate much better and be part of backing up the initial all men bad message. Don't let your own issues with wokeness today color the show too much.



  2. I've always thought the Harem, Nyn, and Moiraine knew about the body swap by the time Rand awoke in his new body. Cadsuane knew something was up but with Rand's old, dead body in hand, she didn't know what it could be. 


    As for why not guard "Moridin" - he wasn't a threat they could see. In the old interview database, RJ specifically was quoted saying that channeling required a body and soul both that could do it (subject to certain things the DO could do when he transmigrated dead forsaken into new bodies). Moridin, that I remember, never touches Saidin on screen. He uses the TP exclusively. I don't think the body had the OP channeling ability. He can touch the TP because the DO grants him access. The AS and Ashaman present don't sense a channeler, so they just see a guy who wakes up and leaves. Also, when Rand wakes, he can't channel Saidin anymore because the body he's in lacks the spark.

  3. I don't have the quotes but there used to be an interview database that someone kept where RJ was quoted as saying that he didn't intend to neatly wrap up every conflict because real life is not that easy.


    I think there was also an interview where RJ said, despite originally not intending more books after the Last Battle and finishing his story (what wound up as AMoL), that he'd had an idea for a post AMoL outrigger book or books centered on Matt and Tuon. This interview was well before the series was completed, obviously. But speculation now is that it would have resolved the slavery issue with the Damane. Nobody knows for certain, I don't remember ever seeing anything indicating RJ had any plot outline notes or not, and if anyone close to RJ knows, I've not seen where they've ever spoken about it. 

  4. Hey. I signed up a long time ago but never really got active. With the show coming out, I've found myself getting pumped for it, and started venturing back into the WoT corner of the internet again. Started a reread a few months ago in preparation for S1, am 75% thru TSR right now. And despite it being reread 5 or 6, am still spotting nuances I didn't see in the past. Such is the level of complexity of the turnings of the Wheel!


    First read EOTW in 1994 as a sophomore in college. Got up to LOC before having to wait for RJ to publish ACOS. Used to surf this site, Theoryland, the really old rec.arts.whatever the rest of it was bulletin boards stuff. 


    Might not ever get confirmation but had a thought hit me while rereading TSR that I might share if I ever get enough time to write it, but the TL;DR is that Nakomi is Narisse in Rand's visions in Rhuidean. Maybe another has connected the same dots, but I haven't seen it anywhere yet.


    Anyway, looking forward to the show, am enjoying seeing new readers posting about the same stuff, questions, theories, etc. that people did 25 years ago, and knowing what a treat they're all in for after they power thru PoD, CoT, and WH


    Oh, and Gawyn still sucks. Dislike him as much now as did the first time through. 

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