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Posts posted by FarShainMael

  1. PS to Chel: How many eyes have you got?? (This may seem nonsense to you if you haven't read any Humanity's Fire.)


    Haven't read it and haven't a clue what you're talking about. :huh:

    But now I'm curious! What do ya mean and does this somehow answer my question?


    'Chel' is a character in a trilogy by Michael Cobley called Humanity's Fire. He's an alien, of a race called the Uvovo, and has gone through a mystical ritual which has provided him with four extra eyes, which can see the past, the future, and the world of the spirit.


    Sorry, it was a bit of a sideways comment, prompted because we're discussing what you can read from someone's eyes.


    Try the quiz, if you haven't already, 'cos that's more relevant!



    What is that Chel's last name? Mine's Vanin. :bandredhand:


    His full name is Listener Cheluvahar. But he's not a poacher :wink:

  2. PS to Chel: How many eyes have you got?? (This may seem nonsense to you if you haven't read any Humanity's Fire.)


    Haven't read it and haven't a clue what you're talking about. :huh:

    But now I'm curious! What do ya mean and does this somehow answer my question?


    'Chel' is a character in a trilogy by Michael Cobley called Humanity's Fire. He's an alien, of a race called the Uvovo, and has gone through a mystical ritual which has provided him with four extra eyes, which can see the past, the future, and the world of the spirit.


    Sorry, it was a bit of a sideways comment, prompted because we're discussing what you can read from someone's eyes.


    Try the quiz, if you haven't already, 'cos that's more relevant!

  3. Hey! That's plagiarism.


    I don't know, it's pretty common (in literature in particular) to assume one can tell a person's experience from the cast of his eyes. I've never done so IRL that I can recall, but I do automatically know whether I'm going to like someone from the look on their face, so... Perhaps.


    I can't, OTOH, and I put this down to Asperger's, so I find this very interesting indeed.


    Here's a curious little quiz on the subject:




    I got Every Single One wrong!!


    (Please note: The Baron-Cohen in the website title is NOT Sacha B-C, the comedian, but Professor Simon B-C, an academic specialising in psychopathology. And no, I don't think they're related.. )



    We now return you to your regular scheduled discussion.


    PS to Chel: How many eyes have you got?? (This may seem nonsense to you if you haven't read any Humanity's Fire.)

  4. There are plenty of ways to explain it, not least the fact that Rand himself has dark hair.


    Dark red hair, yes, not just dark. Barring a latent gene popping up or genetic mutation, it's not possible for Rand to have a dark haired child through Avi or Elayne. Rand only has two red genes to pass, it's the only way to end up with red hair.


    Not so, and I'm a living example of that. My father was dark, my mother a redhead. I'm dark, as is my sister; our brother is also a redhead. Dark genes are dominant over red, so dad must have had one dark gene, one red.


    Yes, it means your father has a dark gene and a red gene, while your mother has 2 red genes (like Rand).

    Your father can pass on either gene while your mother can only pass on a red one.




    Rand's hair is 'dark, reddish'; but even if he were a pure redhead, Avi is not - she's also 'dark reddish' though without the comma (TFoH31). So she would supply the 'dark' gene even if Rand doesn't have one. The inverse of my own situation.

  5. There are plenty of ways to explain it, not least the fact that Rand himself has dark hair.


    Dark red hair, yes, not just dark. Barring a latent gene popping up or genetic mutation, it's not possible for Rand to have a dark haired child through Avi or Elayne. Rand only has two red genes to pass, it's the only way to end up with red hair.


    Not so, and I'm a living example of that. My father was dark, my mother a redhead. I'm dark, as is my sister; our brother is also a redhead. Dark genes are dominant over red, so dad must have had one dark gene, one red.


    As it happens, Rand's hair colour description changes a bit during the series. In places it's given as dark red. But in TGH2, in the sequence where Rand is practising swordplay with Lan, Rand's hair is described as 'dark, reddish' (note the comma). At least, it is in my UK Orbit Books 1993 version.



    I've always enjoyed this theory about the Lord of Chaos. It's fun.






    That is a good theory for people to be reading.




    YAY. OMG, that theory has been on the rocks for years because of contradicting tour reports.




    Also, your tour quotes were vague enough to allow it but most people didn't see it that way.




    I didn't say the theory was true, just that you should study it.



    ..at that point he was clearly talking about the theory that Demandred is balefiring things.



    That theory is titled 'Let the Lord of Chaos rule - Through Balefire'. That would make Demandred the LoC.

  7. This is from








    Who was the Lord of Chaos that Demandred and Taim both mention? There has been tons of debate.




    Really? I thought that one was obvious. What's the debate about?




    It's Rand. Look in the BWB re: Feast of Fools.




    Why was Demandred and Taim saying, "Let the Lord of Chaos rule" if it was Rand? Sorry just read through series once so far :(




    Here's a quote for you:


    The Feast of Fools

    Celebrated in Tammaz (in Arad Doman and the Borderlands) or Saven (everywhere else), the exact day varying according to locality. A day in which all order is deliberately inverted; the high perform lowly tasks (running errands, serving at table, etc.) while the low do no work and give orders to their usual superiors. In many villages and towns the most foolish person is given a title such as the Lord/Lady of Unreason/Misrule/Chaos or the King/Queen of Fools. Not an honor sought, but for that one day everyone has to obey whatever orders, however foolish, are given by the chosen one. (Called the Festival of Unreason in Saldaea; the Festival of Fools in Kandor; Foolday in Baerlon and the Two Rivers.)




    I've always enjoyed this theory about the Lord of Chaos. It's fun.






    That is a good theory for people to be reading.




    YAY. OMG, that theory has been on the rocks for years because of contradicting tour reports.




    Also, your tour quotes were vague enough to allow it but most people didn't see it that way.




    I didn't say the theory was true, just that you should study it. :) But I would like to see those tour reports.




    Yes, yes. :) Also, your vague(ish) wording:


    And the contradicting RJ reports:





    Adding to Brandon's implications here is Sorilea's comment in reference to the balefiring of Natrin's Barrow, in The Gathering Storm Chapter 27: "We felt the world warping from here, but did not know what had caused it. We assumed it to be the Dark One's work." (Similar to the ripples Perrin and Faile experienced in Knife of Dreams.) This opens up the possibility that people have no idea really what they're talking about when they assume that the warping of reality is due to the Dark One's touch, just as Alviarin had no idea what she was talking about when she assumed that the rotting food was the Dark One's touch (Knife of Dreams, Prologue).


    (emphasis mine)


    BS' responses are vague enough to do an Aes Sedai justice..


    He does not state that 'the LoC is Rand', or indeed identify 'him' as any particular person; he merely says it's obvious.


    My own opinion is that the expression 'Let the Lord of Chaos rule' can be taken both figuratively and literally. Figuratively, in that it's a picturesque way of saying 'make as much trouble as you can', recalling that Herid Fel points out that 'Belief and order give strength'. Literally, as in the 'Feast of Fools' mentioned above; though this is not so much chaotic as an inversion of normal order. Unless, of course, the LoC decides to be paricularly mischievous :wink: .


    Which way is intended here is far from clear. Possibly that's what RJ intended; perhaps he did actually mean both literal and figurative. It's worth noting, however, that if it does apply to Rand, it would do so only for one day, if we are to interpret the matter to the letter.



    BTW, The Feast of Fools is found in the real world as well:



  8. Simple question: if Sammael was killed by the Mashadar instead of being balefired, why wasn't he ever reincarnated like Aginor/Balthamel/Lanfear/Ishamael?




    Or was he?..


    Well.. One possibility is that Mashadar is part of the Shadar Logoth evil, that Rand used to destroy the taint. It's likely that the DO would not enjoy contact with such a SL-touched individual (to put it mildly!).

  9. Not in a way that changes the fact that what you said was made up entirely.

    That depends. If you read it to mean the scene was different, in that people were doing different things, then no, nothing we saw can attest to that. But if you, as I did, mean that instead of it being wrong somehow, everything was good and well, then I disagree. It was made rather clear that the part in TAR was a trap (even if Egwene didn't pick up on it), whereas we have absolutely no reason to believe anything bad happened to her afterwards, in her dreams.


    Indeed, at the end of the chapter we have Moggy's own PoV on the matter:


    The girl had been stronger than she had thought, to escape her weaving of T'A'R. Still, the girl had just been of interest because she was speaking to Elayne Trakand, who might lead her to Nynaeve al'Meara. The only reason to trap her had simply been to rid T'A'R of one who could walk through it freely..


    But Nynaeve al'Meara. That woman she meant to make beg to be bound in her service. She would take her in the flesh, perhaps ask the Great Lord to grant her immortality, so Nynaeve could live forever to regret opposing Moghedien.




    Nynaeve al'Meara, Elayne Trakand, and Birgitte. Those three she would find, and deal with. From the shadows, so that they would not know until too late. All three, without exception.


    She vanished, and the banners waved on in the breeze of T'A'R.


    Clearly, Moggy is no longer interested in Egwene; she has other priorities of revenge.

  10. Not sure if this has been asked yet. But does anyone think its possible for perrin and rand to make a hand of onyx with the OP and attach it to rands stump. It would complete that prophecy


    Which prophecy?





    It wasn't a prophecy, it was a Viewing by Min in ToM51: 'Callandor, being gripped in a black hand'. Min said to Rand that 'the hand looks to be made of onyx'.


    It could be a prosthesis of some kind.

  11. Halima also seeded the concept that it was possible for the GLoD to transfer souls to bodies of the opposite gender. However the channeler in question would retain his/ her original ability to channel saidin/ saidar. That increases our knowledge of WoTverse and it could be important at some stage to the future plot.

    The rest of what Halima did/ didn't do has already been mentioned above including speculation about how exactly (s)he messed with Egwene's mind.


    And the Dark One was not pleased that s/he 'lost control' of Egwene (ToM Prologue).

  12. I'm not sure where BelRobin got the figure of 43 for Egwene's position from, but I think he's mistaken:


    There seemed to be two points of combat in the raid. The base of the Tower, with its two flanking wings, showed flashes of light. The grounds were littered with the dead and the wounded. And up above, near the middle of the Tower, several gashes were spewing fireballs and lightning back out at the invaders. The rest of the Tower seemed silent and dead, though surely fighting was going on in the corridors.



    “Saerin Sedai!” Captain Chubain said, turning from a group of wounded soldiers. Saerin hadn't seen them enter; she'd been too caught up with Katerine. “These men are down from the upper levels. It appears that there's a second rallying point for the defense, and it's doing very well. The Seanchan are breaking off their attack below to focus there.”


    “Where?” Saerin asked eagerly. “Specifically?”


    “The twenty-second, Aes Sedai. Northeastern quarter.”


    “What?” Katerine asked. “The Brown Ajah sections?”


    No. That was what had been there before. Now, with the swapping of the Tower's corridors, that area of the Tower was . . . “The novices' quarters?” Saerin said. That seemed even more ridiculous. “How in the world. . . .” She trailed off, eyes widening slightly. “Egwene.”


    Egwene is on the 22nd level, which is near the middle of the tower. It seems therefore to be about 40-45 levels high.

  13. i'd imagine it would be a bit hard to make a building 1000+ feet in randland,


    Not when you're using the One Power.


    Also, from the Guinness World Records:


    "The tallest building is the Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower) which measures 828 m (2,716 ft 6 in) tall... officially opened in Dubai, UAE, on 4 January 2010."



  14. I don't think it would have had to be a black sister, just someone under mild Compulsion. How noticeable that would be I don't know. Would such a task be more complex than those needed for theories 1 or 3? Bear in mind that Brandon apparently indicated that one of these three was correct.

    It could also have been audio manipulation -we've seen that the AoL had various ter'angreal to do that and Saerin (?) demonstrated a weave that could do this.

    So udio manipulation was a known, well-understood and relatively easy thing to do.

    < snip >

    The advantage would be that she wouldn't need to grab another AS, black or not.


    With such weaves available and known, you'd have thought the AS would have been on the lookout for them. Or were they so hung up on denying the existence of the BA even among themselves that they didn't think to look?

  15. One of the theories about how Mesaana did that the Aes Sedai research team suggested to Egwene in Chapter 15 was the correct one, according to Brandon.


    These three theories are:


    1. Linking herself to a second 'oath rod' while taking the oaths, so they don't hold;


    2. Send a 'look-alike' wearing the MoM to take the oaths in her stead;


    3. Use a weave to alter her voice, so that what people hear is not what she said.


    Later on, in ToM 37/38, Mesaana places a weave on Katerine to disguise her and sends her to face Egwene in her stead.


    So it looks as though most likely Mes used method 2 to defeat the Oath Rod.

  16. Earlier this morning I was watching a programme about the UK Air Ambulance service, that uses helicopters to reach places road vehicles can't easily get to. It's set in Yorkshire, and the opening titles show the presenter stranding on a rocky hill, next to a concrete pillar. I took one look, and thought 'that's a Portal Stone'. (Boringly it's probably an Ordnance Survey marker!)

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