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Al Jenn Mael

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Status Updates posted by Al Jenn Mael

  1. Chickens seem to like to visit my new place which is cool although my aunt Diane has told me chickens are fowl creatures... hahahaha.... sorry... >.

  2. Completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with Crystal Crawford.

  3. Ok... seriously, what is with all the guys around here giggling? Obviously there is to much estrogen around here...

  4. 1am is not running time in October... burr... Night everyone.

  5. First... >.<

    You should say hi more! Thanks for all the awesome books, I hope my appreciation and buying of the books is just compensation! Hopefully I'll see you in Sacramento.

  6. My birthday isn't 20 September. I'm just testing it out to see if the birthday feature is working.

  7. I'll be in the United States SOON!

  8. Getting to play with explosives all the time isn't nearly as exciting as 'they' made it sound. I need to find every writer out there and make them write boring uninteresting books that don't sell to teach us the truth about adventures!

  9. *Crouches down really low in the grass and eyes my target, becoming really quiet I wait and then pounce through the air tackling you*

    Got ya'

  10. Time to attack life.

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