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Posts posted by yoniy0

  1. a lot of scheming and talking and meeting and tea drinking but not much else


    the chapters that focus on Elaine and Egewene's scheming seem to go on and on and on.

    I'm sorry, but if you didn't enjoy Honey in the Tea and The Importance of Dyelin, there's just something wrong with you, dude :wink:. All due respect to Dumai's Wells, that's not all that the WoT is about.

  2. When we first meet Ishamael in Rand's dream, he has a normal face, but sometimes would flash to having fire eyes & mouth. I've attributed that to him not holding his form in the Dream, similar to when Egwene can't hold her clothes in a single form, but I've also heard that this was attributed to too much use of the True Power.


    Which is "right"?


    Both. In reality he has eyes and mouth of fire, in dreams he sometimes switches between his original eyes/mouth and his TP induced flame eyes/mouth.

    I'm not sure. We know that a result of channeling TP is the saa, which eventually manifest as eyes and mouth of fire like Ishamael had. But... nowhere does it say that the effect is ever-present. Indeed, it was my impression that - like the saa - those fiery eyes are only visible at times, perhaps when the individual draws deeply from the TP. Hence my opinion is that Ishamael appeared in the Dream exactly as he is outside of it.


    Another point for thought - we don't actually know that those Ba'alzamon Dreams took place in tel'aran'rhiod. It could easily have been Ishamael's own dreams, some site near Shayol Ghul, or some sort of a combination of the three.

  3. Hello! I've done a couple of quick google searches, and haven't found the answer anywhere yet.. Can anyone tell me if the ebook cover art for any/all of the WoT books is available for purchase?


    Thanks :-)


    Amazon sells the e-books, and they display the e-book cover art on the info page for the e-books. All you have to do is right-click on the picture and then choose the option for "Save Image as..." to save it to your computer. No purchase necessary.

    You don't even have to do that. The images are all hosted on DM in high-res. Just look in the Gallery. Of course, they're still protected by law, so restrictions apply on the ways in which you may use those images.

  4. now now, might this be something still to happen as of aMoL? something about an alliance between Tuon and Eggy? or something to do with Tylee? since in the dream the woman carried a sword. Ideas, thoughts? Has this already been discussed somewhere?

    Indeed, Brandon's confirmed that this Dream has yet to be fulfilled. Tuon and Tylee are both strong competitors in discussions I've read, along with Leilwin. I don't know if I can find a specific place where that's been discussed, but if you search for these three names, I'm sure something'll come up.

  5. The real saving grace of the last few books for me has been Matt.

    Say, are you listening to the audio books, by any chance? Or perhaps reading a translated copy? Never mind, I agree that Mat's plot line is very good. It gets better in KoD, and it's pretty good in ToM as well.


    I can kind of see how Egwene's inaction is setting up event to happen later

    Hmm, let us know what you think once you've finished CoT. I must admit, I REALLY liked Egwene's chapters in KoD (and TGS, kudos for Brandon), and I didn't like her at all in LoC through CoT.


    just wondering when the Seanchan - who are the only group that seems to be actually doing something other than talking these days, are going to show up and ruin everyone's day.

    Try to guess what they're playing at before you start TGS (you can try to assess their intentions before KoD, I think, but that'll be harder). It'll be more fun that way.

  6. Of course it's a matter of taste. Just as all of the people agreeing that CoT is awful are expressing their taste. The OP asked for opinions. Is the proper Aquarian response to say simply, "It's all just a matter of taste?"

    The point was that there's a difference between saying "I didn't care for it" and saying "it's an awful book". Having it be your honest opinion doesn't excuse the crudeness. I'm glad that it was said by someone other than myself, but I was already considering asking you all to restrain the language you use. After all, if there ever was a place in which saying something like that might bother other people, it's here.


    [EDIT: It occurs to me that this comment might've come across differently than was intended. Please allow me to clarify that I was not voicing satisfaction at the way CoT was referred to. On the contrary, I meant to second Aquarius's request.]


    As for general opinion, take a look at that poll someone linked to on the first page. KoD doesn't seem that popular to me.

    Not that popular? Sure, it's not many people's first choice, but if you take the time to read through people's comments, you'll find that it often ranks relatively high, and almost never near the end of the list.

  7. I think many of us can identify with feeling some measure of frustration at that point in the series. It's not that what happens in TPoD through CoT isn't important, but the pace is considerably slower than the WoT we knew from TGH and TSR.

    Having said that, I think that most of my personal frustration stemmed from only getting to read a single WoT installment every few years, so having that book be CoT was a little disappointing. I think I'd have rather enjoyed myself if I knew I could just keep on reading.


    As to your question - Yes. The pace does pick up. The following books are considered by many to be very good. If you want to get a feeling for the general consensus (as far as such a thing exists), look here.

  8. 1. I can't remember the specific circumstances under which this sort of thing would occur, what were they exactly?

    It happens when you try to unweave a weave you've made rather than just let go of it. The reason Elayne did it with her gateway is because she feared some damane might know how to read residues, and she didn't want to hand them Travelling (TPoD, Unweaving, if memory serves). Apparently, all Aiel WO know how to do it successfully, but AS find it nearly impossible (and Moridin thought the same).


    2. Is this what the Seanchan are talking about when mentioning or thinking about "that new weapon" used outside Ebou Dar (or wherever it was)?

    Yes, it is.


    3. Is this what commonly happens when a weave is unraveled in an uncontrolled manner, or could just about anything happen?

    Not always. It varies.


    4. Could this side effect of fumbling your weaving roll be used in some way in the remainder of the series?

    It could, but as I said the results can't be relied upon. What's more, it can sometimes Burn out everyone near, so it wouldn't be an efficient weapon, to say the least.

  9. p. 674 A Reunion-it's nit picky, but Aviendha keeps thinking of Rand entirely by his first name here. She's always addressed him and thought of him as Rand al'Thor, since that's his whole name as she sees it. She's explained in the past that using part of someone's name is like a "honey name" between lovers, and she's not yet familiar enough with him to think of him that way. I could understand an occasional slip in her consciousness as she begins to adapt to thinking of him more familiarly, but the name Rand is used 10 times in two pages here, and only once is it followed by "al'Thor." The ratio should be reversed.

    Reread WH 'A Lily in Winter'. Once she told him she loved him, she started calling him Rand. At least she did to his face, but why not think of him that way too?

  10. It was a succession war that didn't end with a succession. Elayne is irritated with Ellorien because there shouldn't have been any question of Trakand staying in power given that there was a perfectly viable Daugher-Heir. By calling the situation a succession, Ellorien implied that Elayne was unfit to rule.

    What happened was this:

    Ellorien sneered. "If you're waiting for Danine to make your ten, you'll have a long wait. Danine spent the last Succession visiting her manors. She never declared for anyone."

    Elayne smiled, but it was difficult. A Succession was when one House succeeded another on the throne. "I will have tea."

    So I reject your conclusion. The process (and indeed the entire period of civil unrest) is referred to as a Succession ONLY if one House succeeds another.


    Take a look at my rough timeline above. Elayne met with Mat before Veins of Gold (indeed, the gholam died before VoG). The meeting between Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne in T'A'R happened after VoG.


    I agree that Mat wouldn't wait, which is why his apparent 60 day stretch in Caemlyn seems wrong. If you can poke holes in my timeline logic, though, please do.

    It's hard, because you don't really offer a timeline. We know (according to Brandon) that Mat arrives at Caemlyn +30 days prior to Veins of Gold, right? Elayne meets with him some 10 days after, I believe. She then gets restricted to her bed shortly after (in about a day or two). That's another week (10 days). Gawyn appears to arrive at Caemlyn just when she's finished with that, but from Egwene's point of view he doesn't leave TV until after 4 AS get killed, which takes several days (I can't remember exactly, but he does tell us IIRC) past VoG. By then Egwene's met with Elayne in TAR, and Gawyn ruined her trap (which is bound to be several more days). So, which is it? 10 days prior to VoG or ~10-15 days after?

  11. It was a war over who would succeed to the Lion Throne, thus a succession war. It just happened to end with Trakand retaining the crown.

    See, now you're arguing with Elayne. Do you remember KoD 'The importance of Dyelyn'? There's a terminology to those things, and Elayne insists that Ellorien was being provocative by calling it a succession, when in fact it is not (not unless she loses, that is).


    As to the chronology, Mat wouldn't wait more than 30 days in Caemlyn. He promised Thom. And Verin was fairly certain that the trollocs will arrive at Caemlyn in no more than a month. Also, when did Elayne answer that summons of Egwene's? Because she didn't seem to know what Egwene told her back in her PoV's with Mat.

  12. I don't know if this is a mistake, worded poorly, or a hint at something more:


    Page 726


    "The other four looked at her. She was of the lineage of the Dragon, one of the last living. The other three lines had been killed off."


    Could mean that she meant of Aviendha's line, but if so, it could have been worded in a much better way. Could also have been meant to say "Last of the three". Or, it could mean Rand has a fourth wife.

    This is from Aviendha's great granddaughter. Aviendha and Rand supposedly had 4 children, each went on to sire a lineage. Those are the four lines, and the woman speaking is supposedly the last remaining descendant.

  13. Repeating last post (in case it was missed first time); currently unable to do private messaging.

    Okay. I didn't find anything in Perrin's meetings with Hopper in TSR. Nevertheless, I did find this quote from Winter's Heart that could be interpreted as Hopper kicking Perrin out. Or not, you decide.

    Hear me, cub! Hopper thought at him fiercely. "Your mind is twisted with fear! She is not here, and you will die if you remain longer, find her in the waking world. You can only find her there. Go back, and find her!

    Perrin's eyes snapped open.

  14. Okay, how about these ones (I'm mostly pasting from what I wrote in the 'ask a thread' topic)?

    a) Both Morgase and Wil heard Perrin when Masuri's reportedly erected a ward around the tent (Perrin stepped out, Morgase inside, Wil faraway).


    b) Elayne HERSELF referred to the civil war as a succession war, when she was adamant it wasn't a succession unless one House succeeded another in KoD. BTW Thom did that as well, and I believe him equally unlikely to make that mistake. If I'm not mistaken, the same happened in TGS somewhere.


    c) Wasn't there something off in Elayne's timeline? She was aligned with Mat at the beginning, yet when Gawyn arrived at Caemlyn she was aligned with Egwene, plus there was her meeting with Egwene in the Dream World which I don't know how to fit in. I do remember that I felt something was seriously wrong the first time we got to see White Tower dwelers from her PoV (when that was, I'm not sure).

  15. It's a pseudo-stedding (never heard that phrase before, but it's succinct) and since it doesn't stop a weave from outside the Guardian, someone could balefire Far Madding. That's a curious notion, huh.

    I'm not so sure. For one, I doubt Shadowspawn will hesitate to enter the city. For another, I have a strong feeling that one can't channel the TP in a stedding, and we only know of two halves to the Guardian - one that guards against sai'din and one sai'dar.

  16. Repeating last post (in case it was missed first time); currently unable to do private messaging.


    I didn't forget about you. The notice I got for your quoting me is still in my inbox, so I wouldn't forget. It's just I'm busy with ToM right now to go check TSR for Perrin's dreams. I'll do it eventually, don't worry.


    Did Rand channel in Whitebridge when the fade came at Thom them, and is that the cause of the blue flashes?

    RJ was asked about that, and he gave two answers, and insisted both were correct. The first is that the flashes began before Thom reached the Fade. The second is that Thom's favorite pair of daggers is very special indeed (i.e. Power-wrought, I think, though he didn't say that).

    Oh, and Thom definitely did not channel himself. He can't channel. RJ was clear on that.

    As to your idea, later books suggest that one needs to see where he channels at to do most things. I don't know if that would work, but I certainly can't dismiss the idea offhand.

  17. A quote? Yeah: "Twice and twice shall he be marked." Past tense. Twice and twice he was marked, with the marks the prophecy required. The stuff the herons were for already happened anyway: set his path and named him true. The end. Heron no longer required.

    I'm no linguist, and what little I do know is that native speakers determine what's right and wrong themselves, but couldn't the word "marked" also function as an adjective? Doesn't it here?

    This is what wiki has to say on the matter:

    Many languages have special verbal forms called participles can act as noun modifiers. In some languages, including English, there is a strong tendency for participles to evolve into adjectives.

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