I'm afraid it's been a hectic week, so the best I can do is feature the best anonymous Wheel of Time painting I've ever accidentally stumbled across. Have you seen it before?
I found an unattributed thumbnail of this emotionally charged depiction of Rand while reading the post on angreal in the Wheel of Time wiki earlier this week. It took me a while to puzzle out the signature, which just says "SCRAPS." It took me a bit longer to hunt down the artist's blog, which appears to be entirely anonymous.
As of the time I am writing this, the blog has been visited only 183 times since 2008, and a handful of those visits are mine. The painting itself, which has been online since 2010, only has one comment, which (startling to me, but then again I'm not one to split hairs about canon) is only lukewarm. Since I've dedicated this entire week to this single painting, you can probably guess my opinions on it. Basically, I think it's genius. Also, it gives me the willies.
With a little help from Google, I actually did manage to find out more about the artist. However, the fact that I had to go digging in the first place suggests he has an interest in keeping his professional and Internet personas separate, so I think I'll play it safe and keep mum on that topic. Besides, it adds to the mystery, doesn't it?
Speaking of impressive artists that are virtually unknown in the Wheel of Time fan art community, I'd like to thank everyone for your enthusiastic reception of Josh Hass's amazing painting of the Myrddraal. Your praise has inspired him to do a second Wheel of Time piece, which I will undoubtedly feature when (and if--no pressure, Josh!) it is finished (for details, see the comments from that post). It's extremely exciting to see Dragonmount and Fan Art Friday foster the creation of new art.
If you know of other paintings like this one or the one by Josh Hass (i.e. those by stunningly talented artists on the edges of the Wheel of Time fanverse), please leave a comment with a link!
Lastly, I apologize for my brevity (by which I am of course referring to the lack of images, not a lack of words). Next week, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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