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are there any RPs going on in Shienar right now... prefferably with the army? I just made a new Darkfriend character thats a soldier in Fal Dara. If not, I suppose I'll have to wander the Blight or something for a while




I do have my Tower Guard training an Accepted (now Aes Sedai, but retro wise) in Fal Moran currently. If you wanted in on that I could talk to her and we could work something out.


Sammael currently rules in Shienar, you could ask him about stuff. You remember Dias don't you from amongst the Shar Mahdi? He plays Sammael still.


Also, Chachin was destroyed by SG, and Kandor has been struck heavily, still no resolution on where that has gone yet, but hopefully to be figured out over the next month, but thats no answer for any initial RPing.


I can't think of anyone that is in Shienar right now... having said that, there well could be, or people willing to swing by that way to meet up with your character.


hmm that might be fun.


and acctually sammael in shienar would be perfect... he's a military man and I'm going to be a dark soldier.... beeeeery eeeenterestiiing


so how retro is it? My character is only 25 and has only been a soldier for 8-ish years.


I'm not sure actually :) I'm not aging my char too much, maybe by a few months at most :) Being quite loose with the timeline since Christine's char is WT. Since they can end up aging by decades at a time, it doesn't help for non-channelers so details are fudged.


So yeah, if you want in, play fast and loose with the timeline and assume it occurs sometime before the current RP :)


And yeah, just hit Sammael up on the shayol ghul boards. Either the div one here or.. Wait there, let me find the link to SG's offsite boards.




Edit: Just went to the boards and saw you've already found them :D


Funky, cept Christine's just gone on LOA :D


We'll work something out, I'll send you a PM in the morning. Too tired to come up with anything atm.


and now I am off LoA... we are going to be about... ummm... ya know what, lets not worry about the timeline, because if i did, i dont think you guys would have been born yet!

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