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Backseat Gamer Review: Crackdown


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Ok. I don't really play video games, but I have spent years watching other people play them, so I figured, who better to kick off a Backseat Gamer Review feature than me!


Today's review is for crackdown. When I first watched the demo I wasn't impressed, but watching the actual game is more amusing.


The Good:

1. I can help spot green agility orbs and help pick which to jump for first.

2. Mocking the character for jumping like a faerie.

3. Watching explosions.

4. Assisting on finding checkpoints for rooftop races.

5. Very little down time.


The Annoying:

1. Some random voiceover guy gives instructions and information during the game, while this is helpful in the beginning it gets SO ANNOYING when three islands have been totally cleared and it is obvious the gamer knows that running over civilians shouldn't be done and that fighting people ups your muscle score.


2. The game can get a little redundant. It's beating up enemies, or shooting them, or blowing them up, it's jumping about (like a faerie), or driving (often over civilians and vehicles seem difficult to steer).



Overall? Good mindless entertainment, but it might be good to have a task to work on while the frontseat gamer does their thing.


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