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Golden Dreams (Attn Candarr Sisters and Anton)


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Anabel made her way back to the group but couldn't help but feel her hackles raised.  Korrena was talking to her but she had been there barely long enough to hear the words from her sister.  Anabel didn't know what the woman's trouble was, didn't know what had happened to Katrina to make her want to hurt Anton, but she wasn't about to let it happen.  Anton could take care of himself, but men had a tendency to think of women weak and incapable. 


Without realizing she was ignoring the youngest sister, she crossed over to the other, unable to keep the growl that emanated deep in her throat.  She had been too close to her wolf side since finding herself in this time and place and tonight was no better.  Hearing the other woman's threats had been more than enough.  She didn't speak to the other.. she simply walked between her and Anton, her eyes glaring at the other.  She sat next  to Anton's bedroll, making her territory well known.




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Kat heard her sister talking behind her, "I don't know, Golden eyes are by far very unique. Eventually mine will change too, but at least Windy will always hold the colour of my original eyes. I will never forget them. Maybe I'm lucky that way, maybe not. Personally I'm just happy to be out of the house!" A smiled graced her face as she heard her sister say these words, Korrena had always been the most wanting to travel the world, personally she would have been happy to just find a man that she actually loved and settle down and make babies. However she was the oldest and had to marry for duty and to a ugly snake. It didn't matter much now anyway, she was gone and would never be allowed back. Keeping an eye on him she moved over to get some more rabbit and noticed that a very strange scent was coming from the other wolfgirl, if she was correct the girl was jealous and protective. She wondered what the heck was wrong with her and then looked over at Anton, recognition bloomed in her eyes as she looked back and forth between them. Timewalker moved toward her in a deadly movement and Rena could hear a growl coming from low in her throat. The woman walked between them and took a seat on the bedroll, Rena gained her feet and rolled her eyes at the woman before speaking, "Your more than welcome to him sugar, but try anything with me and I will rip your head of your shoulders, I have had enough of being touched and laid into for one night." She glared at her and then laid back down on her back with her eyes on the two with golden eyes like her own.


Katrina Candarr

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The growl quieted in Anabel's throat, but the words made something worse spark in her.  She barely managed to keep her hands from going around the other woman's throat and to keep her feet planted on the floor instead of jumping at her.  She was better than that though.  She took a deep breath.  This was the Howling.  this was the other woman and her unknown story and her inability to control her wolf.  Anabel took another deep breath and tried to calm the wolf inside her. 


She didn't respond to the other woman's words, but glared for a second longer before looking away.  She didn't worry about the girl's threat.  She'd been captured and tortured by dark friends  long before this one had ever been born.  What damage could she possibly do to her?  Still, she had every intention of keeping an eye on the other woman from that point on.



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